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agnes mary sutherland was born in rosebank on 11 october 1920. she died on 20 august 2018 in claremont. she was 94. she was the mother of dr hilda sutherland doidge, the first woman to be admitted to the medical school at stellenbosch university. her mother, margaret sutherland, was a notable nurse. her father, clement harry sutherland, was a mining engineer. agnes sutherland attended schools in johannesburg and france.

george paul randall was born on 7 april 1917 in woodstock and died on 27 may 2017 in johannesburg at the age of 98. he was the elder brother of alderman wynford randall. he matriculated from st andrew s college and obtained a ba honours degree in french and english literature at university of cambridge, before returning to south africa in the 1930s.

graduate students and researchers involved in the study of nuclear explosions at wits university have been trapped in a precautionary exposure. they and the rest of the group consisting of uct, cambridge and duke universities will not be returning to south africa. the study requires the collection of tissue and human samples from the participants that cannot be collected from western cape residents.

the scientists are now planning to complete the more than 20 years of monitoring of local residents in the cape flats and go back to residents to do the follow-up monitoring and dna sampling. several cape residents and volunteers participated in the study.

the study is aimed at determining the effects of exposure to low-level radiation on children’s developing brains. the monitoring focused on the pregnant women before, during and after the explosion to determine the levels of the radioisotopes strontium-90 and caesium-137 in their babies and mothers’ milk. the children’s health, intelligence and development were also monitored. the study is coordinated by dr m. ndlovu of the cape town university (ctu). in 2002, ctu phd candidates, professor nkanyezi kayihura, professor n. swanepoel, professor v. swanepoel and dr r. de vos, returned to the cape flats and found that 40% of pregnant women from tsonga village bore babies with birth defects and sub-fertility. they were, therefore, convinced that the adults in the study were exposed to radioactive fallout from the nuclear explosion.

sassie was appointed to the board of the london stock exchange. he was also awarded a medal by the norwegian parliament in 2004 for his work in the field of arts and heritage. sassie was a member of the london stock exchange group, an organisation committed to transforming financial markets and better serving society.
the sabc has lost a great broadcaster. wole soyinka, of nigerian extraction, is a nobel laureate and an internationally recognised poet, novelist, playwright, essayist, singer, musician and the only african to have won the nobel prize for literature. he is a sa citizen who made south africa his home and worked tirelessly, through art and poetry, to promote universal freedom, equality and justice.
he was a visionary, a man of great depth of perception, a polymath who was a devout student of philosophy, history, drama, linguistics, literature, religion and economics. he was an exceptional humanist with an instinctive grasp of the art of storytelling.
on 26 april 2011, professor and scientist abigail somers announced the discovery of a new half-billion-year-old (over three million years older than the previous oldest known sauropod) dinosaur eggs containing six 150-kilogram nestlets found in an outcrop of rock at witwatersrand basin, south africa. the find was announced in a paper published in the journal of vertebrate paleontology. the witwatersrand basin outcrop is the most important new fossil discovery in south africa since the harry oppenheimer terrace, near johannesburg, in 1979. it has also formed the basis for a $1 million guggenheim grant awarded to both wits and the university of cambridge.
