The easiest way to navigate simultaneously with ANY web browser. With MCC you will surf the net using simultaneous instances of your web browser without any modification.
Open, close, maximize, minimize, restore, show, hide the windows one by one or in groups controlling those designed to be in the background or those which disable or hide the button “Close”.
In addition, MCC will open all the home pages you want automatically, at the beginning of your session. You will also be able to open defined groups of pages at any moment. Open and close all additional programs that you want, automatically (firewall, messenger, etc).
Let MCC do this automatically at the beginning or end of your session. Hide all the windows with a click on the “Bosses and children” button, preventing problems and indiscrete looks.
Add, erase and reorganize links in the URL favorite lists, easy to handle thanks to the tree structure. You will be able to import the Favorites from Internet Explorer and Bookmarks from Netscape.
Search for pages or groups of pages amongst your links by the search form. You will never ask yourself again “Where did I save this connection?” In some circumstances MCC will inform you about the existence of hidden windows, created by other applications, opening or closing them automatically, avoiding troyans or other programs use your browser to avoid your
Let MCC administer the programs that you usually use during your sessions in the net. You will be able to remove them from the start from your PC: saving resources and releasing memory. And more, much more…..







ATS MultiPage Control Center Crack+ Free Download For PC (April-2022)

[*] Auto open all home pages you want to save on the first session of your PC.
[*] Open all default pages from Internet Explorer, Netscape and Opera.
[*] Open all child pages from favorites or Bookmarks for your web browser.
[*] Open all the home page from all browsing sessions, adding them to favorites or Bookmarks.
[*] Enable/disable all home pages and groups, saving resources.
[*] Group all opened programs from all browsing sessions, avoiding double usage.
[*] Import Favorites and Bookmarks from Netscape or Internet Explorer.
[*] Search for pages or groups of pages amongst your links by the search form.
[*] Go to your favorites directly, double clicking on the little red “boss” icon.
[*] Go to your bookmarks directly, double clicking on the little black “child” icon.
[*] Display or hide the task bar, full screen, window buttons.
[*] Remove programs.
[*] Add new programs, they will appear as new icons on the task bar.
[*] Add new windows, programs or icons.
[*] Set programs to “maximized” and “minimized”.
[*] Add a program to a list of programs.
[*] Delete a program from a list of programs.
[*] Save and restore the list of programs and their positions in the task bar.
[*] Change the icons or colors for the programs.
[*] Add a new group for the programs, saving memory.
[*] Change the background, buttons, or buttons colors for the groups.
[*] Change the colors or images of the programs in a group, or colors and images of the groups.
[*] Change the position, colors and size of the icons for the programs.
[*] Open a program window from your favorites.
[*] Add a favorite web page.
[*] Open a web page in a new tab in the already opened web browser.
[*] Open a web page in a new tab in the all opened browser.
[*] Open a web page in a new tab in all opened browser.
[*] Add a new favorite web page.
[*] Add a new favorite web page.
[*] Add and remove programs from a group.
[*] Add and

ATS MultiPage Control Center Crack+ Download [Win/Mac]

MCC Allows you to begin a web session right away, and you will manage all web sessions whenever you want. It’s the best tool to control the use of your PC from every point of view. MCC causes no negative effect on your PC.
MCC runs 24 hours a day, so you can take advantage of MCC whenever you want.
Features of MCC:
MCC is a resource collector, which means that MCC collects the free and requested memory resources such as memory, heap, ram, cds, memoryblocks and windows as they are.
MCC creates a list of all the programs running and manages them automatically, with the preset settings:
If you want MCC to run automatically at every session, it is activated by default.
If you want MCC to run automatically at the beginning of every session, select the “MCC start automatically” option from the MCC configuration menu.
You can configure MCC at the “MCC Setup” menu, specifying the following parameters:
Length of the session, by the day
Start time, by the day
End time, by the day
Activation method:
– If you want to start MCC automatically, select “MCC start automatically”.
– You can activate the MCC manually, by pressing the “Start” button on the MCC interface or programbar.
Defining the parameters “Method”:
– For activated MCC, change the MCC start method
– For deactivated MCC, leave it unchanged
– If you want MCC to start automatically only when the screensaver is on, you must choose “On screensaver” when activating MCC
– If you want MCC to start only at the beginning of a session, select “Session”
– If you want MCC to start only at the end of a session, select “Restore session”
– If you want MCC to start automatically without any restrictions, select “No restriction”
Defining the parameters “Duration of the session”:
– For activated MCC, change the MCC session period
– For deactivated MCC, leave it unchanged
– If you want MCC to run automatically by the day, for 2 or 3 days, 3 weeks and more, you have to select “Daily” when activating MCC
– If you want MCC to run automatically by the week, select “By week”
– If you want MCC to run automatically by the month

