Jet Island Free Download PC Game Fix


Jet Island Free Download PC Game

The game follows the premise of the Super Mario Bros., with a good number of references. At the beginning of the game, there is a Bowser hat on the throne, and a blood stain on the counter in the Information Center. In the first level, in which the player is tasked with rescuing a girl, the player must jump over a lava flow, as the ground is flooded; it was also featured in LEGO toys prior to the game’s release.

Part of the game’s plot revolves around using jet skis. The jet ski’s can be found from the beginning of the game, but new ones must be purchased. Each jet ski can be upgraded with either coins, merit points, or new parts. A new jet ski is needed to get to most of the islands in the game.

The game features many unique and amusing graphical effects, including the Brickster melting buildings when he jumps on them. Items can be bound together with brick connectors, which allows you to slam them on top of each other so that they make flying bricks, which then function as a jet ski or a rocket. One of the later game levels features a firework celebration. The Brickster can also cause a tornado and a hurricane by carefully planning his jumps, and various characters and objects give them as gifts. The Brickster himself can be controlled directly, can fly, and can run. There are also some gag levels that involve the Brickster reviving himself, or himself reviving the player. The Brickster can also kill by running up to the player and subsequently plummeting on them.

The game soundtracks are all played on metal instruments, such as hand drums used to accompany the levels. Certain music is played as if the Brickster are playing it, and on certain levels, the Brickster plays some too.

The Brickster is controlled by the mouse, and can move left and right and jump up and down. When the Brickster gets too close to you, or you land too hard on anything, it will shrink you to the size of a LEGO brick.
