Boot ChoOSer Crack Free Download [Win/Mac] (Latest)

Boot ChoOSer is a small utility that will make it easier to switch between multiple versions of Windows NT or Windows 9x on your system. It is designed to be an optional tool for using NT’s multiple boot manager, and you can use it without rebooting your system. It will make it easier for you to select a different operating system at boot time.
Boot ChoOSer does not install any new files or registry entries on your system. If you have Microsoft Windows, it is optional. Please download the current version here: Download Boot ChoOSer

Issues and Bugs:
Any problems with the software? Please let me know by opening a new issue at GitHub.

Update History

1.2.2: Fixed bug that would prevent using a hotkey
1.2.1: Changed layout so it fits in TaskBar if available (1.0.2)
1.2.0: Added Hotkey to quick access (requires restart)
1.1.0: Made it download-only (requires restart)
1.0.2: Fixed bug with usage on shortcut
1.0.1: Made it install in Program Files
1.0.0: Initial release


Boot ChoOSer is a free, open-source, MIT-licensed product. You can use Boot ChoOSer in a commercial or non-commercial manner, and in any way you like as long as you provide appropriate attribution to “Boot ChoOSer”.
, I think that all of the chiefs should be made into a Tarzan movie. Not so much that a central character is made out of hundreds of characters, but that the producers can have fun with all of them. The simplicity that I’m talking about would allow for a more consistent action story, which might not require a central character, but would just be a series of cool and unique scenes. Think of:

– a Tarzan movie set in a jungle

– a Tarzan movie set in a snowscape

– a Tarzan movie set in a desert

– a Tarzan movie set in a shanty town


– a Tarzan movie set in an African jungle

– a Tarzan movie set in an American forest

– a Tarzan movie set in a very vast Scandinavian forest

– a Tarzan movie set in a Himalayan setting

These are just examples, but

Boot ChoOSer Crack Free Registration Code

Runs as a system service.
■ MAIN: starts the service
■ CLEAR: clears screen
■ TIMER: sets delay timer
■ CUSTOM: custom action
■ ICONS: adds icons to StartMenu and StartUp dialog
■ DIALOG: adds icon to Taskbar
■ Hotkey: sets hotkey to start service
■ STATUS: checks if service is running
Batch file syntax:
To run Boot ChoOSer Cracked Version as a system service:
Batch file syntax to set/remove hotkey:
BootChooser.bat MAIN / CLEAR / TIMER: 5 / CUSTOM / ICONS / DIALOG / HOTKEY / [hotkey]
■ If hotkey already set, will exit without changes
■ If hotkey not set, will remove hotkey.
■ If hotkey has no text, will leave hotkey unchanged.
■ If hotkey is empty, will leave hotkey unchanged.
■ If hotkey is empty, will leave hotkey unchanged.
■ If hotkey is left unchanged, will remove hotkey.
■ If hotkey is removed, will leave hotkey unchanged.
[Log Menu]
■ Disk: lists configured OS’s and sets delay to 5 seconds.
■ Reinstall: deletes all config files and resets service.
■ Debug: allow you to choose / ignore Boot Chooser log messages.
Log Menu:
■ Discard [config files]: allows you to delete log files.
■ Debug: allows you to turn on or off log messages.
■ Exit: exits Boot Chooser and restarts Windows NT.
■ Exit without Deleting: allows you to exit Boot Chooser but only delete log files.
■ Restart: restarts Windows NT.
■ Custom: allows you to run any subroutine you wish.
■ Reset: clears all settings and resets Boot Chooser to default.
■ Version: shows version info of Boot Chooser.
■ Help:

Boot ChoOSer Crack+ With License Code [2022]

Boot ChoOSer is a boot-time utility that makes it easy to manage multiple Windows NT
booting versions. It can set the default OS to be booted next, or set a delay before the
booting OS is presented to the user.

