Macrobject CHM-2-Word will allow users to convert HTML Help to Word and also convert CHM to Doc.
This is a powerful CHM convertor helping you to create Word document from HTML help. Convert CHM files to perfect Word document without any HTML or CHM skills. Make Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required.
Do you need to provide your product’s documents both in print and CHM file format? Do you want to create a Word document from CHM file while you don’t have any CHM skills?
Now you can forget your trouble and let CHM-2-Word serve you. CHM-2-Word is an application that can convert your CHM files into Word documents.
With CHM-2-Word, you can create Word document from CHM file easily without any HTML or CHM skills. Just a mouse click, the Word document will be created in seconds.
The format and styles are kept. The images are kept in the generated Word document. And anything in the original CHM files are kept in the alone Word document.
The command line of CHM-2-Word can be used to generate Word document from CHM file automatically.







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* The most powerful tool for converting CHM to Word
* Backup all CHM information (including table data, images and text) of all pages
* Retain any original CHM style, layout and position
* Support individual page and multiple pages
* Support hyperlinks, and create table of contents and index
* Support font, color, size and position changing
* Support TOC, index and cross-ref
* Support Pagebreak, Sectionbreak and Section break in a document and print preview as HTML help
* Optimized to use native Word Xtra function
* CHM2Word.exe is a stand-alone GUI application that you don’t need to install any CHM tools
* Supports batch processing
* Very fast CHM conversion with large files
* Save any output format as PDF, PNG, GIF, BMP, JPG
* Supports HTML format
* Support HTML styles
* Create Multiple-Paged CHM
* Generate the logo automatically
* Supports OLE2 Media
* Supports Bootstrap template
* Create CHM help for any version of Word
* Create CHM help for any version of OS
* Supports Web Help version 1, 2, 3, 4
* Supports Help Workshop Help
* Support Help System
* Support add-in-customization
* Support add-in setting
* Support add-in-setting dialog box
* Support add-in print preview
* Support add-in print to print
* Support add-in-section
* Supports page merging
* Support Layout Merge
* Support section merge
* Support page merge
* Support bookmarks
* Support bookmark and anchor merging
* Support page locking
* Support page lock
* Support language
* Support all languages
* Support all languages
* Support all languages
* Suppot for Windows xp – Windows 7
Macrobject CHM-2-Word 2008 Developer Description:
* Convert CHM to word by macrobject.
* Support multiple input files by FileSystemDialog
* Supports CHM and HTML output
* Supports ActiveX control auto-opening if opened from browser
* Supports activeX control with set-up dialog
* Supports ActiveX control with set-up dialog and bookmark-merge
* Supports ActiveX control with set-up dialog and update-merge
* Supports ActiveX control with set-up dialog and bookmark-merge
* Support ActiveX control set-up dialog with JavaScript

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Make Word document from CHM file with a single click
Dump any CHM/HTML/SWF/JPG/GIF/PNG files and other image formats into Word.
Keep the format/style/layout of original CHM file
Keep the images or images in original CHM file within new Word document.
Embed the images into the Word document or to the bifurcated ones.
Change the format of new CHM file: HTML help, Word document, PDF document, HTML document…Complex DNA excision or repair genes in human cancer.
Microsatellite DNA repeats accumulate mutations in cancer. Other than as epigenetic instability of chromosome, it is thought that DNA damage (epigenetic and genotoxic) is a causative factor to induce the initiation and progression of cancer. At least five factors, hMLH1, hMSH2, hMSH3, hMSH6, and hPMS2 are used to initiate the complex DNA repair system, which is involved in these processes. hMSH3 and hPMS2 gene mutations have been shown to be responsible for hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer. The mutation of hMSH2 has been associated with an increased risk of gastric cancer and microsatellite instability-positive colorectal cancer. In addition, the hMSH3 and hPMS2 gene mutations predispose to Lynch syndrome. Human Msh3 is required for DNA repair of mismatched DNA, and hPMS2 is likely to be involved in DNA repair of mismatched DNA. In this article, the human homologs of the genes are demonstrated with various cancers. More functional studies are needed to determine the role of hPMS2 and hMSH3 in human cancer.Self/non-self discrimination in the domestic chick (Gallus gallus domesticus).
Adult domestic chicks (Gallus gallus domesticus) can be trained to discriminate foreign (guinea pig or rat) from self (chick) odor. The present study was undertaken to investigate the neuronal mechanisms associated with odor perception and self/non-self discrimination in the domestic chick. Self-odor was established by exposing the chick to a CD-1 mouse colony for 14 days. Guinea pig and rat odors were introduced into a modified Dexter chamber for 15 min prior to training. During training, the first training trial involved placement of the chick into the training chamber and exposure to 2 concentrations

