Irie Pascal is a tool used to create executable programs (sometimes referred to just as executables for short) using the Pascal programming language.
Irie Pascal includes a compiler which is used to generate portable byte-code executables from Pascal source files, and an interpreter that runs the byte-code executables.
There is an edition of Irie Pascal for each of the five supported operating systems, and executables generated by any edition of Irie Pascal can run on any of the supported operating systems. The five supported operating systems are: (Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris/x86, and Solaris/Sparc).
The Windows Edition of Irie Pascal includes an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) that simplifies the process of creating executables, by allowing you to edit, compile, and run your programs, using a simple graphical user interface.
Irie Pascal’s ability to generate executables which run on multiple operating systems make it ideally suited for creating internet applications (since no one operating system platform is dominant on the internet). The Common Gateway Interface (CGI) is a simple but powerful protocol for creating server side internet applications. Irie Pascal assists the creation of CGI scripts with built-in support for decoding and parsing URL encoded strings, programming databases, and sending email.
Standard Pascal
Irie Pascal is highly compatible with Standard (ISO/IEC 7185) Pascal. This high level of compatibility means that Irie Pascal shares Standard Pascal’s strengths as a first language for beginners. These strengths include readable syntax, and extensive compile-time and run-time checking.
Irie Pascal supports many extensions to Standard Pascal, particularly in the areas of string and file/directory processing, which make it useful for creating quick programs and utilities. Irie Pascal’s automatic run-time checking make it useful for creating “quick and dirty” programs (i.e. programs that are expected to be run only a few times or by only a few people and thus may not be worth spending a lot of time on).
■ The evaluation version of Irie Pascal is limited in the size of programs that it will compile, and programs compiled by this evaluation version expire the next day.







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Irie Pascal Cracked Version is a full featured, multi-platform programming language with extensive built in tools that makes it perfect for rapid application development. Irie Pascal is a very powerful language, but its primary goal is to get started quickly with your first program. Irie Pascal is the best choice if you are trying to learn to program, or if you need to create a quick and dirty program very quickly. For example, Irie Pascal will automatically check for syntax and memory errors. Irie Pascal is also ideal if you want to write short, application-specific programs for a company or school. If your business/school pays you, but does not wish to spend a lot of time writing programs, then Irie Pascal is the perfect choice.
Irie Pascal is distributed as a single binary executable or a compressed archive containing the binary executable and the appropriate system dependent files.
Irie Pascal supports all the basic compilers features including 16-bit, 32-bit, and 64-bit versions. Irie Pascal can be run on any system supporting the Windows, Linux, Solaris/x86, Solaris/Sparc, or SunOS/SPARC operating systems.
Support for Windows applications, including IDE integration and Win32/Win64 applications. Standard Pascal compiler, and Unicode Pascal compiler. Interpreter for the Windows edition of Irie Pascal.
Irie Pascal supports all the features of Standard Pascal including memory safe collections (allocates and frees objects through a separate memory allocator), object orientation and dynamic typing. Irie Pascal also supports Generics (TList, TPair, TFastList, etc.) Interface types, and dynamic dispatch.
Irie Pascal includes a Set of pre-defined macros that are included with the distribution. These macros include:
* Set of math functions (sin, cos, sqrt, log, etc.)
* Strings (string handling operations such as: split, concatenate, find, find_first, and etc.)
* File system operations (create, delete, read, write, etc.)
* Arrays and other collection types (array constructors, get, set, size, etc.)
* Random generator (rand, srand, etc.)
* Basic utilities (Math.abs, Math.min, Math.max, and etc.)
* Arithmetic operators (add, sub, mul, and etc.)
* Operator overloading (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, modulo, etc.)

