Itunes is one of the most popular Android Apps Download website because its interface is very easy-to-use and it lets you search for apps, browse available apps, and download the apps you want. You can also search for an app by its description, its keyword and its price. Theres also an option to view screenshots and an option to rate each app.

DIYSoft is a site with a lot to offer: Scanning software such as Nmap, Nmap tutorial, Information Security tools such as Kismet, Kali Linux, Ares, Saferide, Fail2ban, etc, Free & Open Source Software for Windows, Email security, Advanced Malware Removal, Samples, Anti-virus, tools, updates, etc..

For a long time now, there has been a growing community for cracking and reverse engineering the software that users download and use. Bugtraq is a mailing list that is used for informing and sharing information about security vulnerabilities in software. The list is a common place to post bugs about some of the software you download or are about to download. It is a good forum in which to learn about bugs and reverse engineer them in the presence of other users and programmers.

Here you will be able to submit cracked software, and this is a great way to get the word out about your own cracked software. It is a very popular site and it’s number one priority is to protect you from rogue files and links. is the most famous torrent site on the internet. Established in 2003 by an Australian programmer, it has been going strong for years and is probably the most popular torrent site on the web. Though it is not for illegal use, you do need to be aware that the website administrators may decide to block you from using the site if you are a regular troublemaker. But if you are trying to download torrents, the site is perfect.
