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Category:Windows-only software
Category:1984 software
Category:Video-related software
Category:Media players////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
// Copyright 2013, Typhoon Framework Contributors
// All Rights Reserved.
// NOTICE: The authors permit you to use, modify, and distribute this file
// in accordance with the terms of the license agreement accompanying it.

#import “TyphoonDefinition+Configuration.h”

@implementation TyphoonDefinition (Configuration)

– (BOOL) shouldAddProductDefinitionsInRootStack {
return [[self expression] shouldAddProductDefinitionsInRootStack];

– (BOOL) shouldAddProductDefinitionsForImportedConfiguration {
return [[self expression] shouldAddProductDefinitionsForImportedConfiguration];

He’s one of the best known characters in the “UFO community,” a man who says he speaks for the collective unconscious in a quest to open the mind’s eye to a world of superior beings and advanced technology, and in 2015, he said that he once bumped into an extraterrestrial being.

Now, under the pseudonym of “Devin McKee,” the man known as Dr. Steven Greer, has taken on the topic that consumes the entire UFO community, the question of flying saucers’ possible use in warfare.

In a series of posts on his website “UfologyNEWS,” Greer makes the case for UFOs to be weaponized:

The U.S. Air Force tests for and issues licenses to own aircraft that are not allowed to be flown on U.S. soil… all of the exotic aircraft that witnesses of various types report are flying around their skies are also currently being tested by the US and their allies… The craft are either based in the Nevada Desert or at remote Area 51, and they’re testing laser and ion beam based weapons with countermeasures.

His most recent article, published Aug. 17, emphasizes the need to shut down the US military’s Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, which ran from 2004 to 2007, but was shut down by the Obama administration in 2009. “Project Blue Book” (which ran from 1952 to 1970, and investigated alien sightings)