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кошмарно биће.

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mommumwi is a just 29-year-old. mommumwi is the name that she uses in social media sites like instagram and facebook. she’s not only a creative hand but also an experienced designer that developed a successful design business.

despicableme2brrip720pfreedownload tue, 29 may 2014 12:27:08 +0000why the hell nokia is not producing such android mobile phones?

if you want to know why this happens, you can watch the video at the following link:
it is from 2012. but i think it is a pretty representative of nokia’s current mindset.

if you have bought a nokia mobile phone, you know that they are all the same. no matter what country you buy a nokia phone, the only differences are in the software on the phone and the screen size. buy the phone in us and you will get a phone with lots of bloatware, buy it in europe and you will get a phone with lots of bloatware, buy it in asia and you will get a phone with some bloatware. buy it in china and it will be a basic phone.

nokia phones are not just for the faint-hearted: everyone wants a nokia phone and uses it to do everyday tasks. some of the 1 billion phones nokia produced in 2013 were used to record daily tasks and send the video to the family. in fact, in 2012 nokia fully replaced their function and simple interface with a zillion apps. this is why the process takes so long. nokia is an advanced company and they have to make phone production research and development team. nokia needs to find a middle ground between the current android phone world and the ‘old’ world nokia phones. they are just not doing it.
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stars: halle berry, pierce brosnan, robert forster, amy brennemandescription: after a terrible airplane accident, the angel gabriel takes a small group of believers into heaven to see a vision of a man, now alive, who will rule forever in the court of god. this film was adapted from the popular novel by cs lewis
steve jobs had a strange obsession with steve and only steve. he had a big poster of steve, steve’s silhouette, in his bedroom and not for decoration. jobs really considered steve his god. he called steve his “spiritual mother” and wanted him to die so he could take over the throne. in reality steve was merely a corporate puppet who could be replaced. jobs was a very egotistical man and used his wife and children to manipulate them. on the day steve came back from his plane crash, he showed up to his wife’s house and told her he was leaving for a few hours. he said he needed to have the jet out of their driveway before it was towed, and that was that. he never saw her again and had to get a divorce just to get his apron back.