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One of the key challenges of casual sexual relations is distinguishing between sexual and non-sexual situations that happen outside the relationship, for example, while out partying and when travelling. However, it is especially hard to draw the line when casual non-sexual encounters are treated as sexual encounters in a hook-up culture.
Think about it in the picture of married people traveling together on a vacation: it is very likely that non-sexual encounters between married individuals may happen, no matter how hard they may try to fight it. The line may also be blurred when people outside the relationship deliberately seek intimacy and partner sex when they come to a non-sexual relationship together.

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The dating apps of our era are making casual sex a widely accepted, normalized, and casually approachable part of dating, and there are plenty of reasons why people have no problem doing this in real life. Here are some of them. It sounds weird because we’re used to viewing casual sex as something that’s dirty or base or negative, but I’m going to be the one to break it to you: casual sex is just as awesome (or maybe a little bit more awesome) than the stereotypical sex.
It’s great for a range of reasons. Theoretically, casual sex can help you with your romantic relationships and help you have more casual sex. But basically, you’ll just make more connections with a higher likelihood of you having a long-term relationship. Put that in your pipe and smoke it. It’s the most underrated part of being single.
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Casual sex is so much different than with sex. People who are casual, like myself, have no issues with not having a special someone and casually going on dates with random people. Casual sex is great because it allows you to try new things that you might not do if you are in a relationship. Casual sex is a great way to get to know someone without much hassle. Casual sex is a great way to try new things and experiment with your sexuality.
Hookup Apps Chat On Sex

Lets talk about the dating apps you have tried and think you’ll never use again.Rising, Match: If you
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While casual sex has earned a lot of (positive) press lately, there is a reason why a college fraternity would say “Casual sex is okay for a Friday night. But not the same as finding someone with whom you could do something deeper”. Similarly, it’s not a good idea to blindly hook up — know who you’re getting to. “I’m not saying you can’t hook up with somebody you’ve never met before; that’s not an ideal scenario,” says Seattle-based sex therapist Kate Iley. “But having a bad experience is better than having a bad experience from having sex with somebody you don’t know well. Sex is a big decision, and it’s important to be really thoughtful about that.” So take the extra minute to have a little bit of trepidation — and make sure you’re into it, too.
How casual sex impacts your health
If casual sex is simply not your thing, you’re probably not ready to date again, yet, as over the last year, Tinder has seen about a 45 percent spike in female matches, says a report from the Tinder developer Hims. On the other hand, if you want a goodnight kiss but no strings, hookup culture is less your friend — make that instead your enemy.
Read on for expert answers to some of the most common questions about casual sex.
It’s hard to judge the state of the American love life, but sometimes, news about the rate of divorce is both startling and sobering.
A survey released in October by IF Smith, a research company that specializes in sexuality, found that 50 percent of women and 42 percent of men said that they have felt pressured to have sex before marriage since the early 2000s.
Casual as it may seem, casual sex is no longer a relatively recent phenomenon. Here are some illuminating statistics about dating and sex in 2014:
The most inescapable fact of casual sex is that it is the exact opposite of dating. Dating in America today—and the hookup culture it spawns—can feel like a survival strategy. We’ve become a society that dates in order to get laid. Don’t like the fact that we are separated by consenting adults—then don’t have sex. The pressure, whether from each other or from media, is greater to go out and have sex with someone you want to have sex with in order to feel less alone and more accepted.
Love and sex don’t have to mean sacrificing
