8 Pieces of Advice from Commonly Rejected Matchmakers

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So, if you’re looking to date more people, keep your eyes open and know how to listen to what the other person is saying, because these matchmakers will tell you that being too forthcoming can be one of the worst dating mistakes you can make. That being said, these matchmakers have probably seen their fair share of boring dates. From their experience, they have some advice to offer on what to do during a date and how to keep an interest alive.

1. Don’t be awkward and awkward for the sake of being awkward.


Erin Bowman, who has been a matchmaker for almost 15 years, says that during a date you want to take a risk and be authentic, but you still need to be careful with that authenticity. “If you’re a timid guy who’s afraid to let people see that you’re interested, you’ll never get a date, and you’ll just see people walk around you,” says Bowman. “When you’re with someone who’s attracted to you, that person will respect you more because you’re respecting them. Don’t make them feel insecure.”

2. Don’t make them feel insecure.


If you’re going on a date with someone who you’re interested in, do your best not to look them in the eye too much. “Don’t look them in the eye as if you’re telling them secrets,” says Bowman. “This is an example of a guy who’s looking too much. He’s looking to see if they’re going to be a good fit. He wants to make sure he can talk to them on a deep level, but he’s looking too much.”

“If you’re in a relationship, if you’re just looking to get laid, fine, but if you can’t maintain eye contact and your date is clearly uncomfortable, it’s not going to work out well for you,” says Bowman. “Someone should really love you.”

3. Appear confident.


Bowman says that confidence is sexy, and while it might be intimidating for some people to date, it can be easy to achieve in others. “You can be shy or nervous, but you can still be confident,” she says https://dating-online-today.com/how-hookups-differ-from-sugar-dating-top-sex-advice/
This guide was originally posted on the Today.com website.

So, what do you do if you want to date today? Just about anything, it turns out, even if it seems like the last thing you’d ever want to do.

The rise of the mobile dating app is a big part of the reason for the shifting landscape of modern dating, according to today.com women’s editor Susannah Cahalan. “In order to be successful, you have to be able to be with people around them,” she said. “Smartphones and their apps now are great for people who are trying to find a second date, a fourth date, a third date.”

Cahalan and her colleagues at Today.com spoke to experts to come up with their guide, and they say that it’s not as daunting as it may have seemed a decade ago. They advise you to get comfortable with all the moving parts of dating. You’re going to have to initiate conversations, make small talk and ask questions, and learn to get comfortable being vulnerable.

The idea is to figure out what you like and how to get it—whether it’s a shorter, online “hookup” or something more serious with a person you like. This means meeting people and getting comfortable in the process so that you are able to tell them what you are looking for. And maybe more importantly, you can tell whether they are looking for the same thing.

Despite the fact that there are so many different ways to connect with people today, the experts agree that having a conversation is still the best way to start. “The best way to find someone you’re interested in is by initiating a conversation with someone,” says Nancy Daly, a relationship expert at Match.com.

If you’re not comfortable initiating a conversation, don’t worry—you don’t need to be a conversationalist in order to begin a conversation. All you need to do is make it easy for a person to talk to you, and learn how to make a conversation flow—even if it’s just about something as simple as the weather. “Making conversation is easy and fun and casual and shouldn’t be scary,” says Daly. “It should just be the way we talk to everyone. Finding a way to initiate a conversation, though, can help you find the common ground you need to jump on a connection.”

After you’ve begun the conversation, you want to keep things relatively casual and easygoing. “You want to do something for
