Aspose.Words for .NET provides developers with a complete package that includes libraries and classes ready to help them implement Word document processing capabilities into their .NET applications.
It can be used with C#, VB.NET and ASP.NET, as well as other compatible platforms (Python, PHP, Mono) in order to perform various document manipulation operations.
With the help of this component, a .NET application can read, edit and convert the content of Word documents. Various formats are supported, namely DOC, RTF, TXT, WordML, ODT, OOXML, XPS, PDF, EPUB, HTML, XHTML, MHTML and other file types that are compatible with Microsoft Word.
You can use it to export documents to multiple document formats (PDF, XPS, EPUB, HTML, PostScript, TXT etc.) or render a file content to popular multimedia file types, such as JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, EMF, SVG and SWF.
Aspose.Words for .NET bundles components that enable you to view, generate, modify and print these types of documents without having the Office package installed on the computer. Its classes can create new documents, format the text style, modify fonts and paragraph alignment, add tags to important areas, insert barcodes and diagrams into a document or perform mail merging operations to create reports.
Aspose.Words for .NET is compatible with a wide range of document types and provides classes, properties, controls and methods that can be used for performing a diversity of operations. Therefore, it can prove to be a useful tool for experienced .NET developers who intend on creating applications that work with Word files.







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Package Details
Aspose.Words for.NET is a.NET package that bundles all the components of Aspose.Words, a functionality-rich Word automation toolkit for.NET developers. With this package, you can work with Word documents, either for creating new documents or for modifying existing ones. This open-source project supports all the popular document formats, such as Word, DOCX, RTF, TXT, HTML, XHTML, PDF, ODT and more. Moreover, it allows you to convert documents to several other formats, such as EPUB, SWF, PNG, JPG, BMP, EMF, SVG, TIFF and SWC (SWF content). Even if you don’t have Microsoft Office installed on your computer, you can still create professional-looking documents that perform all the functions of its applications. Thus, it is a lightweight tool that is able to take advantage of document formats you can already read, such as DOC, DOCX, EPUB, HTML, RTF, TXT and more.
A wide range of functionalities, such as tables and image processing, can be applied in order to make a document look nice. Also, the classes allow you to insert different graphics, such as logos, diagrams, photographs and other elements that can also be transformed. Also, Aspose.Words for.NET can be used to create new documents and documents that can be customized in numerous ways. So, you can work with tables, add headers and footers, add different styles to different parts of the document and more. And it supports Microsoft Word styles in order to format the document. Its components are.NET portable libraries and can be used in other.NET compatible platforms (Python, PHP, Mono), because they are based on the C# or Visual Basic.NET programming languages.
Aspose.Words for.NET Highlights:
1. Powerful automation for.NET developers.
2..NET component to support file reading, editing and conversion.
3. Support the widest range of document formats.
4. Supports Microsoft Word styles to format the document.
Aspose.Words for.NET Features:
1. Convert DOCX, DOC, DOCM, ODP, ODPK, RTF, TXT, HTML, XHTML, PDF, EPUB, HTML, PostScript and many other formats to ODT, RTF and HTML in order to edit the document in Word.
2. Support XPS,

Aspose.Words For .NET

Aspose.Words for.NET is a complete Word document processing library that enables you to read, edit, view, convert, generate and print Word documents from multiple formats such as DOC, RTF, TXT, WordML, ODT, OOXML, XPS, PDF, EPUB, HTML, XHTML, MHTML and other file types that are compatible with Microsoft Word.
It allows you to perform all these operations through the use of its classes. You can use it to read or open any Word document and apply formatting to its text style, create a new document, set page layouts, insert macros, add and edit tables and perform mail merging to create reports.
Aspose.Words for.NET Features:
1. Simultaneously supports all the supported file types that are compatible with Microsoft Word.
2. Interoperable with the.NET Framework. Aspose.Words for.NET is compatible with the.NET Framework 2.0 and higher.
3. Simultaneously supports the support for the following file formats: DOC, RTF, TXT, WordML, ODT, OOXML, XPS, PDF, EPUB, HTML, XHTML, MHTML and other types that are compatible with Word.
4. Aspose.Words for.NET provides component technologies that can be used to render the content of a Word document to popular multimedia formats such as JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, EMF, SVG and SWF. These formats can be used to view the document content on various devices, such as mobile phones, tablets and computers.
5. Allows you to print the content of a document to various options such as a printer, a PDF format, a stack of paper or a notepad.
6. Reads the font style, paragraph alignment, and character spacing of a document.
7. Performs text and paragraph analysis on a document to generate text tables.
8. Generates a report from the content of a document.
9. Consumes or generates various types of data from XML, XSLT, XSD, XSL, HTML and other documents.
10. Allows you to interact with Word files directly from.NET components and converts data between all supported types. Aspose.Words for.NET enables you to use Word file formats for which its library has been designed. For example, it can be used with DOC, RTF, TXT, WordML, ODT, O

