In a world where hookups are never “proper” and sex-without-relationships are considered normal, casual sex can be seen as a legitimate mode of sexual activity, something the current dating apps and culture encourage.
Throughout history, there have been countless brilliant and unbelievably inspiring men and women who existed to change the world, but in today’s day and age, we have come to accept “rugged individualism” as the dominant paradigm, and the presence of “the great men,” or “heroes,” is a rarity.

Taking a look at historical movements, we can find the men and women who have paved the way for the progress of human rights and civil rights by utilizing courage, strength, and vision, and in the process, inspiring others to follow in their footsteps.
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is one such man, remembered as the “champion of freedom” and founder of the modern Civil Rights Movement. The life and teachings of King represent a blueprint of human rights that are still very much being implemented today.
1. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

In 1959, three black students from the University of Georgia refused to move to the back of a bus, sparking the Civil Rights Movement. From that moment on, the United States would become an unequal nation where racial prejudice would continue to endure in the form of violence, segregation, and discrimination.
2. Ralph Abernathy

In the midst of the late 1960s Civil Rights Movement, one of the most active and inspirational individuals leading to the grassroots activism was the Reverend Ralph Abernathy. From pioneering the nonviolent civil disobedience and non-cooperation movements, to leading the Reverend Martin Luther King’s election, and helping implement the Southern Christian Leadership Conference (SCLC), Abernathy is truly inspirational.
3. Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee

The Student Non-Violent Coordinating Committee (SNCC) is considered the forerunner of the Civil Rights Movement. Established in 1960, the group was started with a student population to speak out against segregation and racism. With several members being assassinated for their activism, the student population grew exponentially, and the formation of what would become the Civil Rights Movement was finally a reality.
4. Fannie Lou Hamer

In the mid-1950s, a white woman by the name of Mrs. Hamer went to register to vote in Mississippi. Before she was able to complete her


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would like to extend my deepest sympathies to the victims of the horrific terrorist attack on the Muslim Shrines at the Al-Aqsa Masjid in the occupied territories, particularly the families of Abu Salman al-Husseini, Muhammed al-Sudani, and Sa’d Abu Dawud.

It is shocking to see how our US-led Western powers are taking advantage of the present political scenario across the Middle East by using fundamentalist groups for political ends and to further their imperialistic agenda in the region. These fundamentalists groups are a dangerous threat to all mankind and should be tackled and eradicated.

US support for terrorist groups in the region is nothing but treason. The West has blood on its hands. From my personal experience, and particularly during the years I spent in prison and after my release from 9 years of solitary confinement, I can say the violent extremists of Al-Qaeda and its subsidiaries are the only enemies of mankind and should be fought until the end. America and Europe should realise that ‘Islam is a religion of peace’. But it is not the Muslims or the Arabs who are causing harm to Western civilisation and colonisation across the region. It is the Western powers who are following their Zionist god, seeking the Day of Judgement and living in worldly pleasures.

I have written a letter to the leaders of the world and sent my letter to the (“Red”) Cross of Belgium. The demand for the “Red” Cross has been issued for negotiations. There are numerous questions and answers about this blood money. This was in reply to your letter dated May 15, 2017. You can read the letter here: Letter to the Euro Tribute:

The injustice of the Israeli crimes against the Arabs has hit the entire planet, while the cause of victimisation of the Palestinians was too easy a cause for a peace lobby in