Holosync – Awakening Prologue All 6 Files And Instructions REPACK ⬜


Holosync – Awakening Prologue All 6 Files And Instructions

it depends on what you are aiming for. it is not meant to be a cure all. some people get results from holosync but it is not for everyone. it really depends on your constitution. i think you are on the right track already, but just be careful that holosync does not work for you. good luck.

leo has talked about it in quite a bit of detail, so i would suggest you check out his site ( ) and read the posts if you want to get a better understanding of his opinion on it. i don’t know if you have tried it, but i would also suggest that you try to practice holosync in conjunction with your normal meditation practice, just to see how it compares and if you feel comfortable with it.

yes, iawake really have taken care with this one to break down the tracks in various levels of intensity, and provide a lot of guidance in terms of how to approach them, inner work techniques for dealing with the overwhelm and some releasing tracks. i really appreciated the seriousness they treat this with as a practice and the whole tone surrounding it, which is what drew me to check them out further. i think what you described here is really useful particularly for a beginner. if you were to start holosync tomorrow with the meditation experience you have now, maybe you wouldnt experience the overwhelm as much, and everyone is different so it is useful to talk about how different programs approach the subject.

leo himself used it for a while and he gained results from it, but he said he prefers normal meditation without audio aids and the reason for that is simply because some other meditations are more suited for inquiry and enlightenment work (for example ”do nothing” ) which was his current goal at that point, and holosync may not be the best meditation for that but it is not any less effective. my personal experience with it says otherwise, since i had some amazing experiences with holosync like kundalini awakening (i think it was kundalini since it was very very powerful and really hard to describe.. closest i can describe is like having epileptic seizure in very pleasant form but only if you let it happen to you ). also i had few experiences like being omnipresent, being outside of my mind etc.

i’ve just started using these two holosync programs and would like to compare the two. the one i would recommend to most of my readers is the iawake one. i know that for me, i really like the holosync one, it is the one that made the most difference to my life and i would recommend that you start with it if you are new to holosync. however, it is a bit expensive so you would need to be reasonably motivated to start this. my impression of iawake is that they are proactive and helpful and they have had a lot of success in the past with their one to one coaching which may be the reason why they are so helpful.
it is hard for me to assess whether iawake is more or less effective than holosync, i guess as much of my biggest breakthroughs, including a noticeable reduction in my general stress and anxiety levels, occurred through the use of holosync. what i can say is that i have not experienced any severe overwhelm with iawake, and they have quite a few ancilliary audio programs apart from their main pmp program; a few of which i have purchased. i do think that the changes i have experienced with the iawake program have been more gradual in nature, but i certainly feel that my focus and stress levels have gradually improved in the time i have been using iawake. i do know that with holosync, i had some quite profound experiences, as well as some extreme and scary overwhelm, but i havent had either to any great degree with iawake.
since holosync may not be for you, maybe zen monk heaven will be. since its not in english and what you do with it, i don’t know if anyone can give any concrete information on it but if you do manage to get it, then i can tell you that it was a very pleasant experience. it was still good for me (i found it a bit more difficult to do than normal meditation because it is harder to surrender than normal meditation) but the nice part about it is that you still get all the benefits of meditation but in a whole different way. and also, you may feel strange at first but the more you try it, the more you’ll be able to use it, like any other tool.
