Computer activity management and surveillance can not only be helpful in a work environment, but also at home. Applications such as HomeGuard allow you to limit nearly anything that can run or be done on your computer, while offering feedback to see which section is less protected and needs attention.
Cleverly designed and easy to use
You will be up and running in no time. The main window lets you navigate through all categories you can keep track of, with a single mouse click. In the “Home” tab, a table containing records of the attempts made on each blocked or allowed action of each type, as well as a total, is displayed.
Options can be set so that the only time you need to bring up the main window is to change something. Every tab is organized in a list containing specific info, name of the event or accessed application, and the date the entry was issued.
Assuring full protection
The application gives you the possibility to block anything from running, and even files from being accessed, moved or deleted. The same applies for Internet browsing, not only can specific web pages be prevented from opening, but word filters can be applied so that when an improper text is found, the page stops loading and harmful content is not displayed.
Every restriction can either be permanent, lifted under certain time intervals, and even set a total amount of hours of usage. All attempts can be taken a screenshot of, in case details provided in the dashboard are not enough.
In conclusion
Whether you have to supervise a team and restrict their access for more focus on the job, or want to keep your kids safe from the dark side of the Internet, you can count on HomeGuard to offer a helping hand. It features an easy to use interface so that anyone can take advantage of all it has to offer.
HomeGuard Video Guide







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HomeGuard is a parental control application that locks out your

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General Video Manager HD is a video manager which can help you organize your video like a music manager.
General Video Manager HD Description:
Features of General Video Manager
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General Video Manager HD Features:
* Add pictures to a video.
* Add a video to a picture.
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* Delete a video from a picture.
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* Combine multiple pictures with a video.
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* Combine a video with a playlist.
* Combine multiple playlists.
* Combine a video with a video.
* Combine multiple videos with a video.
General Video Manager HD Requirements:
Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP
CPU: 200 MHz or faster
OS: Windows 98, ME, NT, 2000, XP
Video Card: 256 MB
General Video Manager HD Download
General Video Manager HD How To Install:
There is an installer on the website. It should run automatically. The installer has the ability to also update the application.
General Video Manager HD Download
General Video Manager HD Screenshots:
General Video Manager HD Installation:
General Video Manager HD License:
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HomeGuard 8.6.1

HomeGuard Crack Keygen is an unique software that enables you to manage your computer’s access and supervision. You can manage everything from Internet access and game licenses, control Mac OS X’s access to the Internet and even computers for kids. The program is easy to use and offers plenty of customizability and control.
HomeGuard For Windows 10 Crack Review:
The other day, I was sent a care package from a friend in the UK. And when I opened the package, my jaw dropped – the box was filled with books about programming! That’s why I immediately thought about sharing a post that shows you, how to stop your kids/friends/teachers etc. from accessing things on your computer. How to Limit Internet Access on Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 or Mac.
So here is a list with different methods to limit Internet access. And if you want to download HomeGuard, the program is free and can be easily downloaded from the following link: Free HomeGuard Download.
HomeGuard tutorial
How to use HomeGuard
1) Windows users
If you are running Windows 7 or Windows 8, I think the most suitable method for limiting Internet access is “Internet Connection Sharing”.
So go to Control Panel and select “Internet Options”.
This will open a new window. You will have to click on “Change Advanced Settings…”.
2) Mac OS X users
You can use the “Limit VPN Access” if you want to turn off the web browsing. Click on “General”, click on “VPN” and then click on “Limit VPN Access”.
3) Windows 10 users
If you’re running Windows 10, the easiest way is to use “Wi-Fi Sense”.
When you start Windows 10, it automatically connects to a Wi-Fi network without asking you. To access the Internet, you have to type in your username and password in the beginning.
How To Use HomeGuard On Windows And Mac
1) Download HomeGuard
HomeGuard is a free application and can easily be downloaded from the following link: Free HomeGuard Download.
2) Run HomeGuard
Once HomeGuard is downloaded, double-click the file and launch HomeGuard. If HomeGuard can’t be found, you’ll have to go to the folder where you stored the download.
3) Set up some restrictions
Go to the “Home” tab and click on “Manage restrictions”.

