AutoCAD 2017 21.0 Crack +

The first commercially released version of AutoCAD was AutoCAD 1981 and was available for the Macintosh (4.5″ floppy disk) and PC (5.25″ floppy disk). The first version of AutoCAD ran on a 4MHz TRS-80 Model 4 or the Apple II. This first iteration of the app relied on internal graphics that were read in through a keyboard as opposed to the typical user’s mouse.


AutoCAD has grown and changed in many ways over its history. First of all, the product’s name and the abbreviation ACAD have changed over the years. Early AutoCAD was named the “AutoCAD 800 Series” and the abbreviation “ACAD” was simply “Autocad.” To this day, in general use, the abbreviation “ACAD” refers to AutoCAD or AutoCAD LT, and “AUTOCAD” refers to AutoCAD LT Pro. Today, the term “AutoCAD” as in “AutoCAD 2016” is used more specifically to refer to the latest release of the AutoCAD LT product.

Introduced in 1985 with AutoCAD for PC by AutoDesk, the most recent release of AutoCAD is AutoCAD 2017. Originally the code name for AutoCAD in the early 1980s, AutoCAD is now marketed as AutoCAD LT by Autodesk.

What AutoCAD has not changed much of is its interface, general features, or default workspace. When AutoCAD first came out in the 1980s, the interface looked very different. Later in the ’90s, the interface was modified to have the look and feel of Windows 95 and Windows NT. Today, the interface is visually similar to Windows Vista and Windows 7.

There are a number of editions of AutoCAD depending on how the software is licensed, the number of users the software is licensed for, and the functionality of the software. The full-featured ‘enterprise’ license includes AutoCAD LT, Vectorworks, and Revit. The’standard’ license includes AutoCAD LT. The’student’ license includes AutoCAD LT as well as the Education Suite. The ‘home’ license includes AutoCAD LT as well as the Apprentice Suite.

The various editions of AutoCAD are also available as mobile apps for iOS and Android.

Key AutoCAD features

Full-featured, professional AutoCAD

AutoCAD 2017 21.0

for use within other applications

2D and 3D vector graphics

2D vector graphics
AutoCAD has both a command-line application and a GUI tool to view and edit vector graphics in the 2D, wireframe, style of architecture.

The command-line interface is available to AutoCAD for Windows and Mac OS X. For Linux, AutoCAD LT is available, which is an enhanced version of AutoCAD that is command-line only.

With AutoCAD, a user can create an 2D object, fill it with an image, and place it at any point in space. Additional features such as images, text, and dimensions can be added. An object’s size can be specified. A 3D object can be created with the same attributes as a 2D object, and can be placed at any point in space.

Within AutoCAD a user may move and resize objects, view objects in perspective, navigate through an object’s history, edit information such as image, material and title, and export to other formats such as raster image, PDF, or DXF.

3D vector graphics

3D vector graphics is the ability to create and edit 3D objects, including 2D graphics such as text and images, and 3D dimensions, geometry, and properties. The user can edit or create 3D objects directly in the drawing window, or import a drawing that contains 3D objects into a drawing. 3D objects can be placed anywhere in space or at any rotation or perspective. The features of 3D object editing can be previewed from any viewpoint, on demand, through the use of the 3D VIEW command. In addition to the traditional ViewCube, a user can also use additional tools such as feature set, named views, and CylinderSet. 3D views can be rotated or reflected in any direction.

A user can annotate, measure and mark dimensions on a 3D object. 3D objects can also be constructed from a combination of 2D and 3D objects. The commands that can be used to edit 3D geometry are very similar to those used to edit 2D geometry.

There are two ways to place a 3D object in a drawing. The first is the 3D PLACE command which is similar to the 2D PLACE command in that it positions an object at a specific coordinate and adjusts the size of the object, allowing for changes in height and width as a result

AutoCAD 2017 21.0 For PC

Open the Autodesk Autocad Windows application and select “Web” > “Preferences” > “Tools” > “License” > “Create or use an activation key” (see the image below).

Enter the “Key-Code” from the tool and click on “Generate”, the key will be created.

This key will be valid until you delete it.

Copy and paste the key into the “Activation of the Licence” (see the image below).

The key does not expire and it’s valid on any version of Autodesk Autocad.

The key can be used with Autodesk Project Architect to activate the license that is already installed on the computer.

For Autodesk Autocad 19+
The key will be valid only for the version of Autodesk Autocad that it was created on.


External links

How-to-use the web license service

Category:Software patents
Category:Autodeskpackage org.hamcrest.mxml

import org.hamcrest.core.AllOf;
import org.hamcrest.core.AnyOf;
import org.hamcrest.core.BeTrue;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsEqual;
import org.hamcrest.core.IsNot;
import org.hamcrest.core.Not;
import org.hamcrest.core.not;

import flash.display.DisplayObject;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.text.TextFormat;
import flash.text.TextFieldType;
import flash.text.TextFormatAlign;

public class MXMLTest extends Sprite
public function MXMLTest()

var testFormatter:TextFormat = new TextFormat();

testFormatter.font = ’20px Arial’;

What’s New in the AutoCAD?


Quickly and easily animate objects, such as a car driving down a road. Animate objects even while still rendering your drawings (video: 1:24 min.).


Use the Subdivide tool to quickly and easily create complex shapes. Simply click and drag to quickly and easily create complex shapes, such as a car (video: 1:19 min.).


Animate and position objects quickly and easily. No more cumbersome aligning multiple objects. (video: 1:38 min.)


Create a quick base sketch to quickly record measurements. Use the Sketch-Bash tool to easily record measurements, such as lengths, angles, and arcs. Use AutoCAD’s ability to turn drawings into measurements to quickly create accurate, accurate dimensions.

Zoom View:

Use Zoom View to quickly view your drawings at their largest or smallest setting. Zoom View provides a consistent appearance across all your drawings, regardless of the view scale.

Additional features:

All new seamless coordinate system (the ability to have your drawings appear from any direction, without a center point)

Improved 2D camera, including an auto-focus, auto-zoom, and auto-level camera

Updates and corrections to existing functions:

Improved 2D arrow and text tool, including an auto-hide option, auto-size, and multiple edge styles. Text is also now displayed in a 1:1 scale in 2D views.

In-place renaming of user-created fonts.

Draw a box around a user-defined text field, and then type a new text name. The new name appears automatically in all the drawings that include the text field.

NEW: Map Settings:

The Map Settings tool is now available in the Application menu. Once the Map Settings tool is selected, you can access the Map Settings window, which allows you to reset the map size, reset map view, and select a default location.

In Map Settings,

You can change the map size (number of scales in the map) and the zoom level.

You can add the default location to the map, which will always appear in the center of the map.

You can also specify how many scales are displayed in each dimension. This setting is useful when you’

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

1.4 GHz Intel or AMD CPU
1 GB RAM (Windows)
8 GB RAM (Mac)
DirectX 11.0
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