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How was I supposed to know that her boyfriend didn’t still love her? How was I supposed to know that his feelings had shifted towards another woman who was essentially like him? How was I supposed to know that there was another living soul besides me who loved her, just as he did? How was I supposed to know that loving someone no longer meant being completely in love?

Her brother was only a little over two-and-a-half years old. He shouldn’t have been in the room with her when the bomb went off. He didn’t have to die with her. He should’ve been at home. He was scheduled for a surgery. What were the chances he would survive? There were no chances. The chances of his surviving outweighed the ones that she was alive. At least that’s what she kept telling herself.

She had been hanging on by a thread for the past two and a half years ever since she had seen the movie ‘Titanic’. She remembered seeing the life rafts coming down and the woman in one of the life rafts standing up and shouting that her husband had just drowned. What did she mean? How could she possibly know that? What did the woman know that she didn’t? Why had she thought that he had drowned when he hadn’t?

The way in which she was behaving was completely unlike her. She was behaving like her dream man. She had been attracted to him ever since she saw the movie ‘Titanic’. He was the very image of James Caviezel. She could see him in the movie. He looked nothing like a Christian Caviezel. She had seen Christian Caviezel being chased by Ian McKellan in the movie ‘Walking on Water’. Christian was clearly an actor who had based his character on Ian McKellan.

When she looked at James she could not see Ian McKellan. He had no resemblance to Ian McKellan. The way in which he sat in the chair and the way in which he was tilting his head was completely different from the way in which Ian McKellan sat in the chair and the way in which he tilted his head.

There was a difference between him and Ian McKellan. Ian McKellan was a dead man when he was alive. He might be buried alive. James was a living man when he was alive. He wasn’t a dead man like Ian McKellan. He was

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