AutoCAD is available as a subscription-based desktop app or as an open-source web-based app, as well as as a free mobile app. While most users download and use the free AutoCAD Classic desktop app, AutoCAD LT is a free open-source alternative. For the web, AutoCAD LT is also an open-source app and is available as free and paid web apps.

AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD are also available for license as a native app for iOS and Android devices. AutoCAD LT has been used in the computer aided design (CAD) field since 1992 and in the architectural, mechanical, and electrical design fields since the software was first released for Windows in 1995. In 2010, AutoCAD LT version 2014 was released as a free and open-source app for the Apple iPhone. The popularity of the app and its use as a design tool has prompted Autodesk to release AutoCAD LT version 2016 as a free iOS app. The popularity of the app has also prompted Autodesk to open-source and release AutoCAD LT version 2017, which was released on January 19, 2018. AutoCAD LT version 2017 is free and available for iOS and Android devices. AutoCAD LT was also released as a free and open-source web app on January 19, 2018.

AutoCAD is available in several editions. Users can choose from Home (limited features), Professional (full features), Architectural (full features plus architectural design tools), Civil (civil engineering), Construction (construction design tools), Land (land surveying and mapping), and Landscape (landscape design tools). CAD students can also choose the Education (student edition) or Architectural Design (architectural design tools only).

AutoCAD versions 2014 and 2015, and AutoCAD LT versions 2016 and 2017 are available for the desktop. AutoCAD versions 2016 and 2017 are available for both the desktop and mobile. AutoCAD LT versions 2017 and 2018 are available for the desktop, iOS, and Android mobile devices. All of the AutoCAD and AutoCAD LT apps are available in English, Chinese, and Japanese versions.

A mobile-friendly version of AutoCAD LT is available on the iOS App Store (AutoCAD LT version 2017). The app was designed in consultation with Autodesk Autocad LT and the iOS development team. The mobile-friendly version of AutoCAD LT version

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Physical modeling and computer-aided design
AutoCAD 2010 introduced a new surface modeling tool, denoted by the symbol ∞ (infinity). This tool lets the user create surfaces and intersections that can be used as components for 3D objects and can be parametrically defined. This functionality was previously only available in AutoCAD LT. AutoCAD 2010 also includes an improved version of the parametric function, called InfiniteProperties, a tool that lets the user create 2D, 3D and surface properties for surfaces and objects. Parametric FEA (finite element analysis) can now be used to check for stress and deflection of a structure, for example in civil engineering or for analysis of products in design engineering.

AutoCAD 2010 and older versions, such as AutoCAD LT, support the use of components as well as standard parametric geometry to create various 3D objects. A component is a virtual entity created using parametric functions and defined as one or more intersecting surfaces and associated volumes, such as a surface, a rectangle, an ellipse or a cone. In addition, these objects can be used as different types of materials to be used in the creation of 3D objects. In AutoCAD, components are created by using component objects which contain the parameter definitions for creating the component. For example, a rectangle with the parameter definition (measured in feet) of 6 ft by 3 ft would be used to create a rectangle that was 6 ft by 3 ft. This rectangle would also be used as a “cap” to a cylinder to create a cylinder with a radius of 3 ft.

CAD components are objects created using parametric functions. For example, a component called 2f by 3f with a parameter height of 6 ft and a parameter width of 3 ft would create a rectangle that is 12 ft by 6 ft. The parameter height is referred to as the dimension (in the coordinate system) and the parameter width is referred to as the magnitude. The 2f by 3f component allows the user to create objects which have the same width and height. It is important to understand that the parameter names are the same as the names used to create the component.

New features of AutoCAD 2010 include the ability to create parametric symbols (see also § Automatic documentation). These symbols are used to create references to components. For example, a reference to 2f by 3f would be created using the symbol 2

AutoCAD [32|64bit]

Click Get ProductKey in the Menu Bar.

Enter the Product Key you got from the keygen.


Click the Get ProductKey button on the Autodesk Maya License Manager, then choose the product key you got from the keygen to get it.


Follow the below steps to activate the software.

Go to Autodesk > Autocad.
Click Get ProductKey in the menu bar.
Enter the product key you got from the keygen.

The product key is stored in registry.

If an ex-Giant were to be reinstated to the NFL, what team would they be brought back to?

If I had to guess, I’d probably say the Tennessee Titans. I don’t see how they could pass on a chance at a reunion with a former Gator great. Not to mention with Mike Munchak calling the signals, he might actually put up numbers again.

If an ex-Giant were to be reinstated to the NFL, what team would they be brought back to?

Click to expand…

Great question, Egor!

While I’ve thought about the Titans being the most logical option, I think they’d be more of a longshot, as they’ve already got some decent guards and centers to run with.

So, I’ll just say this: I think it would be a lot easier for Jones to get back on the field if he were to be drafted by a team like the Titans. Just sayin.

I would honestly be happy to see him back with the Giants. He is a great player, and the Giants need to stay young, and I think he will fit in the scheme well. They have to be excited about him as a fit, even if it is just as a depth player.

Great question, Egor!

While I’ve thought about the Titans being the most logical option, I think they’d be more of a longshot, as they’ve already got some decent guards and centers to run with.

So, I’ll just say this: I think it would be a lot easier for Jones to get back on the field if he were to be drafted by a team like the Titans. Just sayin.

I would honestly be happy to see him back with the Giants. He is a great player, and the Giants need to stay young, and I think he will fit in the scheme well.

What’s New In?

Review Layout Assist:

See your drawings in comparison to a reference layout to easily find problems, such as inconsistent proportions, figures that don’t line up, unreferenced notes, and more.


Use measurements to speed up drafting, review plans, or share designs with colleagues.

Speak Anywhere:

Use your voice to communicate with others around the globe by simply pressing a button.

VDA (Virtual Desktop Access) Support:

Get desktop-like functions with the new tools and commands in the VDA window.

And so much more…

Release notes

CAD application updates

Key features in AutoCAD® 2020 software:

The biggest release of AutoCAD® since 2012, AutoCAD® 2020 is packed with new features for all you do. See below for an overview of the new capabilities.

Drawing objects and editing and annotating drawings

With AutoCAD® you can draw everything from simple boxes and circles to complex, detailed drawings and 3D models. You can draw with precision with the AutoCAD® Pencil tools, and you can edit your drawings in any of the existing drawing tools. You can also quickly annotate your drawings with the annotation tools. See Drawing Objects for more information.

Design and architecture

AutoCAD® is a full-featured 3D drawing and BIM application for architectural and engineering. Use it for all your architectural and engineering drawing needs. You can create models, visualise your design, and view your plans in 3D. See Design and Architecture for more information.

Markup, annotate, and print

You can add notes to your drawings, label your objects, and align figures to your drawings easily. See Markup and Markup Assist for more information. You can share your drawings by printing them or sending them to others in multiple formats. You can also export your drawings to other CAD applications. See Markup and Markup Assist for more information.

Exploratory analysis

Use Exploratory Analysis to understand your data, uncover patterns, and drill down to solve problems. Exploratory Analysis includes tools for graphically exploring relationships and structures in data, as well as for validating and verifying those structures. See Exploratory Analysis for more information.

Drill and review

Share and annotate detailed designs with colleagues and clients, and

System Requirements:

Mac OS X v10.4 or later
Intel Mac
Windows XP, Vista, 7
DirectX 9 Compatible Video Card
Minimum System Requirements for VR Play:
Recommended System Requirements for VR Play: