Is casual sex bad for you?

Ways to have casual sex that are safe and great for you

Turning to App-Based Casual Flings

All you need is an Internet connection and an app. After you download the app that most aptly represents you and your love life, you’ll start chatting with people who hit the most on those essential questionnaires. Another bonus, most dating apps have geo-location tools where you can tap that “Nearby” button to find members who happen to be nearby in real life.

Is casual sex bad for you?

Essentially, you can find someone like-minded and quickly hook up with them and all the good stuff that entails that no type of infidelity inherently has. The modern dating app trend is all about finding compatible partners and having quality sex while doing so. Hookup culture takes the sharing and exploration to the next level by offering this direct connection. You’ll never have to wonder if your partner and your sex life will mix well, because you can find that out in 15 minutes.

Is casual sex bad for you?

Live Hookup From Around The Area

Dating apps typically allow you to search within a large radius. As a result, the people you want to hook up with are likely to be easily within reach. If you find the person you want, tap the “chat” button and you’re ready to start having sex. Where you choose to hook up isn’t too important — be it a café or restaurant, a bedroom or even a public space, like a park. Only you can decide what you’re comfortable with.

Does casual sex really work?

The few clear downsides are that the service requires a subscription fee — typically around $40 a month — and that most of the people using the apps have a very specific type of dating persona. That means that the majority of people are men or women who have certain ideals in mind when it comes to having casual sex. You’ll find the image of the perfect “catch” and that the men and women you’re seeing on these dating apps might not have the same expectation.

When it comes down to the facts, the only thing that casual sex has proven to deliver for the individual is a completely new kind of social experience. You may end up having casual sex with people you don’t particularly like or even care about — but that isn’t a bad thing. It’s just what casual sex has become
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Now here is some good news: The American Psychological Association, the country’s largest association of psychologists, found that having sexual experiences without an emotional attachment is not harmful to one’s health in any way. While that is not to suggest that having casual sex is an ideal way to conduct yourself, it does seem to indicate that this can be a pretty normal, healthy way for some people to live their lives.

But what if you have the proverbial partner who is interested in casual sex, but you’re not? It seems like everyone knows someone who fit the bill, which is especially true when you’re just starting to date someone new. But perhaps you’re so afraid of being less interested in the relationship that you’ve decided it’s just not worth the risk.

I don’t want to appear to be cold, but you don’t want to get caught either. Sure, there are lots of reasons why you wouldn’t want to hook up, most of which are painfully obvious to you now. But I always say that it’s better to ask for advice rather than blind dates when first meeting someone. If there are things you don’t like about them, chances are they’ll be able to speak candidly.

That is, unless your partner is enamored of the idea of dating someone even less emotionally stable than himself.
This is a sentiment shared by Dr. Michael J. Sitrin, a clinical psychologist and president of Advanced Psychopathology Education Network. “It’s the personality of the man in the relationship that is key,” he says. “He needs to be sure that there is a willingness to be vulnerable around his counterpart.” When you run into someone who is attracted to you because you are an easy lay, your attraction to that person is on your side.
That said, there are a lot of other reasons why the idea of casual sex doesn’t seem appealing to you. Let’s consider the potential problems.
They are too old for you. If you are just starting to date someone and his age seems way too much to handle, you probably have nothing to worry about. When we first started dating, we were both 22, and to see us kiss, hold hands, and then have sex, was a huge turn on for my now husband. But it’s not like that when you’re 20 anymore. The only thing likely to slow you down or hold you back is your fear, as the saying goes.

Last words
That means this kind of sexual variety has certainly worked for people