CamShaft enables you to define a camshaft profile on the set trajectory which should provide the given mechanism. The trajectory can be set graphically, co-ordinates or function.
Users will have the possibility to customize the result by entering the values they require within the Geometry tab.


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Entries for the CAMSHAFT/CAMSHAFTPROFX files

I tried to create the profile with the following settings:
I have a 100mm rod of 2.125″ OD (0.6″) and to change the profile from ~20 to ~40mm, the calculated height of the camshaft should be close to ~4.56mm

after this the profile was not generated correctly and I saw the following error:

You are trying to load a double-headed camshaft profile. camshaft profiles can only be created using single-headed cams.

I had problems to create the camshaft geometry on AutoCAD:

The selected items are not able to be added in CAMSHAFT/CAMSHAFTPROFX. 

I ran into problems again after the import. I tried to export the file and re-import it again, but I get error 1048:

[1064] The parameter is not valid. It may be missing a corresponding entry.

Is there anything I did wrong while trying to create a camshaft profile? How can I export a camshaft profile into CAMSHAFT/CAMSHAFTPROFX?


You can create double headed cam profiles, but you need the two halves of the profile (head 1 and head 2) to match exactly.
So you need two heads that are the same so that you can add them together
You won’t get the error 1048. You’ll get a different error. It’s message says “Error detected during export to CAM SHAFT. The parameter is not valid.”
I’m assuming that your error is “Error detected during export to CAM SHAFT. The parameter is not valid”.
What is actually happening is that the head is not able to add together because of the different lengths.
The Cylinder head angle on the profile is zero so the profile is double the length of the crankshaft.
If you want to know a bit more about how cam profiles work, or if you have more questions to ask, this article has a lot of information about camshaft profiles.
Hope this answers your question.

1. Field of the Invention
The present invention relates generally to a method and apparatus for packaging and handling relatively small, fragile articles, and more particularly to such an

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Diameter end;

Eccentricity end;

Offset end;

Cam-Shaft Pitch;

Angle-cut end.

Add your needs

Add CamShaft calculation

CamShaft calculation method

Custom calculation

Add a custom geometry

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Our maximum user number to avoid forum overload is 25. We still would love to help you by reply your question. In case you are number will exceed you can contact our helpdesk via mai helpdesk system on our website.O MST Gira além dos movimentos, nas próximas semanas, deve convocar mais de 300 mil jovens, por meio do programa “Favela Brasil”, promovido pela Federação dos Trabalhadores Rurais Sem Teto (FETRST) para combater a violência urbana, às escolas e nas ruas. Toda uma “dez milhões de vagas” de jovens com idades entre 12 e 25 anos, submetidos ao ensino básico e fundamental médio, serão dispensados. Os jovens poderão, inclusive, fazer cursos de segurança pública.

Outras metas são preservar a situação de moradores de favelas e tornar a violência urbana “extinta” ainda em 2014, a data de conclusão do projeto de atuação conjunta, aprovado em maio do ano passado.

“O programa é uma questão de convirção, sem pressões. As famílias e os movimentos sociais que participam do programa irão apresentar o plano de ações como parte do processo de planejamento a partir da sua experiência e que eles entendem serem necessários para combater as inú

CamShaft Crack Download For PC (Updated 2022)

Camshaft Profile Definition
Camshafts are defined based on toolhead profiles such as hammer or triggers within a defined range. This will ensure that all profiles will be well defined.
The tool head is defined as a black curve with a predefined gradient and is the calculation base for camshaft profile definition. This profile should be defined together with camshaft position and the desired duration and can be saved as a profile.


The profile is analyzed by using the mathematically defined toolhead profile which also determine the desired duration of the profile.
Camshaft Profile Selection:

If there is a cam profile selected, it will be automatically changed to one of the profiles in the Geometry tab and will be visible within the Geometry tab.

Seasonal variation of symptoms among the elderly in Olsahler Commune, Koko-san, Japan.
Several studies have demonstrated a seasonal variation in the incidence of certain diseases in various countries. The aim of this study was to determine whether or not there is an association between symptoms and seasons in an elderly population in Japan. The 1,533 subjects were residents of an urban village. They were aged 70 years or older. The average life expectancy at 65 years of age was 65.2 years for males and 70.0 years for females. The questionnaire included a list of symptoms, and was answered by interviewers. The results showed that 73% of subjects had one or more symptoms, including constipation, back pain, insomnia, drowsiness, cold, general fatigue, palpitations, and general weakness. The seasonal variation was examined. The highest incidence of constipation was observed in the winter (28.2%) and the lowest in the autumn (14.4%). The incidence of back pain was highest in the spring (23.2%), and lowest in the winter (17.4%). The incidence of insomnia was highest in the winter (24.0%), and lowest in the autumn (12.7%). The incidence of drowsiness was highest in the spring (21.8%) and lowest in the autumn (16.1%). The incidence of cold was highest in the autumn (35.3%), and lowest in the winter (20.5%). The incidence of general fatigue was highest in the spring (22.2%), and lowest in the autumn (9.4%). The incidence of palpitations was highest in the winter (17.1%), and lowest in the autumn (7.2%).

What’s New in the CamShaft?

Camshaft Creation Assistant was designed to help formateurs to make molds, complicated to start, by using the knowledge of its designer and formulas.
User can be asked by unknown (new) settings of the spline – to inform him/her what function shows the results on an empty (initial) block:

What is CamShaft Features?

Creation of the cam profile is possible on any kind of trajectory (discontinuous or continuous), by choosing one profile for the whole trajectory and setting different profiles along it.

Cam profile can be adjusted graphically, co-ordinates or be a function.

User can save it in XML format, then with the help of CamShaft Creator it is possible to use it in other programs.

All valid functions are displayed in the graphical view, so it is possible to see what values are returned.

The functions can be mapped by different ways as cusps, recesses or pinholes.

When the change of the profiles is done, the different layers are divided. The geometry of the cam is updated by ‘Split by profiles’.

User can set the profiles more or less thick and adjust them easily and accurately along the graph.

You can name the profile.

You can insert the values you require in the Geometry tab to customize the results of the profile.



By default, the results of a profile are calculated for each layer, when a split profile is to be made. However, you can show the results for just one layer, for both the solid and split profiles.

F.ex. : one profile for a recess, and one profile for a cusp.

‘Split by profiles’ button for only selected layer

The value from ‘Split by profiles’ button is inserted in the formula only in case of split profile.

You can insert the values you require in the Geometry tab to customize the results of the profile.

You can have a thin profile for a recess and a thicker profile for the cusp.

‘Split by profiles’ button for at least 2 layers

You can assign the profiles for your layers.

‘Split by profiles’ button for at least 2 layers

You can assign the profiles for both your layers.

‘Split by profiles’ button for all layers

You can assign the profiles for all of your layers.

System Requirements For CamShaft:

OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista
Processor: Intel Core i3 or equivalent
Memory: 4 GB RAM
Graphics: Intel HD 4000 / ATI or NVIDIA, OpenGL 2.1 capable
DirectX: Version 9.0 compatible
Storage: 4 GB available space
Additional Notes:
Languages: English
Isometric View: On
HD Video: 720p / 480p
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