AutoCAD Crack + (Latest)

AutoCAD Crack For Windows is the standard for all architectural, engineering and construction work, and the second most popular desktop software product in the world after Microsoft Office. It is sold by Autodesk and has over 45 million users, with another million users on subscription, and over 400,000 users using the free version. It is used for the design and documentation of houses, schools, shops, offices, public and commercial buildings, bridges, tunnels, turbines, dams, wind turbines, etc. (it can be used for making 3D-models for almost any type of machinery). According to the Gartner analyst market study, it was estimated in May 2015 that the AutoCAD revenue for all versions is $1.4 billion (USD) worldwide.


AutoCAD Version 1

The first AutoCAD software product was named Version 1, which was released in December 1982. The first price was US$15,000. In 1988, AutoCAD was made available to the public by the end-user license program, allowing a user to run AutoCAD at the user’s own premises. When the end-user license program was introduced, Autodesk asked computer users at universities to write program tests to ensure that the software did not run too fast, so that people did not see the software update messages. The price of Autodesk’s software was thus about one thousandth of its final price.

AutoCAD at its first appearance was a small application which had the maximum file size of 3.2 kilobytes (kB). AutoCAD did not support architecture and engineering drawing (AEC), and several key functions required the use of manual “drag and drop” methods. Using the main menu, the user could create and modify 2D and 3D drawings. When the user turned on the computer, it started the user’s preselected AutoCAD drawing file. From the perspective of design, AutoCAD was integrated into the OS environment and was considered difficult to use. During the early years of AutoCAD’s existence, there was no direct 3D software that allowed the user to edit the surface of a model, and the interface made the user feel as if they were using a general-purpose word processor. The majority of the work was done on the screen. Thus, many of the functions in the drawing view or modeling view were “pulled” to the drawing area, and the user was unable to return to the drawing area or modeling view if needed

AutoCAD Crack

Load modules
The programs and modules required to load into the AutoCAD environment are stored in folders under the AUTOCAD\APPS\LOAD folder on a host computer. The folders are listed in the File menu.

In addition to drawing files, Autodesk uses the program to cache objects such as blocks and annotation layers, as well as the dynamic solids associated with those objects, to load into memory more efficiently.

AutoCAD’s core drawing product can be used to create 2D and 3D drawings, including parametric construction drawings, basic layouts, mechanical, civil, architectural, landscape, civil engineering, and structural engineering plans, construction drawings, and blueprints.


In addition to its core drawing product, AutoCAD also includes the following features:
AutoCAD Architecture (2017), AutoCAD Electrical (2013), AutoCAD Mechanical (2015), AutoCAD Civil 3D (2017) and AutoCAD Structural 3D (2013)
Building Information Modeling (BIM) Integration in the form of a cloud-based platform
Content-Aware Selection (CAS) for screen space selection of geometric entities
Geometric modeling – solid and surface modeling – including 3D solid modeling
Graphical vector-based engineering (GVE) modeling, drafting, and drawing
Image-based modeling (IBM)
Surface- and solid-based parametric modeling and editing
Window environments for 2D and 3D
Load drawing data from a wide variety of data formats and formats for loading data from other programs

Application programs

AutoCAD supports more than 40 different application programs, which are listed in the File menu. AutoCAD includes some of the main application programs that have been previously mentioned.

Authorware Authorware is the only application program that is fully compatible with AutoCAD 2000, 2002 and 2004
AutoCAD Application Builder AutoCAD Application Builder creates standalone applications to run AutoCAD from AutoCAD drawings, without the need for a separate installation of AutoCAD. It allows use of only the drawings, objects, and data that are needed to run the application. Many popular 3D modeling programs that are available from Autodesk Exchange are produced with AutoCAD Application Builder
BIMS Modeling – the ability to import and interact with a number of 3D BIM models.
CADMapper CADMapper is a tool for designing and creating CAD

AutoCAD Crack

2-4. Click on the Origin icon in the lower right corner (it is gray).

What’s New In AutoCAD?

Import PDFs:

Import a PDF file to an empty drawing. Changes in the embedded font, text color, text style, and fill are all imported into the drawing. Even if the fonts or colors change, a new drawing remains available. This feature can be very useful when producing documents with lots of text.

Create SVG files:

Export vector files from a drawing, with the ability to add text and edit the formatting of your images. This is a quick and easy way to create SVG files for the web.

Extend your CAD skills:

Make different objects look more like your favorite typeface. Place and edit existing text, change the color and style of new text, add an outline, and even add photo text and shape text. Then, when you publish your drawing, the text remains in the same location. (video: 3:55 min.)

Create Dynamic Rasters:

Automatically generate raster image files in the style of your existing drawings and save them to any folder location. For example, you can create a series of all-important advertising flyers in a consistent format that can be used by printing companies and mailing houses.

High-Definition Display:

A new, third-party high-definition (HD) projector option makes a huge difference in the experience of drawing in AutoCAD. Use a smart projector to create a wider view of the drawing area, or better to observe the full drawing space. In either case, you get a crisp, clear, and vibrant drawing image that helps you focus on your drawing without missing details. (video: 7:42 min.)

Cloud Performance and Compatibility:

Backing up your drawing files to the cloud improves performance and provides a backup of your drawing files. In the future, cloud service fees may be reasonable.


With the new Auto-Rotation function, you don’t need to remember to change the rotation of the drawing to match the orientation of the paper when printing. With this new feature, the drawing always correctly aligns when printed.


Navigate easily through large drawings with a new full-screen, multilayer view. Turn on the pan and zoom feature and zoom through any layer or view in the drawing. (video: 1:38 min.)

InDesign Import/Export:

Use InDesign to import and export files to

System Requirements:

iPad Air (2nd Generation, 12.9″ Screen)
Macbook Air (13″ Screen, Mid 2012-Early 2014)
Macbook Pro 13″ (Late 2012-2014)
Macbook Pro 15″ (Late 2013-Early 2014)
Macbook Pro 15″ (Mid 2014)
Macbook Pro 15″ (Late 2014)
Macbook Pro 13″ (Early 2015)
Macbook Pro 15″ (Early 2015)
iPad (