AutoCAD 20.1 Crack Download X64

AutoCAD is owned by Autodesk. Autodesk also owns AutoCAD Architecture (AutoCAD Architecture) and AutoCAD MEP (AutoCAD Mechanical).


CAD is a broad term that includes most, but not all, of the applications that create 2D, 3D, and other types of drawings. In the early days of CAD, everything from architectural plans to blueprints were stored as digital drawings in a CAD system. Today, there are numerous other types of drawings that are stored in a CAD system, including technical drawings, electrical schematics, surface models, mechanical schematics, and a number of others.

Preliminary and conceptual designs are often completed in CAD systems, before moving to a drafting or manufacturing application.

CAD is the de facto standard for creating professional-quality drawings. It is also widely used for creating BIM models.

AutoCAD 2018 R2

The new release of AutoCAD has many new features.

2019 R1: More new features for AutoCAD for Architecture and MEP

AutoCAD Architecture and AutoCAD MEP are new additions to the line-up of products from Autodesk.

2019 R1: New starting tools in AutoCAD for Architecture

All of these tools start in the same place, so that users can learn how to use them in one view and apply them across the board.

Edit: 2019 R1 has some additional useful tools that I did not include in this post, and will include in a new post.

2019 R1: New starting tools in AutoCAD MEP

New starting tools in AutoCAD for Architecture

The new architecture & MEP edition of AutoCAD includes many new tools.

1. Reference planes

Reference planes are created as you place and align objects on your drawing. They are referenced to a fixed point in space, rather than a drawing point. The point can be anything: a wall, door, and so on.

Reference planes can be created in a number of ways:

Align. Object snap points are aligned to the surface of the selected object, until the desired spacing is achieved. This is a quick way to place two, three, or four references.

Align to Point. Object snap points are aligned to a point on the selected object. To use this tool, open the Reference Plane from the Commands panel (

AutoCAD 20.1 Crack Patch With Serial Key [Win/Mac] [March-2022]

See also

Comparison of CAD editors for CAE
Comparison of CAD editors for PLM
List of CAD file formats
List of CAE Software
List of free computer-aided design software


External links

The AutoCAD Journal – A daily publication for AutoCAD users

Category:Computer-aided design software for Windows
Category:CAD file formats
Category:Computer-aided design software for LinuxQ:

C# Sockets newbie question

Here is my problem :
I have a C# console application that needs to connect to a computer running a service on port 5000. I tried running that service from the command line and it worked. So I created a C# program that should do the same but it doesn’t work. I had to add the Sockets library (even though I can’t understand what it does).
Any hint about what to look for in the code will be very helpful.
Here’s my code :
namespace SocketTest
class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
Socket s = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Stream, ProtocolType.Tcp);

IPEndPoint ipep = new IPEndPoint(IPAddress.Parse(“”), 5000);



First, you need to make sure your.NET version is 4.5.1 or higher and that you use an up-to-date.NET version (e.g. the ones on the side-bar, or in the Package Manager Console).
Next, you need to make sure you run with elevated priviliges. You can use the.NET tool Process Monitor (

AutoCAD 20.1

Then go to:
File => Preference => Keygen => Edit Keygen => Edit.

Find the option “Install Last New Keygen” and check it.

Now hit F4 to run the keygen.

Now, double click the.reg file and follow the instructions.

3. Run Autodesk Viewer and find a PDF file named “Make Model”.

4. Drag the MakeModel.pdf file to the Autodesk Viewer.

5. Drag the MakeModel.reg file to the Autodesk Viewer to install the Autodesk plugin.

Attached Files:

Make Model.pdf

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Add, move, and delete spline, arc, and B-spline handles, align objects, and adjust their transforms.

Autodesk continues to provide a wide variety of ways to access and incorporate AutoCAD content in your presentations, websites, and workflows. You can manage change-tracked drawings or link to documents and drawings to keep your work consistent.

Canvas Design:

Draw object stencils—also known as “stencils”—in 2D space. Designers can draw multiple stencils to specify groups of shapes. You can control how many stencils can be selected at once, with each one having different properties. (video: 2:43 min.)

AutoCAD Architecture 2019, in beta, was released this summer to provide better support for 3D designs. Add BIM-based objects to your designs.

Building on its cloud services, Autodesk continues to support an even wider array of collaborative workflows.

New in the latest release of AutoCAD (2023) are new command and control centers for some of the most popular functions, including the common parts of designing.

And we’re bringing back a few features and functionality we stopped including in AutoCAD Architecture 2019, including rotating and zooming.

Command and control centers provide a much better way to manage the most important commands and controls in AutoCAD.

Rotating and zooming is back!

When you select a new command, Control Centers open with the correct options.

With the new zoom and rotate controls in the Navigation Pane, you can easily re-center your view of the design.

The Zoom slider in the Navigation Pane controls the zoom distance between the current viewport location and the original size of the drawing.

The Rotate button in the Navigation Pane controls the orientation of the current viewport.

You can click the pin icon at the right of the zoom slider or rotate button to make that control persist through a command or in Control Centers.

To see a complete list of new and updated commands, tools, and dialogs in AutoCAD 2023, please see the AutoCAD 2023 feature list.

New in AutoCAD Architecture 2019 (beta):

In this release, we’re introducing a new style of design to AutoCAD Architecture. When you create a new AutoCAD project

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows Vista/7/8

Processor: 2.0 GHz
Memory: 4 GB
Hard Disk: 20 GB
Internet Connection
You can also download USELESS.TXT from the link below and paste it into the document.
Save it to your desktop
Edit it as you wish
Click Install
Choose No (or maybe “Yes”)
UPDATE: I’ve made this available as a FREE PDF.
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