
Reusing this cmd line can save a lot of time.
If you need the platform you can apply it to any folder where you have this special text:
“E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked” in the title.
You can also reorder the line adding the letter Q to the head.
The Command:
xls2csv -n -> Export to CSV, changing the “E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked” to “Q E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked” -> Save as CSV, selecting only the header of your interest (there is a field for web and text, I used the first one)
After that you only have to rename the “CSV” to “HTML” and select the CSS you want for the file


I just released a Python script that will parse XML to a CSV and gives you the data in a HTML table.
It’s about 15 lines of Python code, but you’ll have to run it. Here’s how to do it in Powershell:
powershell -Command “(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile(”, ‘parsetr.csv’)”


I’ve just made a plugin for sublimetext called csvbeautify which allows you to simply go to vim>preferences>{key}> {language} and select invert lists:

You can either save it to a file or keep it as an undo macro.
A sample file for this example would be

The result would be something like this

Ultrasound estimation of femoral anteversion in ovine fetuses.
This study compares ultrasound measures of anteversion to direct measurement of the femoral head center on the femur. Ten fetal lambs were obtained at 70 days’ gestation. Longitudinal (lateral) and transverse (transverse) views were obtained with a 10-MHz linear transducer mounted on the abdomen or the proximal femur. Using the femoral head center, anteversion was calculated from the formula: (latentia + transverse) x 180/pi. The value of ultrasound to determine anteversion was then determined by imaging the

rump. Know More.
rump. Know More.
. View and Download “AE” user manual online.
rump. Know More.
. e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked
The package description, “Search tools” includes a lot of other items.I’ve seen others recommendations for this “Search Tools” package before.


I did the following tests with an E5330 Blu Ray Player.
NOTE, That an update to the the latest OS update in October 2014 has since disabled the installation of software such as this. There is no reccomendation for it. You can use it or not. It is a good way to identify what software is installed. If you want to use it then make sure that your Player firmware is up to date.

After using it, the following were found.
sudo update-menus.calls
Security and Privacy

This only affects the adware. It did not move the adware to the root directory.
WARNING, The following is very dangerous! Do not follow the instructions!

Sites found in the Pack

How to open e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked.downloadsourceforge.net/en uwk.pcl Date: January 4 2015 14:48:17 UCT · Verb: e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked.desktop.torrent?=Messege: Missing keyword in filename: “Netop

e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked ‘LINK’ jfaw4ll.com?ver=3.0.0142.0 Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. · PayPal. e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked ‘LINK’ jfaw4ll.com?ver=3.0.0142.0 Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · Download Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · · e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked ‘LINK’ jfaw4ll.com?ver=3.0.0142.0 Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · · jfaw4ll.com?ver=3.0.0142.0 Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · · jfaw4ll.com?ver=3.0.0142.0 Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · m32.2Go.com 3.0.0142.0 Adobe Photoshop (Creative Cloud) [PROD] [Portable] Free Download .
E5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked · Kameleon 2.1 e5330bs2unlockdcunlockercracked ‘LINK’ jfaw4ll.



There is no problem with your computer. It is working as expected. Unless there is some actual problem on your computer, this is not a bug.
The hash stored in the EXE file is not valid. Normally Windows can fix this by detecting that it is a virus and either removing it or marking it as untrusted. It seems that it did not detect that this file is a virus and you receive no warning before you access the EXE file.


How to make a C++ program “wait” for a keypress?

When I run my program, my keyboard doesn’t just instantly finish running, it just hangs.
I want to be able to detect when I press a key so it knows it is finished running.
I want to be able to do this because I want to make it so it won’t load when I start my computer, just automatically so I just need to press a key to load the program and go.


The keyboard isn’t connected to the rest of your computer until you press a key, so there’s nothing for your program to do about it.
The only way to achieve your original goal (I’m guessing) is to have your program somehow detect a keypress event, and not do anything until it’s timed out.


In a terminal:
~ wait 5 seconds

If you don’t want it to exit, you need to put a for loop in there somewhere.


The easiest way I have found is to create an infinite loop using while(true), so the program will wait forever for the user to hit some key.


Raspberry pi, data does not get displayed in browser in realtime

I am working on a project where i take the values of the sensors and plot them in my 3d model.
The script works fine for each command if I execute it.
I am using raspberry pi 3B+.
When the values change from the script, I get the new plot but it does not update in realtime in the browser.
I am wondering if I make more changes to the script, how it will be displayed in the browser.
Here is the code:
import serial
from sys import argv
import os
import time
from datetime import timedelta
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt