How To Turn Coke Into Crack With Ammonia !!LINK!!


How To Turn Coke Into Crack With Ammonia

Once the mixture is pure, you want to add the soda, but not until the mixture is perfectly solid. During this process there is a chance that the mixture will crack and start to drizzle. If this happens, stop immediatly. Instead, remove the lid and use a spoon to lift the material off of the bottom of the pan. Put the lid back on. Once the coke/soda mixture is separated, mix in the soda. Stir until the substance is uniform in color. Now the liquid should be clear or slightly cloudy. Add more soda, if needed. If the mixture looks and smells ready, it is time to add the coke.

Its difficult to just spoon coke into the mixture. You need to do it slowly, otherwise you risk spilling it all over. If the liquid looks thin to begin with, you will have to add more coke, otherwise you will have to add more soda. Now, add the coke and stir until you are happy with the color. Take the pot off the heat and put it in the fridge to cool.

Now to get to the real fun part, thats actually turning this into crack. Fill the glass container with all of your cocaine powder. Put it on the kitchen counter or the stove for like 15 min, and every minute it will turn into cocaine freebase. Its already done this process of turning from powder into freebase, but you just have to maintain the temperature of the mixture. Maintain it close to 120 fahrenheit so that your freebase doesnt crack all over the place. And as a precaution, make sure that the glass container doesnt break, theres not a lot you can do if that happens. And dont turn your stove on. And if you accidentally do and you see a big white bloom come off of your stove, that bloom is your cocaine, it will not be good or even function, because if you live in the states, the cocaine is wont be FDA approved, just use it in tea and drink it. If you accidentally do the stove, dont worry, the stove or the glass container will withstand the same temperatures as the rest of the mixture. Just maintain the temperatures. While you are maintaining this high temperature just know that like every minute or so, the temperature is going to drop. When it drops, it will get colder, cuz you are letting the cocaine freebase cool, so you will have to add more heat back to the mixture. Go over your mixture, its makin crack, so you might as well make some more, makin crack until its all finished and all the cocaine freebase is gone. Because you are not just making it, you are making crack, therefor, just like the crack addict, youll keep making it. If you dont want to make more crack, you can put it in a zip lock bag, seal it, and put it in the freezer. Itll stay that way for a few months, and you can make crack off of it whenever you wanna, its your crack, your cocaine, your crack-a-lack, whatever you wanna call it

I have tried turning coca powder into crack with ammonia with about 3.3g to 1g of coca powder and 2g of bicarb with 4.5g of water for about 30 mins in a glass jug. The water went in and I turned the jug upside down and shook it then turned it right way up. I used my pocket lighter to get it to boil and it was boiling when I opened the door and it settled down and the brown bubbly mixture dried out and went out.
Alright, Ive just cracked a dealer who is selling a lot of 5g in the local area. He tried to rip me off by taking a serious bit of crack and then adding some powder which he mixed in with it. Im not impressed, these days most dealers are all about speed and its annoying to get ripped off. Im thinking of calling him a dickhead but thats not constructive or helpful, I really need a coke snort, and Im ready to have a bit of fun, if I get something then good luck to him, I shall enjoy myself and do it once and never again. Click Here
You will need at least 3 parts water to one part coke, soda or anything you see fit. If you have a normal amount of soda you will need about 1 cup (237 ml) of soda. Place this into a 4 quart pot, making sure water is plenty warm, but not hot. When the soda is out, turn up the heat, but not past the point where water begins to boil over. Make sure water is completely warm when you add the coke. The mixture will turn a dirty brown/purple color. The smell will be less pleasant than soda, but not half as bad as the smell of alcohol.
We need to start the heating process. Dont mess with this process until the coke is completely hard, otherwise you wont get the right substance and it will taste terrible. As it starts heating up there are several things that will happen. First, the gases will come out. Second, the heat will break the ether and the mixture will begin to separate. Third, you should see some bubbles forming on the surface of the mixture. The bubbles do not go away until the mixture has begun to turn solid. If the heating process does not go well, this could potentially lead to a repeat of the above step, causing the mixture to boil over. After the mixture has thickened up, you can take it off the heat and add the soda, following the same methods that we used to prepare the mixture in the first place. You want the mixture to be thicker, so in order to thin it out, we must heat it up a bit more.