Excel Failed To Launch In Safe Mode ☠


Excel Failed To Launch In Safe Mode


This error can happen if you are using any of the 3rd party Add-ins (i.e. Access, Fusion, PDF) installed in Excel. This error can occur if any of the Add-in crashes or hangs during processing.
How to fix the issue:

Open Excel
Click on File tab, Click on Options
Click Add-Ins
Click on the button that says Make sure ‘Microsoft Access Add-ins’ and ‘Microsoft Outlook Add-ins’ are
enabled and select ‘Always Available’ and ‘Always Enabled’ in “Automatically Prompt to update”
checkbox and “Automatically Check for New Add-ins” in “Automatically Check for New version
of Add-ins” checkbox
Click OK.

You can check the status of the Add-ins by clicking on Excel Options button, and then click on the Add-ins tab in the Ribbon (as shown below)


Close Excel. Open a shortcut/command prompt to a directory where you can put your Office 2013 install in and navigate to
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office14\COM\AddIns
Then run
office.exe /file “YourOfficeInstall.wim”

When prompted, install the Office 2013 version and go back into Office and re-open your Excel folder then Excel should start.
So this only works for Office 2013, not Office 2016
If you have Office 2016, there are more items you could try


SQLite studio using different resolution images for drawables

I use sqlite app and I want to draw it on imageview. Everything works fine except when I change resolution of image. Images are the same size. I have a class for images, so I tried just to modify imageview to be transparent, but it seems that drawable is not transparent.
Any ideas how to modify it properly?


the drawable (Drawable) is not transparent but the imageview (ImageView) is!
Use Paint.setAlpha() in your imageview’s onDraw() method to make it transparent.
public class MyClass extends Activity {

protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState)



Question 1:
There are no good answers here. MS provided Excel 2013 through Outlook through Office 365 ProPlus. The support matrix for Office 2013 isn’t that helpful. Safe mode is the only thing I can see giving you a good starting point, but it’s not always reliable as some applications can just ignore it.
Questions 2 & 3:
For Outlook, in safe mode, it will start through the Command Prompt.
For Excel, in safe mode, it will start in Excel Native Access mode.
Question 4:
The script from Yodot DOC Repair I mentioned in my comment above should work fine. But you should probably have a step-by-step process anyway.

# nvidia-container-runtime –
# Copyright (c) NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
# Not a task on Appveyor, but I was curious to see if you could support other
# contexts by checking if the binary exists.
– name: nvidia-container-runtime | Ensure the nvidia-container-runtime binary exists
command: “{{ pkg_dir }}/nvidia-container-runtime –version”
register: _nvidia_container_runtime_version

– name: nvidia-container-runtime | Ensure the nvidia-container-runtime binary exists
when: _nvidia_container_runtime_version.stdout | length > 0 and _nvidia_container_runtime_version.stderr | length > 0 and _nvidia_container_runtime_version.rc == 0
command: “{{ pkg_dir }}/nvidia-container-runtime –version”
register: _nvidia_container_runtime_version

– name: nvidia-container-runtime | ensure nvidia-container-runtime (v{{ _nvidia_container_runtime_version.version }}) is installed
command: “{{ pkg_dir }}/nvidia-container-runtime –version”
register: _nvidia_container_runtime_installed
when: _nvidia_container_runtime_installed.rc == 0


“cannot open the file location, file or folder name is not correct” error message one of the very common error in windows xp “cannot open the file location, file or folder name is not correct” error message. When you start Excel in Safe Mode, Excel will help you investigate and correct a possible startup problem.
You cannot open the “Add In Manager” at all. The following dialog box will appear and you will be prompted to restart Excel:.
Error message: cannot open the file location, file or folder name is not correct: c:\dsk\excel.xlsx. This may be a possible error because after repairing if you still .
Error Message : excel.exe Failed To Launch In Safe Mode. Open Office in Safe Mode To Fix Common Errors. Or select Start > all Programs > Options > OpenOffice > OpenOffice.org > OpenOffice.org Home > Recovery > Start. if you are using Office 2010, start Office in safe mode,.
. you’ll be prompted to select that item in the list. You might be unable to open a file or document or access a place on your computer. You can try to start Excel in safe mode to attempt to correct the problem.
Start Excel (or Outlook, Word, or PowerPoint) in Safe Mode. You can also use a Windows utility called .
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Double-click the Excel icon. If you are unable to start Excel in safe mode, you might be able to recover your data.

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