
Set in the Lands Between
The Lands Between are a land that lies between the Kingdoms of Eden and Golarion.
This world is full of fantasy and mythical tales. Its population are divided among the Lands Between, Eden, and Golarion.
The Lands Between is a vast and unexplored world.


The Elden Guild
The Elden Guild is the central organization in the Lands Between. The Guild has a variety of guilds for adventurers to choose from.

Entus: The ultimate swordsmen of the Guild. They focus on close combat and the art of deadly swordplay.

Purifier: They spread their name far and wide, the purifiers are the ultimate ranged warriors of the Guild. They are specialized in the use of long range weapons such as crossbows, guns, spears, and bows.

Knight: Fighters. They are the warriors of the Guild. They use fighting techniques and skill to protect the people and the Guild.

Artisan: This guild specializes in crafting weapons, armor, gear, and accessories.

Carpenter: Craftsmen and blacksmiths.

Cleric: Clerics are the priests of the Guild. They act as their living idols. The people will follow the commands of the Clerics.

Noble: Typically, noble classes are the proud rulers of cities and towns. They are the natural leaders in times of conflict.

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Playing as a Noble
Nobles provide leadership during a time of conflict. Clerics are important to the people during a time of peace.
Nobles and Clerics are also competent at combat, so they are ideal for adventuring with the Entus, Knights, and Purifiers.

Character Creation

Create a Character
You have a variety of features to choose from when designing your character in order to create your own version of the Lands Between.
• Choose One of Six Classes
• All classes can choose four out of six specializations.
• Choose Your Gender
• You can choose either male or female.

You will need an online connection (or LAN access) to log in.

When you first log in, you will be asked to create a free profile.

The Six Classes

The six classes are sword, bow, mage, warrior, cleric, and artisan.


Features Key:

  • Larger, Richly Detailed Worlds: experience the Lands Between from a new, spacious world, enjoying exploration of a variety of new lands and their combat styles. It is also possible to visit other players’ worlds and enjoy the memories you share with them as you explore on your personal quest.
  • A Valuable Skills System: select the most useful skills for each character, and enjoy an adaptive and steady battle.
  • Extensive Comfortable Features: enjoy efficient UI, multimedia, and visuals.
  • Intuitive and Easy Play: enjoy a very low learning curve and intuitive design.
  • World of Shadows, a Mobile Game of the Elden Ring

    THE HISTORY OF THE ELDEN RING AND THE EARTH’S ANCIENT MYSTERY. THE DESPISED ELDEN: A FLESH-AND-BLOOD FRAGMENT OF THE ELDEN? The Land Between is graced by an ancient and mysterious power called the “Elden Ring,” which is deeply related to its history and the causes of the fall of the Elden Age. Avalon, which contains secrets guarded by the Elden, is also where the Ring which grants all the miracles in Avalon resides. More than twenty years have passed since the elder Elden ruled over the Lands Between. However, here are the rumors of a group that extends its influence from other lands and seeks to weaken the Elden ring by means of a dark power.
    Only a few people have successfully traversed the lands Beyond. Now a group of guildsmen far and wide have united as a guild to protect the lands beyond, gathering to fight the group.
    While keeping up the fight to protect the lands Beyond, you are able to relive the past experiences of your ancestors who have built the traditions…
    Encounter the new Lands Between!

    What do players need to play?

    • Recommended OS: iOS 7.0 or above
    • Graphics: 20MB RAM (iPhone 4S or above)
    • How to buy WELL OR GAIN KEY (gift):

