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Coach Carter Torrent

ken carter is a great role model. he knows that as a professional athlete, business owner, and coach, he has to set an example. he has worked hard for his success. and he has invested that success in his family and friends, and in his community. coach carter is a real life hero.

its not unusual for high school students to be athletes, and its also not unusual for high school students to be good students. but it is unusual for a high school student to be both. carters dedication to his players and to the game of basketball is inspiring.

ken carter has some strong convictions in this movie. he feels that college football is a system that is all wrong. no one will succeed outside of the colleges, but the players have no prospects for life outside of the teams. he also believes that the government has too much involvement in sports, using players as pawns to promote political causes. the government is against player-professionals and is against his players, ken says. they dont want people to get rich and to get better lives. hes willing to sacrifice his players for the greater good, even if it means that theyre in jail.

its a good question. i think most of us are glad that our athletes have a chance to achieve their goals. they have a wonderful life and are some of the best and most interesting people ive ever met. i appreciate those who are coaches and track people who are trying to achieve something. i dont think its fair for them to get caught in a system that doesnt allow them to be themselves.

but i do think that the big issue in ken carter way is that he believes that sports are only for the young and the innocent. his players who are college age or older arent the same as his players, who are young. its unfair for the coaches to control the kids without their consent. its about pushing people to the limits. theres only one way to do that and thats by making some bad decisions. theyre going to be out of a job soon, so theyll be all in good shape.

when carter stepped down as head coach of the oilers, the school chose as his replacement former richmond high assistant coach, eldon davis. the young players embraced davis as their own and have continued to develop.
since carter left richmond in 2006, the oilers have not only survived but thrived. theyve played in four straight state championships, winning each one. the oilers have also won six consecutive region ix championships, and last year they defeated roosevelt high school from los angeles, the number-one team in california. they have lost only one game over the past two years, and finished the 2008-09 season ranked number-one in california.
as head coach of the richmond high school oilers, ken carter has witnessed the transformation of his players from spaz to scholar. coach carter isnt simply a basketball coach. he mentors his players as they grow in life. his energy and passion for the game of basketball is infectious. when he takes his players out on the court, they play as a team, with each player contributing to the victory. coach carter has his boys in the classroom. his goal is that they all graduate with an education, so they can continue to grow and develop, and ultimately reach their full potential.
players who have participated in coach carterâs program have gone on to get college scholarships, earn college degrees, become successful businessmen, professional athletes, and even become police officers. carterâs influence on his players has inspired them to excel in their own lives.
in 2005, basketball star carters son chris was killed in a car accident. the coach has kept the memory of his son alive, and has shared that loss with his players. in 2007, coach carter was invited to speak at a graduation ceremony for one of his players. it was a special occasion for carter, and he shared his experience as the father of a son that had died.