AutoCAD Crack+ Download

History of AutoCAD Product Key

AutoCAD has been in continuous use since 1981 and is the best-selling CAD package in the world. The initial AutoCAD package was introduced to the public in 1982. It consists of the AutoCAD drafting application and the AutoCAD LT drawing application.

With the initial release in 1982, AutoCAD was originally designed to be a drafting/cad graphics package for microcomputers with graphics cards, such as the Apple II. It supported 2D and 3D drawing on paper or using pre-press equipment. At that time, microcomputers and CAD programs were not necessarily linked together, so people were not as familiar with the software as they are today. Thus, MicroSoft started the name AutoCAD and not AutoCADe.

A year later in 1983, AutoCAD version 2.0 was released, providing real-time 2D drafting and 2D computer-aided design (CAD). In 1985, version 3.0 was released and introduced 3D modeling capabilities as well as the ability to import and export DWG drawings into other AutoCAD and non-AutoCAD formats. Version 4.0 came out in 1989, and it was the first version of the program to fully support both Windows and Macintosh platforms, and it also introduced the AutoLISP programming language.

Version 5.0 came out in 1992 and it introduced the concept of information-based design, allowing users to browse for files, materials, specifications, and manufacturers. It also included the ability to import and export to multiple formats. Version 6.0 was released in 1994, adding the ability to group objects, draw arcs, splines, and other types of 2D and 3D geometry. Version 7.0 was released in 1996 and it introduced solids, a feature that allowed the user to insert 2D curves and arcs into a 3D solid. Version 8.0 was released in 1998, which included changes to modeling and to the new architectural style. Version 9.0 was released in 2000, adding real-time features and user-defined applications. Version 10.0 was released in 2005, which introduced a level of modeling objects.

AutoCAD LT was introduced with AutoCAD version 2.0. It was designed to provide easy-to-learn and low-cost CAD tools to students, businesses, and hobbyists. It was designed to be used with CAD-friendly peripherals, such as the

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In the software’s 3D version, users can develop 3D models from a single CAD drawing (multilevel model) by associating it with each other through the geometric connections of the model. The feature supports the B-rep and NURBS modeling and can also import 2D drawings into 3D.

SketchUp, a web-based user-friendly 3D modeling application, is integrated with AutoCAD Cracked 2022 Latest Version and other software packages.

Relationship to AutoCAD LT
AutoCAD LT (formerly called AutoCAD MEP, for Mechanical, Electrical, and Plumbing) is an application geared toward manufacturing and engineering. It is used to create 2D drawings, 3D models and animations, and other presentation materials. It was initially released for Windows systems in 2001, and was initially available as a single-user application. The first standalone version of AutoCAD LT was available for Windows, Windows CE and Linux systems on December 6, 2006.

AutoCAD LT includes a native drawing editor, plotter and scanner, along with a range of project management tools. These include the ability to store multiple project files, as well as the ability to modify and manage drawings with high-resolution images, history and comments.

Relationship to other CAD packages

All of the other listed CAD applications were, at one point, competitors of AutoCAD.

Microsoft Visio uses the same set of programming and scripting language as AutoCAD.

PTC’s Freehand, a 2D vector graphics and AutoCAD clone, was also released in the 1990s, which was built by an AutoCAD programmer who then founded PTC. The program was popular at the time and included both versions of AutoCAD as well as both AutoCAD LT and AutoCAD Pro. After being rebranded as PTC Creo, the application was discontinued in 2014.

In a similar fashion, Freehand (known as Impact at the time), which was built at the same time as AutoCAD, was bought out by Microstation. The relationship between Microstation and Autodesk has been contentious at times, particularly after Microstation acquired Total Cadastre.

In the late 1990s, Macromedia bundled a version of Dreamweaver and a toolkit with a limited version of AutoCAD known as QuickCAD.


External links

Category:Computer-aided design software

AutoCAD Crack+

Connect to a computer with Autodesk Autocad
Click on the Startup menu, select the option “Run Autodesk Autocad”.

Click on the File menu, open a file, select “Import”.

Select “Import from file” and select the keygen and the.pac file that you’ve just downloaded.

Click on “Next”.

Click on “Start” and wait until the import is finished.

If the user-interface for the importing of the.pac is not the same as the one of the version of Autodesk Autocad you’re using, you can follow these steps to have it available:

Click on the menu “File” and select “Print User Interface”

Click on “Print” to print the user interface for the importing of the.pac.

Read the printouts and install the user interface from the.pac.

How to install the license
Install Autodesk Autocad and activate it.

Connect to a computer with Autodesk Autocad
Click on the Startup menu, select the option “Run Autodesk Autocad”.

Click on the File menu, open a file, select “Print License”.

Read the license and install it.

Technical information

Supported formats

The file
contains the license and contains the user interface for the importing and
for the activation of the license of Autodesk Autocad.

The file
contains the license. The content of the file
is placed in the XML tag

The file
contains the user interface for the importing and for the activation of the license of Autodesk Autocad. The content of the file
is placed in the XML tag

User interface
The user interface for the importing and for the activation of the license of Autodesk Autocad is contained in a file named
This user interface is placed in the XML tag





Last update












Autocad 2016


What’s New in the?

Review and comment on design changes made by others. Review drawings in context with the original design intent. Use your own design sheet to comment on other designs. (video: 1:15 min.)

Revit Drawing Layouts:

Easily import complex Revit drawings into AutoCAD and leverage their dynamic modeling capabilities to more efficiently create CAD drawings. (video: 1:15 min.)

Dynamic Parametric Dimensioning:

Configure parametric dimensions in a flexible way by showing and hiding them on the fly. Scale them automatically to increase precision, display a drill icon if you’re in a new dimension, and define your own values for tangency and tolerance. Use a single dimension to define multiple constraints. (video: 1:30 min.)

Multi-Layer Drawing Visibility:

Convert and reorder drawing layers using natural, intuitive hotkeys. Edit, reorganize, and hide layers in real time without additional drawing steps. Use Multi-Layer, an improved version of the Layer Menu, to do a single drawing operation across multiple layers. (video: 1:30 min.)

Export and Import:

Publish your CAD drawings for mass distribution, as PDF or CDX files, or publish them online. Export to 3DPDF, CATS, CADX, or CXML. Import files created with more recent Revit versions, including 2.0 and newer. (video: 1:30 min.)

‘Global Commands’:

Redesign the entire command bar to improve the overall look and use of the command bar. Move, copy, and delete commands to customize the command bar to your needs. (video: 1:30 min.)


Use the new Fillet tool to clean up and standardize 3D geometry. (video: 1:15 min.)

Use ARCH and Advanced Function Dialog to customize your experience in the GUI.

Use the Context Menu to see the commands that can be performed from the right-click menu.

Revit Dimensions and Section Planes:

You can now specify your own section plane properties, such as the tolerance and the specific section plane.


Draw and edit curves, splines, and freeform objects in the graph.


Ruler view has a new tab with editing features.

Floating Point Toolbar:

System Requirements For AutoCAD:

Operating System: Microsoft Windows XP Professional, Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, or Windows Server 2008 R2. Windows 2000 is not supported. Windows 7 64-bit or Windows 8.1 64-bit are supported.
Memory: 2 GB RAM (XP users must install Service Pack 3)
Storage: 1 GB of available storage for installation
A DirectX 9-compatible sound card or modem
Network connection: An active Internet connection is required for the installation