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Irie Pascal is a tool used to create executable programs (sometimes referred to just as executables for short) using the Pascal programming language. It is distributed free of charge. (It is also called Turbo Pascal 2.0 as written on the subject in the source code). Irie Pascal includes a compiler that is used to generate portable byte-code executables from Pascal source files, and an interpreter that runs the byte-code executables. Its behaviour on compiled code can be used to direct the execution of programs, since there is no difference between the source code and the compiled code. Consequently, compiled programs can be executed directly, or interpreted and executed as a string of characters (much like computer code written in BASIC, FORTRAN or other languages). The source code for Irie Pascal is released under the GNU GPL v2.0 license. The WWW site of the Irie Pascal project is
Features of Irie Pascal
■ Supports all Standard Pascal versions and all major versions of all supported Operating Systems.
■ Generates portable byte-code executables.
■ Programs can be executed directly, or interpreted and executed as a string of characters.
■ Can compile most, if not all, available versions of Pascal source code.
■ Generates executables that can run on all supported Operating Systems.
■ Supports almost unlimited number of source files.
■ Supports several options to improve the quality of the compiled code.
■ Supports direct execution of a program, or execution as a string of characters.
■ Supports a number of command line options.
■ Supports unlimited number of source files.
■ Supports compilation on an unlimited number of systems.
■ Supports an unlimited number of project files.
■ Supports compilation of both a bunch of files, and an individual file.
■ Supports compilation for all supported operating systems.
■ Compiles programs in a single pass, without preliminary compilation to byte-code.
■ Compiles programs for all supported operating systems.
■ Supports compilation for the following supported operating systems: Windows, Linux, FreeBSD, Solaris/x86, Solaris/Sparc.
■ Supports compilation for all of the following supported languages: Pascal, Standard Pascal, Extended Pascal, Object Pascal, Extended Object Pascal, Modula

What’s New in the Irie Pascal?

The Irie Pascal language is a comprehensive new language for creating “turn-key” programs in Pascal. The name Irie Pascal comes from the ancient Egyptian God of Eternity.
Irie Pascal’s features and benefits include:
■ Irie Pascal has a set of advanced features, including automatic generation of source code from visual tools, integration with advanced IDE’s, and language and run-time support for embedded databases, multi-user applications, secure login web-based applications, and downloadable email. Irie Pascal programs can be easily adapted for most operating systems.
■ Irie Pascal supports the full ANSI Pascal language including array slicing, iteration through optional keys, multiple dispatch, and type casting. Irie Pascal programs automatically compile into efficient, run-time optimized programs which use portable byte-code. These programs can be converted to any of the supported operating systems for which Irie Pascal is available.
■ The unique “dual nature” of Irie Pascal (compiler and interpreter) allows it to be used either as a compiler or interpreter. However, it is nearly always used as a compiler since the interpreter is rather limited.
■ Irie Pascal is highly compatible with Standard Pascal. This compatibility allows a full life-cycle for Irie Pascal programs, from quick and dirty programs to full commercial programs. Irie Pascal programs can be easily compiled, debugged, distributed, and distributed and updated.
There are several editions of Irie Pascal available. Each edition includes:
■ Irie Pascal’s standard editions are Irie Pascal for Windows, Irie Pascal for Linux, Irie Pascal for FreeBSD, and Irie Pascal for Solaris/x86 and Solaris/Sparc. The evaluation edition includes a full Java edition and an edition specifically for writing enterprise applications.
■ Irie Pascal for Windows, Irie Pascal for Linux, Irie Pascal for FreeBSD, and Irie Pascal for Solaris/x86 and Solaris/Sparc include an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) which allows users to create, compile, and run, their own executables, quickly.
■ Irie Pascal includes a standard Pascal language manual which provides a quick reference for use in Irie Pascal programs. The standard Pascal language manual is included with all editions of Irie Pascal.
■ Irie Pascal allows developers to take advantage of Irie Pascal’s capabilities in all supported languages by using its standard editions. These editions also include: a

System Requirements For Irie Pascal:

Compatible with NVIDIA GeForce GTX 460/PCIe/M/U/G/SH/XT, nVidia GeForce GTX 550 Ti/PCIe/M/U/G, nVidia GeForce GTX 560 Ti/PCIe/M/U/G, nVidia GeForce GTX 580/PCIe/M/U/G, nVidia GeForce GTX 670, nVidia GeForce GTX 780, nVidia GeForce GTX 780 Ti, nVidia GeForce GTX Titan, nVidia GeForce GTX 980, and nVidia GeForce GTX 1080