The Windows 9x boot manager used by Windows 95/98/Me/NT/2000 and Windows NT/XP/Vista
is named “msdos.sys” in the Windows NT/XP/Vista “system32” directory. Windows 9x also
uses a configuration file, “boot.ini” in “c:\windows\system32\config”. This file
contains entries for Windows 9x/ME booting, DOS, Windows NT, and Windows 2000 boot

Since Windows NT booting is different than the Windows 9x booting, Boot Chooser
requires both files to be present. Boot Chooser has no knowledge of which entries are
9x or which are NT.

Boot Chooser also supports starting from either a DOS prompt, a Windows 9x boot disk,
a Windows NT boot disk, or any other type of operating system boot device.

The default delay value is 5 seconds, but you can change this setting by selecting the
Delay button on the Boot Chooser taskbar icon.

At a minimum, you will need a “booting” Windows 9x or Windows NT that is in a
multiboot configuration, which means that you need to be booted into the version of
Windows 9x or Windows NT you want to use as the default OS. You will also need the
boot.ini file for Windows 9x or Windows NT.

NOTE: An important requirement for getting Boot Chooser to work is that the Windows
9x or Windows NT booting is in a multiboot configuration. This is because the Windows
boot manager (and Boot Chooser) are looking for the OS’s boot entries in a particular
configuration. If you have a Windows 9x system that is not multiboot, Boot Chooser
will not work for it.

The Boot Chooser dialog box:

Open the Boot Chooser dialog box:

Choose which boot device you want to use:

Boot the selected OS:

The Boot Chooser icon:

Boot Chooser’s icon in the system tray:


1. Do not use Boot Chooser to change the default OS of a

What’s New in the Boot ChoOSer?

This is a free software to manage multiple Windows versions. Windows NT-based systems boot in several ways: the multi-boot boot.ini file and the MS-DOS-based boot.ini file (to be precise, Windows NT 3.1/3.5/4.0/4.1/2000).
The multi-boot boot.ini file usually contains information about the default Windows versions, but it can contain information about non-default Windows versions too (such as the Windows NT 3.51/4.01/2000 editions).
The MS-DOS boot.ini file contains information about the default MS-DOS version.
Boot ChoOSer allows you to switch between the two boot files, and it will also manage the boot.ini files of Windows NT’s service packs and updates. If Boot ChoOSer detects an installed version of Windows NT, it will include its boot.ini file into Boot ChoOSer’s menu (to save space).
Boot ChoOSer can also detect if an already installed version of Windows is active at boot, and it will set its delay to the specified number of seconds to speed unattended reboots (you must put in the value to speed up reboots, or you risk a reboot if the system gets to the BIOS before you).
Boot ChoOSer’s installation will also detect any additional boot.ini file, and will install it into Boot ChoOSer’s menu.
Boot ChoOSer’s installation will also add a hotkey to boot in the new operating system, if that system is installed.
Boot ChoOSer’s installation will also detect if you’re running an NT service pack or a Windows 2000/NT service pack. It will then include the Windows NT 3.51/4.01/2000/NT 5.0/NT 5.1/NT 5.2 boot.ini file into Boot ChoOSer’s menu, and it will detect if the service pack is installed.
Boot ChoOSer’s installation will also detect if you’re running a Windows 9x service pack or an NT service pack. It will then include the MS-DOS boot.ini file into Boot ChoOSer’s menu, and it will detect if the service pack is installed.
Boot ChoOSer’s installation will include Boot ChoOSer’s default boot.ini file into Windows NT’s System Configuration Utility (which you use to change the default boot operating system), and it will also include Boot ChoOSer’s boot.ini file in Windows NT’s Service Manager.

Boot ChoOSer Screenshots:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot ChoOSer:

Boot Cho

System Requirements For Boot ChoOSer:

OS: Windows 7
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo @ 1.8GHz
Memory: 1GB
Graphics: GeForce 9600 GT or Radeon HD 2600
DirectX®: Version 9.0c
Hard Drive: 5GB available space
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5 @ 2.4GHz
Memory: 3GB
Graphics: GeForce GTX 680 or Radeon HD 7970