HomeGuard 8.6.1 Free Registration Code

HomeGuard is a fast and effective way to manage your computer activities, protecting it from viruses, malware, unwanted programs, and other threats. Highly intuitive and easy to use, this program allows you to constantly monitor and manage the activities on your computer and set restrictions for each of your programs. Unlike other security software, HomeGuard focuses not only on the computer itself, but also on the data that will be stored on it, keeping your important files safe.
Protect your data without slowing down your computer
The program is designed to work in tandem with the usual computer activity. It gives you the chance to view the exact amount of activity that takes place on your computer and have insight into the types of programs being opened, web pages visited, and documents accessed. You can even adjust the settings according to a date range, block undesirable content, and monitor the screen time of each program, so you will be in full control of your computer.
Advanced protection mechanism
As there is no central storage of the data, HomeGuard does not require a constant connection with a server to keep records of your activity. It creates a proxy that manages all the connections with the Internet, keeping track of your activities and recording them in a bid to recognize any possible threats and block them. The main window also allows you to set how long the program needs to contact the server, preventing unnecessary disconnections and saving on your data usage. It also has a convenient “Lock” button, which locks your computer so that nobody can access it if it is not needed.
HomeGuard is available for download on their website, offering a 30-day free trial of their premium version.
HomeGuard Benefits:
Setting time limits for programs
Restricting Internet browsing
Assisting in the cleanup of your computer
Keeping track of your valuable data
Giving insight into your computer activity
Optimizing the settings with a date range
Locking the computer when not in use
Limiting the usage of programs
Preventing the download of spyware
Allowing access only to you
Monitoring your computer activity and logging it
Monitoring Internet activity and logging it
Monitoring the computer activity and logging it
Protecting your data
Three paid plans
HomeGuard User Guide

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What’s New in the HomeGuard?

HomeGuard’s interface is designed so that every aspect can be implemented with the simplest of clicks. The first tab in HomeGuard’s main window is named “Home,” and it lists all the application’s tabs you can use to make the necessary adjustments.
The second tab is named “Detection,” and it displays a list of every event you can track.
The third tab is named “Action.” When you click on it, an additional list is displayed showing every blocked action in your HomeGuard account. You can then make changes by clicking on them.
The fourth tab is named “FAQ,” and it displays a comprehensive list of HomeGuard’s features. You can easily access them by double-clicking on the tab.
Finally, the fifth tab is named “Settings.” This is where you can make the necessary adjustments to the account.
HomeGuard Interface
HomeGuard allows you to block computer activities in real time. The application will let you watch the progress of every attempt an application is launched or access of a file, and will provide you with important details.
You can choose to have an icon appear on your desktop, or even monitor the activity of your entire account without having to activate the software at all times.
Restricted Internet Activities
You can block all the web pages and programs that you don’t want your kids or your employees to access. The software can be easily installed and will only let you know when access is available and unavailable.
All attempts to open any given site or program can be taken a screenshot of. You can view that file at a later time to see exactly what was restricted and if a mistake was made.
Assuring Absolute Protection
HomeGuard is reliable, simple to use and doesn’t hinder anyone’s computer access. It’s also very affordable with a lifetime license available for only $15.
HomeGuard contains all the features you need to protect your computers and your kids.
HomeGuard is available in three versions – Free, Personal and Business. The Free version is the most basic, and will only let you track one prohibited action at a time. The Personal and the Business versions will let you track unlimited events.
The Personal and the Business versions contain the same features as the Free version, but they also add the functionality needed to monitor the web surfing activity of your employees. You can also make the Personal version more functional

System Requirements For HomeGuard:

Windows XP SP3/SP2 or higher
800Mhz or higher processor
512Mb or higher memory
1440×900 resolution screen
Download and install the trial version of Spore on your computer. Click Start, type %temp% in the Start Search Box, and press Enter. The temporary folder should open. Right click the file, point to Properties, and click Unblock. Find the SporeInstall.exe file, and double-click it to run the installer. The installer will download additional files, then close.