How To Crack Nagios Xi VERIFIED ⬜

How To Crack Nagios Xi ===== DOWNLOAD (Mirror #1)


How To Crack Nagios Xi

[2011-05-07 15:46:25] root@server:/home/user1# getent passwd user1 user1:x:500:500:user1:/home/user1:/bin/false
[2011-05-07 15:46:26] root@server:/home/user1#
[2011-05-07 15:46:28] root@server:/home/user1# host nagios.local
[2011-05-07 15:46:28] root@server:/home/user1#
[2011-05-07 15:46:29] root@server:/home/user1# [key cat ~/.ssh/id_dsa]
[2011-05-07 15:46:30] root@server:/home/user1#.
[2011-05-07 15:46:31] root@server:/home/user1# id
uid=1001(user1) gid=1000(user1) groups=1000(user1)
[2011-05-07 15:46:31] root@server:/home/user1#
[2011-05-07 15:46:32] root@server:/home/user1# rpm -ql yum | grep nagios
[2011-05-07 15:46:33] root@server:/home/user1#
[2011-05-07 15:46:34] root@server:/home/user1#
[2011-05-07 15:46:35] root@server:/home/user1# nagios -v
Version : Nagios XI
License : Nagios XI License Key

[2011-05-07 15:46:35] root@server:/home/user1#
[2011-05-07 15:46:36] root@server:/home/user1# [key pip]
[2011-05-07 15:46:37] root@server:/home/user1#.
[2011-05-07 15:46:40] root@server:/home/user1# ssh user1@nagios.local
user1@nagios.local’s password:
Last login: Sat Apr 22 00:48:59 2011 from
[2011-05-07 15:46:40] root

Step-By-Step Instructions
1. First of all, you need to download a crack for the ISO file. The best choice is to use its own direct link as it will save your time.

Note: You need to have a web browser installed on your computer to follow the rest of these steps.
2. If you have a 64-bit version, click here to download the file to your desktop.
3. After that, click Start and then Run.
4. Type in your %temp% folder. The file will be found and a run.exe file will appear.
5. Double-click this file, it will start installing the actual software. Please be patient while it does its process.
6. When the installation is complete, double-click the nagiosxidl_x86.exe file you saved on your desktop.
7. In the new window that appears, click the Compatibility tab.
8. Choose Run under Active X. This will allow you to select Windows .

9. Choose the normal setup and the language you want to use.
10. If you have an option to select files, select the build number of the ISO file you downloaded. The build number will be found on top of the ISO file.
11. Click the Finish button.
12. Wait until the installation process is completed.
13. The software will ask you to create an account. Click the Create An Account button.
14. Enter a valid email address.
15. Enter a valid password.
16. Click the Activate and Install button.
17. Wait for the software to activate itself. The activation might take up to an hour.
18. Finally, the software is activated and ready to work.
19. The software will open automatically after activation. Login.

20. Double-click the start icon on the desktop.
21. Click the Add/Remove Programs button.
22. Search for xidl and click the icon that shows the installation file.
23. Run the installer.
24. If asked to update, click Yes.
25. Choose the language and location you want to use.
26. Select the checkbox to agree to the terms and.
27. Click the Install button.
28. You can check in the Files window and activate the software.
29. Done.
Note: You can download the software from here: Nagios Xi Registration Code,