Aspose.Words For .NET Free Download

Aspose.Words is a.Net component to manipulate Word file. It allows you to interact with Word documents using a familiar API. All the functionality provided by Aspose.Words for.Net, is available through the API, making it more convenient for developers. For examples, to create or open a document, change its format, insert objects to the document, do simple document manipulation, or transform the text to multiple formats, there are many features available.

Key features :

Interact with Word Documents:

Create a new document:

Select text from documents and create new document for that text or format text with predefined style.

Apply document background color, border style, page orientation, corner radii, header, footer, etc. and define the style of text.

Apply conditional format to all the text of the document.

Define the highlight color for a selected portion of the text.

Underline a certain portion of the text.

Change font style as desired.

Apply bold, italic or underline formatting.

Apply the paragraph style defined in the document.

Change font size, colors and text alignments.

Apply automatic or manual numbering to the paragraph.

Apply letter, sentence and page formatting to the text.

Insert custom shapes into the document.

Insert charts and tables into the document.

Insert hyperlink, hyperlink images, reference or bookmark.

Insert bulleted lists into the document.

Change the table format and define the border, border thickness, cell spacing, fill color, etc.

Export documents to various formats.

Import data from various formats to document.

Handle Word Documents:

Get the document bookmark, no page numbering and automatic background color.

Get the document properties, like name, version, creator, last update time, etc.

Generate document page break.

Render a document content to popular multimedia file types, such as JPG, PNG, TIFF, BMP, EMF, SVG and SWF.

Get the bitmap of the document.

Convert a PDF to XPS, HTML, EMF, PostScript, OOXML, TXT, RTF or other formats.

Convert a DOC to DOCX, RTF or other formats.

Manage Word Documents:

Alter the document text to new text styles or

What’s New In Aspose.Words For .NET?

Aspose.Words for.NET enables.NET developers to incorporate Word document processing capabilities into their applications. The use of this software component is very easy and simple. One of the main advantages of this product is that it is not tied to any development environment, so you can utilize it in a number of different environments, including languages and platforms that are compatible with Microsoft Word, including C#, VB.NET, Python, PHP, Mono, WinForms and WPF. This component doesn’t require an Office license, since it is an off-the-shelf software. It can also be easily included in Visual Studio projects.
One of the important features of Aspose.Words for.NET is that it offers complete access to Word document content through a text-based API. Aspose.Words for.NET classes can be used with different document formats, such as DOC, RTF, TXT, WordML, ODT, OOXML, XPS, PDF, EPUB, HTML, XHTML, MHTML and other file types that are compatible with Microsoft Word.
Additionally, you can use this software component in various scenarios, such as converting an existing document to another format, editing document content, creating reports and generating images from a document. Also, its classes can be used to import and export a variety of types of files, such as PDF, XPS, HTML and JPG.
The components that make up Aspose.Words for.NET provide a wide range of functionality. The library includes three different collections:

Aspose.Words libraries for creating word documents.

Aspose.Words libraries for importing, exporting and saving word documents.

Aspose.Words classes for working with word content.

Among the important features of this component is that it provides very easy to use and powerful APIs that you can incorporate into your.NET applications. You can perform various document operations with just a few lines of code. Additionally, Aspose.Words libraries for.NET are compatible with a wide range of file formats that are based on the XML standard.
Aspose.Words for.NET Features:
Aspose.Words for.NET offers various features that you can incorporate into your applications. Below we will list some of the most important features of this software component.

Document Manipulation

Aspose.Words for.NET can be used to manipulate Word documents in various ways.

It can be used to create new documents, format the text style

System Requirements For Aspose.Words For .NET:

Graphics Settings
– NVidia, AMD, and Intel video cards with 16x anti aliasing
– ATI and nVidia video cards with 16x anisotropic anti aliasing.
– Unity default setting (video settings)
– The game uses the Nvidia Physx engine. Physx works with both Nvidia and AMD video cards.
– Unity default settings
OS: Windows XP 64bit
Windows XP 64bit CPU: Dual-core 3.4Ghz
Dual-core 3.4Ghz RAM–Download.pdf