Competitive Intelligence Calculator (CIC) is a useful program that estimates competitive intelligence capability of your company/business on three dimensions: risk identification, risk monitoring, and management actions. CIC is based on the concept proposed by Dr. Ben Gilad in his book “Early Warning: Using Competitive Intelligence to Anticipate Market Shifts, Control Risk, and Create Powerful Strategies”, Amacom 2004.
Dr. Ben Gilad defines competitive intelligence in the following way: “Competitive intelligence is the gathering and analysis of information from human and published sources about market trends and industry developments that allow for advanced identification of risks and opportunities in the competitive arena…before they are obvious to everyone but your company!” (Quoted with permission from Dr. Ben Gilad).









Competitive Intelligence Calculator With Product Key

CIC is a free command-line program developed in my spare time with the purpose to help CIO’s and marketing teams identify, monitor, and manage risks related to the spread of piracy. It is based on the idea that piracy is a fundamental threat to the economy, and that staying informed about piracy can help you identify potential problems before they happen. I’ve also prepared a paper, which you can download for free, that explains how CIC works and how it can be used to find solutions to help your business.
CIC Features:

Gathers information from “human sources” e.g. reports, memos, articles, case studies, etc.

Gathers information from “published sources” e.g. newspapers, magazines, mailing lists, directories, etc.

Create a detailed list of reported threats and possible solutions

Perform risk identification, risk management, and management actions on your business based on the gathered information

Gathering information from humans is based on quantitative and qualitative analytics

Gathering information from published sources is based on the concept of Information Ecology introduced by Dr. Zohair Nadeem, founder of Dr. Zohair Nadeem’s Blog. Dr. Zohair Nadeem’s Blog is a blog about everyday behavior of people and how to use this knowledge to predict market trends and find marketing opportunities.
CIC includes the following features:

Report generation

Customizable risk identification, risk management, and management actions


Full feedback on collected information

Performing ad-hoc analyses, finding correlations, and determining causality

Gathering information from published sources is based on the concept of Information Ecology introduced by Dr. Zohair Nadeem, founder of Dr. Zohair Nadeem’s Blog. Dr. Zohair Nadeem’s Blog is a blog about everyday behavior of people and how to use this knowledge to predict market trends and find marketing opportunities.
CIC includes the following features:

Report generation

Customizable risk identification, risk management, and management actions


Full feedback on collected information

Performing ad-hoc analyses, finding correlations, and determining causality

Competitive Intelligence Calculator Serial Key Description:

CIC is a free command-line program developed in my spare time with the purpose to help CIO’s and marketing teams identify, monitor, and manage risks related to the spread of piracy. It

Competitive Intelligence Calculator Patch With Serial Key Latest

This calculator is designed to help your company/business to estimate their competitive intelligence capability on three dimensions: Risk Identification, Risk Monitoring, and Management Actions.
Please use the calculator here to estimate your company/business’s competitive intelligence capability.

For those who want to get more competitive intelligence knowledge from the web, I have put together a list of 20 resources that are highly recommended.

To get started, please go to and find useful information.
Some of them are free.

The information you have submitted to this site is used for internal purposes only and is not sold or given to any third party. For more information, visit

We want to hear from you! We created the calculator to get you started. Feel free to add your comments and suggestions. You can use it for your own use.

This tool is a free calculator that provides an estimation of your company/business’ competitive intelligence capability on three dimensions: Risk Identification, Risk Monitoring, and Management Actions.
It has been designed based on the concepts proposed in Dr. Ben Gilad’s book “Early Warning: Using Competitive Intelligence to Anticipate Market Shifts, Control Risk, and Create Powerful Strategies”, Amacom 2004.

For those who want to get more competitive intelligence knowledge from the web, I have put together a list of 20 resources that are highly recommended.
For those who want to get more competitive intelligence knowledge from the web, I have put together a list of 20 resources that are highly recommended.

