AutoCAD Crack Download [32|64bit]

Since the first release, the user interface has been refined and features added; the most recent version of AutoCAD, AutoCAD 2017, is a complete redesign that runs on PC and Mac. For additional information on AutoCAD 2017, please see the following resources:

This article summarizes AutoCAD 2017. For additional AutoCAD information, see the AutoCAD Wikipedia article. AutoCAD’s Mac-specific version, AutoCAD R12, was released in 2012.

The AutoCAD instruction manual is an essential reference for all AutoCAD commands.

A full history of AutoCAD is available at

AutoCAD 2017 is a complete redesign of the software that runs on PC and Mac. It includes many improvements to usability, such as use of a ribbon and tabs; more detailed dialog boxes; and improved reference materials.

The new AutoCAD 2017 user interface is the one you are most familiar with and is the same on PC and Mac.

For additional information on AutoCAD 2017, please see the following resources:

In addition to the following sections, the manual contains dozens of additional helpful sections, including:

Drawing Techniques

Keyboard Shortcuts and Techniques

Variant Commands and Undo History

Some commands for images

Adding and Removing Objects

Creating and Editing Shapes

Automatic Settings for Layouts, Styles, Grids, and Paths

Creating Formulas for Shapes and Dimensions

Creating and Managing Grids and Annotations

AutoCAD Architecture

Coding and PythonScripts

Customizing the Ribbon and Ribbon Tabs

Creating and Using Drafting Templates

Creating an External Camera in AutoCAD

Creating an Interactive Camera in AutoCAD

Creating a Camera Overlay in AutoCAD

Creating and Editing Annotation Sets

Creating and Editing Properties

Creating and Editing Styles

CAD View

Clipping Views and Areas

Creating, Editing, and Managing Grids

Creating and Editing Layers

Creating an Object Snapshot

Creating and Editing Solids

Creating and Editing Text

Dimensional Editing

Customizing the Properties Pane

Creating a Parametric Dimension

Creating a View Snapshot

Creating and Editing Styles

Creating a Two-Dimensional Area

Creating a Three-Dimensional Poly

AutoCAD Crack + X64 (April-2022)


See also
List of AutoCAD Crack features
List of Adobe Photoshop features
List of CorelDraw features


External links

AutoCAD at Autodesk Download Center

Category:Product lifecycle management
Category:Windows-only software
Category:Computer-related introductions in 1986
Category:3D graphics software

Google Cloud SQL – specify alternate IP range

I’m trying to connect to my Cloud SQL instance, as per Google’s instructions, using this GQL query:
SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT 0, 10

This is what I get:
“code” : 400,
“message” : “Invalid value for parameter: alternateIpRange”

And the docs say to specify it like this:
SELECT * FROM `table` LIMIT 0, 10 –alternateIpRange=

This however results in an error like this:

curl -X PATCH -d “alternateIpRange=”
“code” : 400,
“errors” : [ {
“domain” : “global”,
“location” : “alternateIpRange”,
“locationType” : “HEADER”,
“message” : “Invalid value for parameter: ‘alternateIpRange'”,
“reason” : “badRequest”
} ],
“message” : “Invalid value for parameter: alternateIpRange”

How do I specify an alternate IP range in a GQL query?


That field is used for Cloud SQL instances on VPC networks and not IP ranges.
When you access an instance with an alternate IP range you are able to communicate with the instance even if the instance’s

AutoCAD Crack + With Serial Key Free

(1) Open up the internet explorer and search for Autodesk’s Autocad download page.
(2) You will be redirected to a download page, in which you will be offered an Autodesk product key (for AutoCAD) or a product key for the Autodesk Ultimate license (for AutoCAD LT).

To find the installation instructions for Autocad, follow the steps below

(1) Download the installation for Autocad or Autocad LT from Autodesk’s download page and open it.
(2) Click “Get Autocad”, and follow the onscreen instructions to install Autocad.
(3) If you have any questions about this procedure, please consult your Autodesk support contact.

Instructions to install Autocad
(1) Install Autocad from Autodesk’s Autocad website. Follow the onscreen instructions and complete the process.
(2) Verify that Autocad is correctly installed by following these instructions.

(1) Open up Internet Explorer and go to:

(2) Make sure that you are logged into the Autodesk website.
(3) Find Autocad and download it for installation.
(4) Once Autocad is downloaded, double-click on it to start the installation process.
(5) Follow the onscreen instructions to install Autocad.
(6) Once Autocad is correctly installed, verify that Autocad is correctly installed by following these instructions.

(1) Open up Internet Explorer and go to:

(2) Make sure that you are logged into the Autodesk website.
(3) Find Autocad and go to the Autocad Help Center.
(4) Click on “Documentation”.
(5) Click on “FAQs”.
(6) Click on “Autocad Help Center”.
(7) Click on “Updates”.
(8) Click on “About Autocad”.
(9) Click on “Status”
(10) Click on “Available” and then “Status”.
(11) Click on “New” and then “Yes”.
(12) Click on “Next”.
(13) Click on “Install”.

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

Import from Microsoft Excel™, Word, or PowerPoint™. Generate 2D and 3D drawings from a spreadsheet or presentation, then add, modify, or delete the cells or shapes within the spreadsheet or presentation. (video: 1:45 min.)

Workflows in drafting environments are a bit like working in a software file manager: when you’re not in the editor, your changes are hidden. The new workflows make it easy to view the changes you’ve made in the editor, and the changes made by others. (video: 1:40 min.)

On demand, 1:1 video tutorials available to students and individual users who qualify. Get personalized training, delivered as a live presentation or through a link that opens in your web browser. (video: 1:20 min.)

Check out the latest design tips and tricks and the new features, now in their second year, in the release notes.

The length of the AutoCAD block tooltips has been expanded to 300 characters, making it easier to navigate the block tooltips.

The.png images used by the ACAD_TILEVIEW.EXE command are now shown in a compact view, improving the appearance of them.


3D Floating Layers:

When the floating layers feature is enabled, AutoCAD automatically creates 3D floating layers with depth order. Use the command FLOAT3D to place the layers.

Nested views in floating layers:

When you use the FLOAT3D command, AutoCAD may place the layers at different depths in the 3D view. In this case, you can select the layers you want to be at the same depth, then create nested views.

Save and load the views:

You can save and load a 3D view, including the 2D views created as a result of the FLOAT3D command.

You can also load a 3D view from a 3D model, or from a 2D drawing if it is created from the 3D model.

When you navigate a 2D view using a 3D model, the view appears at a particular depth in the model. This makes it easy to select the right 3D view and navigate your 2D drawing.

Ribbon bar view:

When you work with floating layers, you can now see all

System Requirements:

OS: Windows 10, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows 7
CPU: Intel Core i3, i5, i7, Pentium, Core 2 Duo, AMD Athlon x86
Videos: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 650 / AMD Radeon HD 7870
FPS: 30
Note: For Mac users, the default GPU driver for Mac OS X (Crimson) is not optimised for the dx9 API and thus will severely impact FPS. To play PUBG on Mac, please download and