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Main Features:
1. Generate CHM file from Word document in seconds with a single click
2. Keep the format and styles of the original CHM file
3. Converts CHM file to Word without HTML knowledge
4. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required
5. Preserve the original format/style/layout of the original CHM file
6. Allow user to get the original CHM file by email

More Macrobject CHM-2-Word information:
CHM-2-Word is a powerful and user-friendly CHM converter developed by MacroBject.
CHM-2-Word can help you easily create Word document from CHM file, keep the original format and styles of the original CHM file and embed images into Word document. It can preserve the source information in CHM file.
With a single click, you can create Word document from CHM file. The original format/style/layout of the original CHM file is kept. The images are embedded into the Word document.
If you don’t have CHM knowledge, you can use this program to create Word document from CHM file. This program is very easy to use, even no technical skills are required.
CHM-2-Word have following features:
1. Automatically create Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click.
2. Keep the original format and styles of the original CHM file.
3. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required.
4. Preserve the original format/style/layout of the original CHM file.
5. Allow user to get the original CHM file by email.

Macrobject CHM-3-Image will allow users to convert HTML Help to image and also convert CHM to image.
This is a powerful CHM convertor helping you to create image from HTML help.
Convert CHM files to perfect image in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout of the original CHM files. Embed all images into image document and no external files are required.
Do you need to provide your product’s documents both in print and image format? Do you want to create image from CHM file while you don’t have any HTML or CHM skills?
Now you can forget your trouble and let CHM-2-Image serve you.

What’s New In Macrobject CHM-2-Word 2008 Pro?

Macrobject CHM-2-Word is a professional and easy to use CHM-Word Converter. It can help you create Word document from CHM file. With a single click, the Word document will be created automatically.

Macrobject CHM-2-Word is a powerful CHM convertor helping you to create Word document from HTML help. Convert CHM files to perfect Word document without any HTML or CHM skills. Make Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required.

Chm to word conversion tool to convert chm to Word/rtf in windows. Convert CHM to Word with this chm to word conversion tool.
Features :
1. Convert chm file to Word, RTF.
2. Easy to use interface.
3. 100% virus free.
4. Very high conversion rate.
5. Multilingual support.
6. Multi-threaded conversion.
7. No external files required.
8. Unlimited text conversion.
9. Unicode support.
10. No page limitation.
11. No file size limitation.
You can convert chm file to Word 2008/2007/2003/2000/1998 with a single click.
This is a powerful chm to word converter helping you to create Word document from HTML help. Convert CHM files to perfect Word document without any HTML or CHM skills. Make Word document from CHM file in seconds with a single click. Keep the format/style/layout (include images and tables) of the original CHM file. Embed all images into Word document and no external files are required.
Do you need to provide your product’s documents both in print and CHM file format? Do you want to create a Word document from CHM file while you don’t have any CHM skills?
Now you can forget your trouble and let CHM-2-Word serve you. CHM-2-Word is an application that can convert your CHM files into Word documents.
With CHM-2-Word, you can create Word document from CHM file easily without any HTML or CHM skills. Just a mouse click, the Word document will be created in seconds.
The format and styles are kept. The images are kept in the generated Word document.

System Requirements For Macrobject CHM-2-Word 2008 Pro:

Before you start the workshop, you must have the Skyrim Ultimate Pack installed.
The following graphics and audio settings are recommended:
AMD/ATI video card:
– Maximum graphics quality: Shader Model 4.2 or higher
– Shader Model 1.1 or higher
Intel video card:
HD DSP audio:
– Sample rate: 44.1kHz or higher