Competitive Intelligence Calculator Product Key Full

CIC is a highly focused, fast and easy to use competitive intelligence analysis tool that estimates your company’s “Competitive Intelligence capability”, in Dr. Ben Gilad’s definition.
CIC is especially useful for evaluating:
– your company’s strengths and weaknesses in the area of competitive intelligence;
– your company’s proactive (or reactive) competitive intelligence strategy; and
– your company’s ability to respond to competitive events at the source.
CIC’s main advantages:
– easy to use;
– fast execution;
– straightforward output;
– detailed output that can be used for detailed strategy planning.
CIC’s input includes: company profile, company’s market size, turnover, workforce, operating and supporting activities, market price or price range, competitor’s products, products covered by IPOs, market research firm reports, strategic plans, company documents and publications,…

Elite Sports Academy (ESA) is a sport management software product in development to help sport facilities to optimise their resources and the efficiency of their operations, by creating an important database for all operations. The main aim is to enable sports facilities to increase their efficiency in all sport activities such as:
– Recruitment of coaches;
– Staff recruitment and job rotation;
– Performance of staff;
– Staff training/development;
– Sports administration;
– Coaching education;
– Performance monitoring.
Software structure:
The main structure of the software is as follows:
1. Sport facilities’ database:
1-1. Sports facilities’ list;
1-2. Sports facilities’ description;
1-3. Staff details, job skills, training data;
1-4. Staff review;
1-5. Staff development;
1-6. Staff investigation.
1-7. Sports facilities’ logbook;
1-8. Staff recruitment;
1-9. Staff vacancy;
1-10. Staff training and development;
1-11. Staff investigation.
2. Sports facilities’ managers’ management system:
2-1. Staff management;
2-2. Staff investigation.
2-3. Staff vacancy.
2-4. Staff training and development.
2-5. Staff investigation.
2-6. Staff vacancy.
2-7. Staff training and development.
2-8. Staff investigation.
2-9. Staff vacancy.
2-10. Staff training and development.

What’s New in the Competitive Intelligence Calculator?

● CIC is developed as a teaching tool for an emerging market of competition-related coursework in universities.
● CIC has a built-in menu structure for easy navigation.
● CIC provides extensive descriptive and quantitative information on the highlighted company.
● CIC provides detailed guidance for competitive strategy development.
● CIC provides specific performance indicators for certain parameters for the company under study
● CIC is designed for selection of business strategy issues that the company is facing.
● CIC helps to develop and monitor strategy that is based on a well-structured competitive intelligence programme.
● CIC helps to choose an appropriate strategy and the best management actions for the company, including the selection of a specific management action.
● CIC helps in market-entry strategies.
● CIC can be used for the analysis of all types of strategic decisions.
● CIC can be customized for many companies or industries.

“This is the first step in a journey that will develop into a complete product.” said Dr. Gilad in 2006. “While my book-based course is a well-designed framework, in the long run I would develop CIC in a competitive intelligence framework of a PERT or PRM type.”
In 2009, Dr. Gilad and his co-author underlined the importance of competition intelligence in the following words: “Competitive intelligence is the precious edge that all companies require. Any company that lacks this competitive intelligence capability will become obsolete or die out.”
CIC will become the basis for many other products based on an emerging market of competitive intelligence-oriented courses.
Who wants to be part of the CIC development?
● academic institutions
● universities
● researchers, and
● practitioners interested in solving today’s problems more effectively.
For more information about the development of CIC, please contact Dr. Gilad at:

● If you are contacting Dr. Gilad, it is essential to include your name, country of residence, the name and address of your university or company or any other related information. Dr. Gilad has no access to data about companies other than those he studied or his clients’ companies.
● In order to keep a database of the people who have ever contacted Dr. Gilad, you need to include your contact information in the text of the message.
● Dr. Gilad intends to keep the database of people

System Requirements:

Can this game run on my hardware?
1) Windows 7 or 8.1
2) Processor: 800MHz or faster processor
3) Memory: 512MB of RAM
4) DirectX: Version 11
5) Hard drive space: 30MB
6) Video Card: 1024×768 maximum resolution
If you have older hardware, you might not be able to run the game.
To find out if a game can run on your hardware, go to the game’s website.
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