Atomic Mail Sender 920 Crack 2021 💻


Atomic Mail Sender 920 Crack

the temperature rise induced by electropulsing is found to be the combination of the result of thermal diffusion, ionic diffusion, and atomic diffusion, and their contributions are different for different microcracks. for a microcrack with width of 1 μm, thermal diffusion plays the major role (fig. 4(c)), whereas, for a microcrack with width of 10 μm, ionic diffusion plays the major role (fig. 4(d)). these findings suggest that the electropulsing with different pulse shapes could provide heat transfer, ion diffusion, and atomic diffusion to metals to trigger healing, and the contribution of these effects is different for different microcracks. in order to get the more clear understanding of the healing process, the temperature rise curves of the microcracks with different width and different pulse shapes at different time were studied. in general, a double exponential function is employed to fit the temperature rise curves. the results show that the time constant of the heat diffusion, the time constant of the ion diffusion, and the time constant of the atomic diffusion in the microcrack are 1.33, 0.67, and 0.89 ms, respectively, which are different for the different microcracks (see fig. 4(b) and fig. 4(e)). the maximum temperature rise (or the maximum temperature gradient) reached during the whole pulse process is about 2080 k (see fig. 4(c) and fig.

thermal diffusion is a heat transfer process in which heat is transferred from a region of high temperature to a region of low temperature, such as a microcrack heals a crack in a metal by inducing the atomic diffusion of the crack to the crack surfaces. the thermal diffusion coefficient k d (w m«2k-1) of a metal can be determined from the temperature rise curve of the metal sample with different thickness by the following equation:

in summary, the pulse current autonomously responds to the site of damage and was redistributed to form a concentrated region and a diluted region at the tip and sides of the microcrack respectively. as a results of the heterogeneous distribution, high current density as well as short duration, the extremely high temperature gradients and the large compressive stress are produced around the microcrack, which firstly deforming the tc4 titanium alloy to close microcracks, and then the microcrack surfaces are brought into contact with each other under the compressive stress. subsequently, the matrix is heated up to high temperature, providing the energy for atomic interactions, thus damage was healed successfully.
heterogeneous current distribution induced a very large temperature gradient and a compressive stress around the microcrack, which is sufficient large to deform the tc4 titanium alloy. it is found from fig. 3 that at t=26s, plastic deformation occurred only at the microcrack tip, and width of the microcrack is reduced slightly. when time increases to 82s (see fig. 3 and supplementary videos s1 and s2 ), a localized strain region occurred around the microcrack, and the microcrack is closed, showing the tc4 titanium alloy around the microcrack is deformed under the compressive stress (fig. 3 ). during subsequent process, strain regions around the microcrack remain, implying that the atoms on the surface of the closing microcrack can interact.
atomic interactions are also found to occur in the closing microcrack. at the initial stage of microcrack healing (0-32s), the temperature gradients induced by heterogeneous current distribution were small and the compressive stress induced by heterogeneous current distribution is not sufficient to deform the tc4 titanium alloy. therefore, no atomic interaction is found at the initial stage of microcrack healing (0-32s) as shown in fig. 4. however, with time increasing, the temperature gradients around the microcrack are gradually increased, and the compressive stress around the microcrack is gradually increased. atomic interactions begin to occur. during the atomic interactions, the temperature gradient and the compressive stress around the microcrack are greatly increased, and the temperature and the compressive stress induced by heterogeneous current distribution are sufficient large to deform the tc4 titanium alloy (see fig. 4 ). in this process, the heat gradient induced by heterogeneous current distribution is gradually transmitted to the surrounding, which causes the temperature around the microcrack to be uniform distribution. the compressive stress around the microcrack is increased gradually, until it is sufficient large to deform the tc4 titanium alloy, and the microcrack is closed successfully.