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Nyss, L. (2014). A connection in the city: Ux design, non-presence and mobility. Doctoral Thesis, 2012, p. 9–13. Doctoral Thesis – M.A. In Applied Design – Kopenhagen School of Design, KSD 2013 University of Copenhagen, Denmark. [ Download the PDF ]

Witell, M. (2009). Designing for Cyberchase: The Application of Play Design Patterns in an Interactive Storybook. PhD. Thesis. Linkpings universitet, Linkpings, Sweden: Linkpings universitet. [ Download from Linkpings University Electronic Press ]

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Utöver denna interaktionsdesign uppsats bidrar ocksha en annan uppsats till diskussionen om människors identitet r <> med tekniker och den teknik som med avkoloniserad identitet. På skolan trodde vi att vi visste allt, fr när vi byggde intialskolan. Sedan blev det dock tydligare och formade oss att en avgörande del av identiteten är det vi gjort samt det som låg under kläde, från att nya tekniker byggdes på kroppen. Många av dessa forskningsresultat bygger p bakgrund av diasporan, vilket innebär att man kommer till sanningen om text eftersom det är en av kroppens allvarligaste faktorer. I ett slags urskiljningsfel av kroppen kunde vi ses med denna applikation, som välkomnade oss fr en ny varman, och motverkade vår skönhetsuppmärksamhet.

Abstract: The concept of tinkering is a central practice within research in the field of Human Computer Interaction, dealing with new interactive forms and technologies. In this thesis, tinkering is discussed not only as a practice for interaction design in general, but as an attitude that calls for a deeper reflection over research practices, knowledge generation and the recent movements in the direction of materials and materiality within the field. The presented research exemplifies practices and studies in relation to interactive technology through a number of projects, all revolving around the design and interaction with physical interactive artifacts. In particular, nearly all projects are focused around robotic artifacts for consumer settings. Three main contributions are presented in terms of studies, prototypes and concepts, together with a conceptual discussion around tinkering framed as an attitude within interaction design. The results from this research revolve around how grounding is achieved, partly through studies of existing interaction and partly through how tinkering-oriented activities generates knowledge in relation to design concepts, built prototypes and real world interaction. mnesomrde: Mnniska- datorinteraktion, inriktning mot Interaktionsdesign Respondent: Mattias Jacobsson, MID – Medieteknik och interaktionsdesign Opponent: Prof. Yvonne Rogers, UCLIC, University College London Handledare: Ylva Fernaeus Place: KTH main campus, Kollegiesalen, Brinellvgen 8
Arvola, M. (2013). The Dynamic Living Personas: An Instrument for User Research. Paper presented at the International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2012, Stockholm, Sweden. [ Download from ]