L Estany De Foc Epub Download

i can remember back to my first hike along the shores of the mediterranean. it was a cicerone certification course with e. l. wine and spirits (at a later date i realised the instructor had a few beers along the way, definitely not a good idea!) they took us to a couple of places but the end of the trip was some 15 miles along the côte vermeire, which is the coast. it’s not really a coast, it’s a series of steep – and at one stage, vertiginous – sides that run into a bay. at the end of the bay, you reach a place called the tour de l’espanyol, which is the embarkation point for trips to the island of majorca.

the trip was in the dry season, which meant that the temperature was mild and the soil was dry. it was very easy to pick up the pace, because the ground was fine and flat. it was like a leisurely stroll; one never had to run!
however, as you get closer to the bottom of the steep sides of the cliffs the surface becomes more uneven and steep. the most famous spot is the cap de la fosca, which is a craggy stretch of rock in the middle of the cliffs. from the trail, you will see stunning views over the beaches and the sea. the path is well signposted, with green zig-zag markers and blue lines. on arrival at the cap de la fosca a steep path follows the side of the craggy bluff, where the profile of the hill varies considerably. in places, the path, which is often at a shallow or non-existent, is covered with a blanket of the yellowing and withering scrub, which is known as the ‘guindilla de la fosca’. this is characteristic of mountainous terrain and not good for those on a health kick.

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