Adobe-Photoshop-CC-2015-(20150529-r-88)-(32-64Bit)–45 ♚



I have the same problem (code 45) as Raccoo just described. Unfortunately he/she didn’t provide much solution, but I’ll try to describe my problem.
What happens is that I have a PS CC 2015 (no installed older version) and PPW 4.05. My problem is that when I do any action on my image and right click, I don’t get the color panel (code 45). When I check the extension manager, it is installed fine, but when I try to install any other extension, it just says that it is installed fine (no error messages). I followed exactly the instruction of Raccoo but it didn’t work.
I tried to delete PS CC 2015 from my system and reinstall. It worked, for a while. After two weeks I uninstall Photoshop CC 2015 and reinstall it again. The installation is fine, but the extension panel (code 45) still shows up. I tried to uninstall PPW 4.05 (installed by AEM) and reinstall it using the AEM, but no luck.
I uninstalled AEM as well, because I don’t think it is relevant (have no idea why?)
Any one have an idea? I cannot find any solution on the net.

What happens is that I have a PS CC 2015 (no installed older version) and PPW 4.05. My problem is that when I do any action on my image and right click, I don’t get the color panel (code 45). When I check the extension manager, it is installed fine, but when I try to install any other extension, it just says that it is installed fine (no error messages). I followed exactly the instruction of Raccoo but it didn’t work.

Da che maggio mi sono scoperto con la versione CC (quindi non CS5) la versione mini, che è una versione complementare non funziona neanch’io più. Ho trovato che ci sono programmi che ti dicono che non sono compatibili con essa. Qualcosa sbaglia? Io stesso ho trovato la mia con questa versione ma poco fa ho scoperto che questo non è vero. Mi dispiace, ma ieri sono risultato essere un coglione con la versione + aggiornata. Alla fine trovando un’alternativa i ritengo che tutto si risolverà.

You will need to delete Contents/Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite 4.0 ApplicationExtensions.sqlite. It should be in the Adobe folder, which is in (/) directory. If it is not there, then you need to find it. You will need to run it on the command line (Terminal) and just delete the files to do this.
I have the same version of Photoshop as you. I found the real fix is: Go to the CS4 folder of your Adobe folder (I put mine in a folder inside my Applications folder). Inside that folder is a folder called \”Contents\”. Open Contents and look for the file named: \”Adobe Photoshop Creative Suite 4.0 ApplicationExtensions.sqlite.\” Open that file in a text editor.
Not sure if this is still an issue for you but I have the same version of Photoshop CC and my own PPW that was working just fine until recently (perhaps a few days ago) stopped loading correctly and just stays a greyed out background screen with a spinner icon. Deleting the entire folder structure, reloading Photoshop, deleting the folder structure and reloading Photoshop does not work. I am puzzled as to what the difference is now. Everything seemed to be fine a few days ago. The only new thing I did at that time was to upgrade Adobe Extension manager and use the new updated 7.3.5. Why did it not load correctly last week and now not work at all today?
Martin, thank you for your assistance. I tried reinstalling AEM, then reinstalling all Photoshop CC 4 PPWs on my machine, including the trial one, but still get the same problem with the panel. If I could, I’d like to run some more tests, but in the meantime, please accept my best wishes for your family’s happiness.