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      The 51-kDa amino-terminal fragment of methioninase A is a potent inhibitor of caspase-3.
      Methioninase A (MetA) is a well-characterized enzyme that deaminates methionine to homocysteine and 2-ketobutyric acid. The purified MetA was inactivated by 3-[[(N-2-chloro-6-methylpyrimidin-4-yl)amino]sulfonyl]2,6-difluorobenzamide (I1), which was composed of a 2,6-difluorobenzamide and a 4-chlorothiazol-2-sulfonyl structure as binding sites for MetA. In this study, the inactivation time course showed that I1 was bound to the active site of MetA with second-order rate constant of 1.3 x 10(5) M(-1) s(-1), which was significantly slower than those of 2,6-difluorobenzamide and 4-chlorothiazol-2-sulfonyl. The incubation of MetA with I1 resulted in the cleavage of the protein into about 51 and 15 kDa bands. The 51-kDa fragment was prepared by incubating I1-inactivated MetA with trypsin, and was found to inhibit the proteolytic activity of caspase-3 with an IC(50) of 3.1 nM. The protein fluorescence and circular dichroism studies suggested that the conformational change in MetA was caused by the binding of I1. The thermodynamics of I1 binding to MetA was investigated by using isothermal titration calorimetry, surface plasmon resonance, and microcalorimetry methods. The results showed that the enthalpy change value (DeltaH(0)) for MetA binding to I1 was -11.1 kcal mol(-1), indicating that the I1-MetA complex was stabilized predominantly by van der Waals force and hydrophobic interaction. The binding stoichiometry (n) was 1.5, which indicated that there were about 1.5 I1 molecules bound per MetA molecule. The binding constant (Ka) was estimated to be 2.9 x 10(4) M(-1) by using the isothermal titration calorimetry method. I1 accelerated the formation of the Met


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      * Play the Story
      * Play the Multiplayer Mode
      * Unique Action System
      * Adventure Mode
      * Customize Your Realm
      * A Never-ending Story

      Lands Between is a fantasy action RPG for Windows PC and PlayStation Vita. You can create a character and embark on a quest, or enter the multiplayer mode and defeat enemies together with other players.

      – Explore a vast world with a variety of situations
      – Fight the challenges and monsters that stand in your way
      – Build a castle and expand your domain
      – Visit the Land of Elden once, then once more


      The action system can be determined by the character you create. You can change the action system as you play. You can also change the action system during gameplay.

      Action System Battle

      You can freely change the action system in the game. Using each system makes you feel different battles. Each action system has its own system. You can switch the action system during gameplay.

      Force System

      + Character Skill
      + Combat Ability
      + Experience
      + Character Fame
      + Equipment


      Character Skill affects the combat ability of your character. If you have Character Skill, you can increase the combat ability of your character.


      There are a variety of monsters in the game. You can increase the combat ability of your character with Monster Attack.


      Combat ability affects the number of allies and the chance to stun enemies with weapons and magic.


      Skill experience increases the ability of the character, making the character better. The base points of Skill Experience is the same as the Skill Points of character.


      Fame is used to heal your character when you run out of HP.


      Equipment affects the effect of armor and weapons. You can change the effect of armor and weapons during the battle.


      The Extra Action increases the ability of the character by 50% when you are at level 6.

      When you are not happy with your character’s current


      What’s new:


      • Romantic Action – As the title suggests, the battle system combines fun and thrills in a fashionable wuxia action RPG.
      • No RNG Elements – This RPG is free of random number generation (RNG), with various leveling and growth methods instead of the unclear RNG method used in RPGs. This system is different from the normal RPG system in that it matures your character’s attributes for you via real-time battle.
      • Baldur’s Gate Game Engine – An advanced open-source game engine with unparalleled beautiful graphics, allowing the development of simple yet high-quality content. The resulting content will be as lovely and astonishing as Baldur’s Gate.
      • Fejutsu – The core gameplay engine combines two movements. The rapid attack speed of a wuxia game, and the flowing and flow of Fejutsu that change the appearance depending on your various skills and techniques.
      • Physics Based Gravity Engine – The player character can freely move on the variously shaped and placed floating objects like platforms and walls. The gravity engine controls the acceleration so that you can not only move around objects but also jump them.
      • Open Content – Online communities, open-source development environments, and more continue to grow. The unique culture of gaming continues to exist!