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Quick-Step Scaffolding for AutoCAD, Ver. 2010, 2020 and R2022, is a parametric, scaffold-type, user-defined fastening system for drawing or revising an architectural or structural design in AutoCAD. It can be used to draw the construction elements of architectural, civil, or industrial engineering projects. Quick-Step Scaffolding may be applied to 2D, 2.5D, and 3D architectural, industrial, civil, structural, and engineering projects. Quick-Step Scaffolding has been pre-installed in AutoCAD 2010, AutoCAD 2012 and AutoCAD 2013.

Quick-Step Scaffolding is available for following Autodesk software products:

AutoCAD 2010 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD 2012 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD 2013 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD 2015 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD 2017 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD 2018 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2020 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2020 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2019 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2018 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2016 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2017 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2017 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2016 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2015 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2019 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2015 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2019 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2019 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2015 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2018 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2020 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2020 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2019 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2017 (Autodesk®, Inc.)

AutoCAD LT 2016 (Autodesk®, Inc.)


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Intentionally and unintentionally, third-party developers have created many AutoCAD plug-ins for such purposes as CAD management, data exchange, processing and plotting, as well as specialized reporting, data analysis, and mapping.

AutoCAD also offers remote access, which allows users to access the drawing remotely and control the software from a remote PC. This is similar to a browser-based application (or client-server) rather than a more traditional desktop application.

Technical features

AutoCAD LT is designed for use by graphic designers or other non-draftspersons. It is free of charge to non-commercial organizations and licensed for use by engineers, contractors, and other professionals.

AutoCAD 2016+ released on November 17, 2015 features a new cloud-based file management system that makes it much easier to work with large models and create and share 3D work.

Comparisons with other 3D CAD programs

Like other industry 3D CAD programs, AutoCAD 3D has limitations in certain areas. For example, while Inventor has capabilities in architectural modeling, specific features of that software and hardware are usually needed to get those results, and AutoCAD does not provide those specialized features (like an unlimited number of parts, for example). Similarly, while Rhino has numerous special tools and features, the software itself does not support architectural modeling.

AutoCAD 2D is closely related to the Inventor LT and they share some of the same restrictions (like the lack of unlimited parts). AutoCAD 3D and Inventor 3D share much of the same functionality. Therefore, most Inventor users will be able to use either AutoCAD 3D or AutoCAD LT for some of their 3D work.

In general, the most efficient way to model is with use of both. While 3D models are more versatile, they are also much larger than 2D drawings, so using a 2D drawing alongside a 3D model on the same drawing is generally much more efficient than a 2D drawing by itself. A free 3D modeling program such as Rhino is needed to properly model objects, and usually there is a “subset” of the features of that program available in AutoCAD. Additionally, the price of AutoCAD is much lower than the cost of the engineering software which is typically used in the industry. Finally, one of the stated goals of the development of

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Step 2: Welcome to Autodesk AutoCAD 2010

How to use the product?

1) Open Autocad 2010.
2) Sign in
3) Choose a template or create a new drawing

(Note: If you don’t have the drawing option, click the “File” button and choose “Open”, then choose the file and choose “Save” )

Step 3: Basic use

How to use the software?

– Select tools –
– Using the mouse: to select objects
– Using the keyboard: to select objects
– To show the objects – SHIFT + Click
– Use the scroll bar to select objects – CTRL + Click

– Zoom in/zoom out – Mouse wheel down
– Zoom in/zoom out – Mouse wheel up

How to use the software?

– File menu:
– save and open drawing
– Save drawing to file
– New drawing

– Menu bar:
– tools
– open
– recent items
– profile
– preferences
– help
– help

– Window menu:
– help
– get help
– hide/show
– exit
– exit

– Mouse
– double-click
– drag
– move
– right-click
– scroll
– to select
– to lock
– to rotate
– to resize
– to show

– keys
– enter to select
– space to start anchor
– enter to select multiple
– up arrow to move to previous item
– down arrow to move to next item
– left arrow to move to previous selection
– right arrow to move to next selection
– “*” to select all items

– mouse
– click
– double-click
– right-click

– toolbar:
– draw

What’s New in the AutoCAD?

With Markup Assist, you can automatically add feature lines, annotations and dimensions to your AutoCAD drawings. When you import a PDF or printout of an engineering drawing or a diagram, you can start using Markup Assist immediately. A non-blocking workflow allows you to work on different drawings simultaneously without interruptions. The drawing is kept locked until it is fully edited. The changes are instantly shown in the list. They are stored in the cloud and synchronized on the desktop and mobile devices.

Import of comments from PDF, e.g. comments on engineering drawings

Signing of comments in PDFs

Entering comments on engineering drawings

Markup Assist (Video: 3:02 min.)

With the rapid increase of 3D models and prototypes in the market, 3D rendering and 3D printing can be a challenge. If you’re not a 3D graphics expert, you’re probably not alone. But it doesn’t have to be that way. With AutoCAD 3D, you can use advanced 3D technology to easily and efficiently create and render your 3D models. Designing with 3D technology will allow you to deliver your product faster and be more competitive.

Hierarchical layers for 3D modeling (Video: 0:41 min.)

Creation of 3D objects with basic properties and setting parameters (Video: 0:43 min.)

Update of an existing 3D model by using a copy (Video: 1:21 min.)

Export of 3D objects and conversion to native formats (Video: 1:44 min.)

In AutoCAD 2023, a new designer interface helps you get into AutoCAD by making navigation through a new user interface more intuitive. Work faster and create more with better integration of tool palettes and navigations.

Use the new User Interface (Video: 1:26 min.)

Drawing tabs for the application palette (Video: 1:43 min.)

New Start experience:

Quick commands and tool palettes are grouped under a single tab on the ribbon (Video: 1:53 min.)

Ribbon window:

Save the command palette and ribbon as a tab:

Enable the command palette as an editor tab

Collapsible toolbar:

New structural modeling experience:

Creates linetypes using the

System Requirements:

OS: Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: Intel® Core™ 2 Duo, AMD Athlon™ 64, or higher
Memory: 2 GB RAM
Graphics: 256 MB VRAM
Hard Disk Space: 500 MB available space
Sound Card: DirectX 9.0c compatible sound card
Additional: Keyboard and mouse
OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: Intel® Core™ i5, AMD Phenom™ II, or