ATS MultiPage Control Center Crack +

* Automatic Internet browser control
* Parent/Child logic control
* Faster & more stable than traditional web control
* Remove starting pages by pressing one button
* Can be configured for any number of pages
* URL to the favorite lists management
* URL to the favorites window management
* Add, erase, reorder and delete links
* Search for pages and groups of pages
* Global Internet browser
* Automated launch of home pages at the beginning of your browsing session
* Web browser management: – Disable/hide web browsers
– Close web browsers
– Hide web browsers, by shortcut or right click
– Any title title show/hide ALL windows from ALL applications
* Enjoy multi-page functionality
* Easier to use than Multi-Edit or Enhanced web browser
* No more login/logout
* Easier to update
* Many other small features
* Allows access to all internet sites that are already saved
* Includes shareware screen saver
* Supports startup applications that require administrator permission.
* Supports Windows 95 or Windows 98
* Supports all types of Windows installations
* Supports a.exe, b.exe or c.exe executables as installers (no more msi programs)
* Supports all Windows applications
* Supports English and French
* Supports English and French Installers and Help files
* Supports 64-bit Windows
* Supports 32-bit Windows
* Includes sample programs to launch an executable from the MCC
* Comes with minimal installation
* No need to install the.NET Framework
* No reboot necessary
* No updates necessary
* Can be used with or without the Internet Explorer browser
* Can be used with or without an Internet Explorer browser
* Can be used in combination with an Internet Explorer browser
* Licensed under the same license as the Internet Explorer browser
* Supports Windows Vista & Windows 7
* Lets you configure multiple tabs and multiple windows
* Lets you eliminate pop-ups
* Lets you customize buttons for toolbars
* Lets you organize your window
* Lets you maximize and minimize windows
* Lets you save your favorite sites
* Lets you save your favorite apps
* Lets you hide apps
* Lets you unminimize apps
* Lets you disconnect and minimize apps
* Lets you see program buttons and titles
* Lets you debug tools
* Allows you to install your own icons on the Internet Explorer Toolbar
* Lets you see which sites are linked to the program
* Lets you debug your programs

What’s New In ATS MultiPage Control Center?

Multiple Window Control Center is a powerful tools for simultaneous viewing of windows in your computer. It allows you to have several programs running in different windows. It is a very useful tool for simultaneously viewing multiple web browsers, chat programs and other programs.
Synchronizes all Windows in a multi window.
Set inactive windows to be visible and launched.
Support of
Win98(32b) &
Win2000(32b) &
With ATS MultiPage Control Center, you can enjoy these works of art:
Run multiple Internet Browsers (IE, Nvu, Mozilla, etc.) at the same time.
Run multiple emailing programs at the same time (Mail Pilot, Thunderbird, etc.).
Run multiple newsgroup reading programs, or multiple downloads managers at the same time.
Run multiple FTP clients at the same time.
Launch any program in any window at your convenience.
Display control buttons (close, maximize, resize, etc.) in the title bar or borders of any window.
Is a VB Script support by default.
Automatically manage programs with Win98, Win2000 and WinXP, without other drivers.
Possibility to activate, deactivate and return the control to the default program in any window.
Support of most of the standard window controls of the operating system.
Synchronizes the viewing mode of each window, allowing it to be restored in its most wanted size/position after each operation.
Automatically locks all open windows, when you start to work with others.
Control Tab Pane, Groups and Restore Tab.
Support of NTFS and NTFS32 systems with Disk Performance Optimizer and NTFS64 systems with HiCAT.
Use 32-bit or 64-bit registry settings.
Simple multi-language interface, in English, French, German, Japanese and Spanish.
You can have 10 sessions active with ATS MultiPage Control Center.
Ats MultiPage Control Center 1.01.0
Size: 3Mb
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright © 2001-2007 NxtSoft


Uninstall ATS MultiPage Control Center 3.03.2007 1.0

System Requirements For ATS MultiPage Control Center:

Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/2000/2003/2008/2012/Linux/Mac OS X
1 GHz processor
1 GB RAM (at least)
3D graphics card (NVIDIA or ATI)
Version 9.0c
Broadband Internet connection
Screen Resolution:
1280 x 720
Older sound cards