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A cytomorphometric analysis of the nuclear chromatin pattern of regenerating bronchioles and alveolar ducts after hyperoxia.
In the present study we investigated the cytomorphological changes in nuclei of regenerating bronchioles and alveolar ducts during hyperoxia-induced alveolarization. Male CF1 mice (20 g body weight) were exposed to hyperoxia (80%) for different periods of time (0 to 90 days). Epithelial cells of these animals were isolated and subjected to quantitation of nuclear chromatin by the method of Feulgen-Wühr. (a) The acinar cell population of the lumen of bronchioles and terminal bronchioles is remarkably increased after hyperoxia. (b) Within the first week of hyperoxia alveolar epithelial cells undergo an increase in the amount of nuclear chromatin (P less than 0.001). This increase in nuclear chromatin is accompanied by nucleolar hypertrophy (P less than 0.001). (c) A similar pattern of nuclear chromatin distribution is found in interstitial cells of the lung. (d) In addition, a redistribution of nuclear chromatin takes place from nucleoli to nucleoplasm.Q:

What am I doing wrong with my Jacobian method?

I have already tried putting the code in a while loop, but it doesn’t work at all.
I’m trying to calculate the derivative of the function
f(x,y)= x^2+y^2+2xy
with respect to x using Jacobian method.
What I’ve written works for the derivative of f(x,y) with respect to y, but I don’t know how to make it work with respect to x
def jacobian(f,x,y):
for i in range(2):

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