1. Vertical Drop Down Menu.
2. Java Script Support.
3. Sounds Support.
4. Multi Language Support.
5. Multi Level Support.
6. Icon Images Support.
7. Menu can be set right to left or left to right.
8. You can change any setting for Menu items.
Do you need to add applets into your web page? Do you need to add a Vertical Drop Down Menu into your web page? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a Drop Down Menu? Do you need to add a Vertical Drop Down Menu? Do you need to add a Drop Down Menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a vertical drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu? Do you need to add a drop down menu eea19f52d2


The closed captioning to subtitle conversion application.
It converts the line21 CC data to Subrip format and then adjusts the Subrip file for
maximum effectiveness.
Supported CC to Subrip conversion (delayed expansion and/or rate change):
■ The conversion between the main menu (1072*288) and the standard (1920*1072)
■ The conversion between the default and the customized Subrip formats.
■ The conversion between the 4:3/letterbox and the 16:9 formats.
CCParser User Guide:
1. Installation
(1) From the cd/cue folder of your diskette, use WinCPI to install the CCParser
application and its component programs.
(2) From a directory on your hard disk, use WinCPI to extract the files of the
CCParser package to the following location:
(3) Open the CCParser folder in the Start menu, and click on the CCParser icon.
(4) Close the WinCPI window.
2. Run CCParser
The CCParser application is the main interface of the program. It can be run with
the following command lines.
(1) Run from the directory that contains the subrip-1.0 file
(2) Run from the directory that contains the subrip-1.0 file
“c:\scripts\subrip-1.0.bat” -d
Note: The application will run in the background, and you can continue to use your
(3) Run from the directory that contains the subrip-1.0 file
“c:\scripts\subrip-1.0.bat” -R
Note: The application will run in the background, and you can continue to use your
(4) Run from the directory that contains the subrip-1.0 file
“c:\scripts\subrip-1.0.bat” -d -R
Note: The application will run in the background, and you can continue to use your
(5) Run from the directory that contains the subrip-1.0 file
“c:\scripts\subrip-1.0.bat” -d -R -m 2:0
Note: The application will run in the background,
