Have A Little Hope Book Pdf Free Download UPDATED


Have A Little Hope Book Pdf Free Download

25. It is not, however, simply a little hope. Mary is a’special little hope’ for the world, because she offers it a hope which is not, as I said, the most alluring or pure, but the most humble and humble hope. This is the hope of the Lord’s mercy. She is, therefore, a’special little hope’ for the world and for those who thirst for the life of love, who long for the kingdom of God and the pure community, who hope to share in the goodness and peace of God.

50. The hope of a coming kingdom of God is a hope to which Paul keeps returning, beginning with his letter to the Christians in Rome, and which we find again in the teaching of the Apostle to the Gentiles. In Paul’s view, the coming of Christ and his future rule is the key to the Christian hope. This hope is not a wishful hope, but a hope that springs from the joys of creation and from the word of God. In this sense we might say that the coming of Christ has “become” rather than “will be”, because the whole Christian hope is a hope which was only fulfilled when Jesus became man and died on the cross. Indeed, the whole of Christianity is, in a certain way, a celebration of the coming kingdom of God. In this sense, Paul says that Jesus Christ is hos kenon en theo nyn kyriou sarki, tou kyriou kosmou – “the messianic Son of God who shall come in the glory of the Father” (Ro 1:2). The Son of God took on human flesh because of love for us. This, as we know, is the secret of incarnation. Since our suffering is a result of sin, we have another kind of hope, that is the hope of a coming kingdom in which sinners will be saved: ta ouranourken toi ho dios, na sou harasto, ti esti aichmologi tou theou, kaion tou hos kosmou, kai ho tes lekanes rhegalos estin, kai ho to te eimi, eimi de phantero kyriou, neo kai ho de onoma di polla synnekhei ta ektera toi theon. The kosmos is being cut away from this present world, swept away, in order that the new heaven and new earth which the Son of God will create may be freed up in it for him to be God and to dwell in it. If we wish to express the presentiment, to anagnorazomai which runs through the whole Christian hope, in our own language, we might say: “the kingdom will come, the kingdom is at hand” (Mk 4:14).

13. Christianity’s Message can be positively received in the world only by the witness and power of charity. Charity, which goes beyond love of neighbor and composes love of self, is the only concrete way to live the Gospel in the world. It is something to be learned, experienced and shared. You know well how much suffering is caused by the denial of freedom of conscience and of religious freedom, and how that wound leaves a humanity which is impoverished, because it lacks hope and ideals to guide it. [254]
23. The world today needs another type of society and economy, an economy which no longer benefits the few but truly serves the needs of the many. That great hope is only discernible in a society in which the rights of individuals and the common good are in harmony. That is why Christian communities, whether bishops and priests or nuns and lay people, are called to spread the Gospel in the world. We may add that the Church’s prophetic voice is indispensable for this; it is in the Church that the values of love, justice and peace have been proclaimed, and it is to the Church that the future belongs. May it be so.
472. Every person, of whatever nationality, deserves all the care that is possible, because there is no one who does not have a story similar to or worse than others’. Finally, it is not because God forgives the evil committed by each one of us, regardless of the circumstances, that he would keep it secret. Jesus came to publish a reconciliation between us, because he himself was reconciled with God. But there is no reason to believe that he can achieve it without our help. God’s action is powerful, but ours is more effective and long-lasting. But how do we become this way? In my view, it begins with the free and difficult decision to make things right, to re-establish a relationship with God and with ourselves.
