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History of AutoCAD

AutoCAD history began with the development of a simple drafting program called “Timeshaper” in 1970 by Hugh Smith, a mechanical engineer at Pratt & Whitney, now known as United Technologies. Smith was attempting to develop a program that could analyze the bill of materials, the drawings, and the dimensions of the entire engineering project. He devised a concept of a temporary drawing that would quickly document the components, materials, and quantities needed for the project.

At the time, microcomputers were just emerging and were slow and expensive. While the microcomputer was rapidly developing, computer memory was also growing at a rapid rate. Smith was able to fit the small amount of memory that was available into the machine. With Smith’s “Timeshaper” program, he was able to build a temporary drawing that could be directly printed and used by the engineers. At that time, engineering drawings were simply static images. These “static drawings” were hard to update and it was difficult to make the drawings usable by the CAD operator. Smith was able to develop a much faster means of making the drawings that could be changed much easier and that CAD operators could also share with other users.

In 1977, Smith began working for Autodesk. He designed and developed a process that would produce a complete CAD document automatically from a drawing and an associated database. He developed the “Object,” “Primitive,” and “Text” commands. This process is referred to as object-based technology. With this technology, Smith was able to generate the material list, the organization chart, the bill of materials, the dimensional tolerances, the engineering notes, and the drawing itself. The drawing would automatically update, if needed, from the changed lists. This allowed the engineers to work on the drawing, not from a static image, but from the dynamic information stored in the database. This was a huge improvement over the static images.

In 1980, Smith brought the first draft of his Timeshaper program to Autodesk. Autodesk believed in his idea and invested significant funds to make it a reality. In early 1982, Autodesk brought the first version of Timeshaper to market. It was a very slow computer and required a program called a “graphics terminal” to view the drawings. This graphics terminal was designed to run on an IBM-compatible system and allowed one person to use multiple terminals simultaneously. In early 1982, Autodesk began releasing the first version of AutoCAD for the

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The AutoCAD suite (first release: AutoCAD 1) was introduced in 1987. In 1990, SimAcad was released as a lighter version of AutoCAD, that lacked some complex functions of AutoCAD but was faster. It was a spinoff of AutoCAD 1. This version of AutoCAD 1.0 was discontinued in the late 1990s.

AutoCAD 2 was released in 1994, with the ObjectARX 2D graphics engine. With this release, AutoCAD also introduced schematic capture. The following year, AutoCAD 2 introduced on-line collaboration, which was primarily done via email, and was also the first AutoCAD to feature a more user-friendly command-line prompt.

AutoCAD 3 (released in 1995) brought a new interface, additional functionality, and a new vector graphics engine. The interface was redesigned and a new drag and drop interface was introduced. It also featured the ability to apply dimensions to objects. AutoCAD 3 introduced an ObjectARX 4D graphics engine, the ability to edit raster images, external applications for DTP and others.

AutoCAD 4 (released in 1996) introduced a new parametric feature (CAM), a completely new built-in drawing editor, a texturing tool called Texturize, better merge features, the addition of a 4D graphics engine and the ability to create 3D models using a 3D engine. AutoCAD 4 introduced the ability to copy and paste features and extended the drawing editing capabilities.

AutoCAD 5 (released in 1997) introduced the ability to place multiple annotation markers on the same point, crop polygons, create tabbed sheets, change the magnification of the drawing view, add and display linear and angular dimensions and improve the editing of CAD-specific files.

AutoCAD 6 (released in 1999) added the ability to annotate groups of objects on drawings, create feature-based drawings, add metadata to a drawing, the ability to import/export non-CAD files, 3D drawings and more.

AutoCAD 7 (released in 2000) was the last release based on a classic AutoCAD interface. It featured the ability to run multiple AutoCAD sessions at the same time, the ability to draw a surface of revolution, the ability to convert 2D drawings to 3D and a new Graphics World component for taking and sending drawings

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Double click on the icon Autocad 2015 Professional 64bit.
You need the keygen version.
Activate the Autocad 2015 keygen
Start Autocad
Create a new drawing
Select the View tab
Select Customize View
Select Window Selection
Select Window List
Select Quick Info

What’s New in the?

Markup Assist adds more functionality to the CAD import process. Enhance drawings with the ability to scale and rotate, as well as move objects and insert components into a design automatically. Quickly enhance and complete your designs, including adding components and dimensions. The enhancements are applied automatically based on a set of predefined attributes. (video: 1:03 min.)

New commands that enhance drawing integration:

Use the “Overview” window for a high-level view of a drawing. (video: 0:59 min.)

Show/hide objects based on the tag or type. This command replaces the “Hide” tool’s object tag and type feature. (video: 1:30 min.)

Understand the structure of your drawings. The “Show Structure” command displays the structure of your drawing. (video: 1:42 min.)

Link objects, and apply a change to the linked objects. (video: 0:54 min.)

Automatically mirror when selected. Similar to the “Mirror” tool, but does not require a drawing context to work. (video: 1:43 min.)

Invert the drawing direction. It is useful for undoing perspective changes. (video: 0:57 min.)

The Timeline feature for drawing history

Timeline lets you visually see the history of your drawings by reviewing each drawing, its associated tags and comments. Visual history lets you quickly review and review actions taken on your drawings, and compare them against the drawing history. (video: 2:30 min.)

Extended Arrows:

Create your own customized arrow shape. Use the new Extend Arrow command to draw your own custom-shaped arrows on the canvas. (video: 1:32 min.)

New features for the Line tool

The Line tool can draw line segments (rather than just simple lines), and the new Line Shapes command lets you define the shape of the line segments. (video: 0:57 min.)

New commands for Text

Add, move, and delete text. Use the “Add Text” command to add text to a drawing. The “Edit Text” tool lets you edit text and make changes in the drawing. With the “Find and Replace” tool, you can use a query to locate text in a drawing, and quickly replace it with new text. (video: 1:27 min.)

Refresh 3D annotation

Change the annotation for 3D views. The Refresh

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

OS: Windows XP SP3
Processor: AMD Athlon x2 64, Intel Core 2 Duo, AMD FX-6300, Intel Core i3
Memory: 1 GB RAM (2 GB recommended)
Graphics: DirectX 9.0c compatible graphics card with Shader Model 3.0
DirectX: Version 9.0c
Network: Broadband Internet connection
Hard Drive: 400 MB free disk space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card with 16-bit and 24-bit sound