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AutoCAD 24.2 Crack + Free

The name “AutoCAD Serial Key” comes from the developer’s stated intention to provide a “fully automated” design and drafting environment for desktops and, later, personal computers. The original AutoCAD Activation Code was difficult to learn and the price was high, but it quickly became popular and achieved mass adoption. The software quickly surpassed its chief competitor, MicroStation, in usage. It still holds the title as the most popular commercial CAD software today.

The original release was Windows-based and ran on a range of compatible DOS machines from IBM, Toshiba, Wang, Compaq, and others. The DOS-based version was eventually replaced by a Windows-based variant, released in 1993, which continued to be available on DOS machines. Windows-based AutoCAD For Windows 10 Crack was eventually released for computers running Microsoft Windows NT/2000 and Windows XP.

In 2003, AutoCAD Activation Code 2007 was released for the Xbox video game console. AutoCAD 2008 was released as an application for Apple’s iLife line of software, and AutoCAD 2009 was released for OS X. AutoCAD 2010 was released for Windows XP and Windows Vista, as well as Windows Mobile and the Xbox 360. AutoCAD 2012 was released for iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. AutoCAD 2013 was released for OS X, iOS, Android, and Windows 8.5. AutoCAD 2014 was released for OS X, Windows, and Linux. AutoCAD 2016 was released for Windows, Android, and iOS. AutoCAD 2017 was released for Windows, iOS, Android, and Mac OS X. AutoCAD 2018 was released for Windows, Android, iOS, and Linux.

Autodesk claims that AutoCAD 2018 is the industry’s most powerful design solution available.

Although AutoCAD and MicroStation are both commercial design solutions, the two products are in different categories in the market.

Autodesk changed the name of AutoCAD after its MicroStation product to help differentiate the two products.


The design of AutoCAD is credited to the integrated circuit design company Fairchild Semiconductor (formerly Autonetics) which licensed the original software from General Motors. Autodesk acquired Autonetics in 1990 and merged its CAD product lines with Autodesk’s existing product lines, including microcomputer-based design solutions, and rebranded the resulting product line “AutoCAD.”

In a 1992 article in E&E magazine

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Other drawing formats are supported, including (now fully integrated) dxf, dwg, lxf, and svg.

Raster graphics
AutoCAD supports a number of raster graphics formats for storing drawings, including BMP, DPC, GIF, JPG, JPEG, PNG, PCX, TIF, TGA and WMF.

Vector graphics
Vector graphics formats supported include: Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Affinity Designer, Adobe Fireworks, Flash, Freehand, FrameMaker, Microsoft PowerPoint, OmniPage, QuarkXPress, PowerPoint and StarOffice Draw.

AutoCAD features a set of dynamic effects for creating visual appearances, including bevel, Blur, Catmull-Clark, Cartoon, ChromaKey, Crop, Distort, Dodge, Edge, Emboss, Flip, Gradient, Inner Glow, Line, Outline, Pen, Paint, Pencil, Pattern, Pixelate, Raytrace, Replace Color, Screen, Soften, Stroke, Stroke and Texture, and Warped.

Add-on tools
Add-on tools are sub-programs that extend AutoCAD’s functionality, mostly by offering the user additional features or workarounds that are not present in the primary program.

Application examples
Some examples of widely used application examples include:
CADD I – 3D Computer Aided Design Software
AutoCAD Architecture
AutoCAD Electrical
AutoCAD Engine – Metal working CAD software
Gantt chart
IMPACTA – Business and CAD Planning

Additional toolbars
CAD programs often have additional toolbars:
3D Sketch: enable you to work in three dimensions.
CAD for Buildings: allows the user to design and create drawings and plans for building construction.
CAD Electrical: Electrical design, layout and drawing.
CAD for Machine Design
CAD Mechanical: Mechanical design, layout and drawing.
CAD Structural: Building construction and analysis software.
ConceptDraw DIAGRAM: ConceptDraw is an integrated suite of technical and business graphics tools and services. It includes the world’s best vector graphics editor and includes an extensive library of ready-to-use vector graphics, parametric tools, image processing, 2D and 3D modeling, raster and PDF support, internet and e-mail services, technical support, and much more.
Freelance Designer: Freelance Designer is a 2D

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What’s New in the?

Redesign Previous Designs:

Share your AutoCAD designs with others. Recompose them using the new collaboration tools (text, images, and 3D models).

Send designs by e-mail:

A new Email Send tool creates an AutoCAD drawing and sends it as an attachment to e-mail. (video: 1:25 min.)

Revive Designs with Designer-Generated Features:

Re-use paper models and 3D designs from your preferences. Customize your own features (measuring, fixtures, or dimensions). Add metadata to your drawings. (video: 1:00 min.)

Workgroups are now available to all new users

Toolbars can now be resized in the Design View. The Toolbars now have a custom position to fit your individual needs.

Improvements to the On Screen Menu:

A new Application Menu with new Commands and Settings. Keybindings to access the new Commands.

Enhancements to the Content Browser:

A new Tab Management feature:

Clear all the Browser tabs and re-open the window.

Each new tab is automatically assigned the layout you have last set (Smart Groups).

Selected items in the tab are automatically sorted.

New icons on the Navigator and Tree View tabs of the Content Browser:

The Navigator and Tree View tabs of the Content Browser now display different icons. The Navigator tab displays the “folder” icon while the Tree View tab displays the “plus” icon.

New Navigator icons:

The “folder” icon: Selects multiple items in a folder.

The “arrow” icon: Opens the content item in a new window.

The “+” icon: Adds content to the current folder.

The “triangle” icon: Opens the content in a new window.

New Tree View icons:

The “folder” icon: Selects multiple items in a folder.

The “arrow” icon: Opens the content item in a new window.

The “plus” icon: Adds content to the current folder.

The “triangle” icon: Opens the content in a new window.

New Reload of Images:

Now you can reload images (up to 8) with one simple click.

Improvements to the Insert &

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

1. Windows 7
2. Intel Core 2 Duo E7400 or equivalent
3. 1.5GB RAM
4. 720p HD Media Player
5. 400MB Hard Disk Space
6. DirectX 9 Compatible GPU
1. Download the installed program from the links given below.
2. Open the file using your favourite editor software. (ex. Notepad)
3. Once done, save it on your desktop.
4. Run the software.