If you have been reading the latest news, then you might have heard about Google Glass. The Google Glass is not currently a legal product for the U.S. market, but what if it was? What if Google actually did release a version of Glass that could provide an augmented-reality view of current or potential deals in an electronic format that the consumer would use in real life? Thats what could potentially happen in the near future. With augmented reality, Glass could potentially be used for such business functions as inventory, customer service, and sales, to name a few.

The four types of marketing are product marketing, media marketing, brand management, and direct marketing. Media marketing is advertising that takes place in some media, such as television, radio, online, or print. Direct marketing is advertising to a specific demographic, such as online sales. Brand management is building, developing, and maintaining your brand. Direct marketing can include print, digital, and direct mail, which are advertising channels that you can use to increase your brand awareness and expand your marketing reach. Product marketing is advertising that you place in an existing product or service. For example, a lot of businesses sell T-shirts, so they could advertise those shirts at sporting events and in their stores. Other businesses offer a print advertisement that can be placed in the local newspaper or on the side of a building. While the focus of this book is on eMarketing strategies, it is important to point out that eMarketing is not limited to any single channel.

As an owner, how do you encourage the staff to think and act independently? Create a culture that promotes autonomy and entrepreneurship. Employees who are encouraged to be more creative and take on roles outside of their traditional jobs will be happier and more productive overall. In turn, they are much more likely to go above and beyond for you, as well. Don’t let them be afraid to ask questions; this is a good sign of independent thought.

use coupons and giveaways to promote your products. – coupons and giveaways are a great way to promote your products and services. you can use the coupons or giveaways that you have been given at your local stores. even if you only receive a few, you can still do a giveaway. ask your customers to print off their coupons and take them to your local store. you can place the coupons on your table at your bar or in a basket at the end of your bar. this way your customers can redeem the coupon and get a free drink. or, in the case that your bar is a buffet style bar, you can place the coupons on the table.
2. get feedback.whether you are targeting millennials or baby boomers, you need to listen to what they have to say. for example, they are more likely to look at online reviews than older consumers, according to a survey by consumer review website, tripadvisor. they tend to have a lot of free time and want to spend that time doing things with people they love. this is why social media is such a big part of millennials and other millennials, according to the study. they want to be able to share and brag about their lives with others. by listening to what your customers want, you can improve your product and your customer service. they also have far better search engine optimization skills than your current consumer.
the importance of a strong online presence for both mobile and desktop devices cannot be stressed enough. in fact, it is the only marketing tool you have that is accessible 24 hours a day, seven days a week. it is an investment, but one that is worth it when it comes to retaining your customers and making new ones. the key is knowing how to properly utilize it, and then making sure it keeps those customers coming back.
