The Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC) makes it possible to use computations defined in spreadsheet files within normal Java applications. The original spreadsheet files can be created, for example, in Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
AFC reads the spreadsheet files and builds corresponding Java-based formula evaluation engines. Such an engine computes output values given a set of input values.
Take Abacus Formula Compiler for a test drive to fully assess its capabilities!









Abacus Formula Compiler Crack Download [32|64bit] (April-2022)

Abacus Formula Compiler Crack For Windows (AFC) is a software component that allows to define computations in spreadsheet files and to execute the defined computations in a Java application.
The original spreadsheet files can be created in Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.
AFC reads the spreadsheet files and builds corresponding Java-based formula evaluation engines. Such an engine computes output values given a set of input values. The spreadsheet cell formulas are implemented using the Java class Library from the software component abacus-util.
Abacus Formula Compiler Cracked Version Requirements:
For the Java virtual machine, a version of Java 1.4 or higher is necessary. Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc run on Windows systems.
Abacus Formula Compiler Use:
For the more detailed instructions on how to use the software component Abacus Formula Compiler, please refer to the online help file. Please use the following links to download the online help file:
The Abacus Formula Compiler Online Help File
Chapter 1: Installing the Abacus Formula Compiler
1.1. Installation of the Abacus Formula Compiler
The Abacus Formula Compiler can be downloaded from the following web site:
The Abacus Formula Compiler can be installed by opening the install.exe file. This file is available from the downloaded package.
1.2. Installation of the Abacus Formula Compiler for the Java virtual machine
In the first step of the installation you need to activate the Software Activation Server that will be used by the Abacus Formula Compiler. You can do this by following the instructions on the following web site:
1.3. Installing the Abacus Formula Compiler for the Java virtual machine
In the second step of the installation you need to activate the Software Activation Server that will be used by the Abacus Formula Compiler. You can do this by following the instructions on the following web site:
1.4. Upgrade Abacus Formula Compiler
The Abacus Formula Compiler can be upgraded by opening the file that is available from the downloaded package.
Chapter 2: Abacus Formula Compiler Software Component
2.1. Install the Abacus Formula Comp

Abacus Formula Compiler Crack+

KEYMACRO is an ASCII macro program which is used in the Abacus Formula Compiler Activation Code to program common keyboard shortcuts. In the Abacus Formula Compiler these keywords can be used to program shortcuts (e.g. CTRL+B or CTRL+SHIFT+W)

Any application that is primarily used for running Formula Compiler tasks is called Formula Compiler application. The following are the most common examples:
Spreadsheet Editor (SPREADSHEET)
Evaluation (ECL)
Verification (VERIF)
Exploration (EXPL)

Many (but not all) Formula Compiler tasks can be performed through the user interface. However, such user interface is not available by default. If a user tries to perform an unsupported task in a Formula Compiler application, he will be prompted with a message that tells him to try to complete the task through the user interface.
The user interface can be accessed through the following menu items:
File->Tasks->User interface

A Formula Compiler application can include several tasks. Each of those tasks is encapsulated in a task controller. Each task controller is named An example of a task controller, is shown below.
public class TaskController
public final String m_name = “ITEM1”;
private final TaskControllerHelper helper = new TaskControllerHelper();
public double Item1()
if (m_value == 0)
return 0.0;
return m_value;
public double Item1(double Value)
if (m_value == 0)
return 0.0;
return m_value;
public double Item2()
if (m_value == 0)
return 0.0;
return m_value;
public double Item2(double Value)
if (m_value == 0)
return 0.0;
return m_value;
public double[] Item3()
if (m_value == 0)
return new double[0];
return m_value

Abacus Formula Compiler Free Download [Latest]

Written in Java, using AWT components and the Java Class Library, the Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC) is a pure Java implementation of spreadsheet formulas. It enables users to perform computations on data contained in spreadsheets. Unlike existing spreadsheet libraries, it does not contain any spreadsheet-specific components. The idea of this software is to hide spreadsheet-specific code from the developer.
For developers of applications that need to compute formulas, the AFC is a Java-based application that enables spreadsheet formulas to be used as part of an application. Currently, there is only a command line application available. However, the AFC could be embedded in any J2EE application, such as a web application, or even in stand-alone Java applications.
The AFC can be used to implement traditional spreadsheet formulas such as SUM, MAX, MIN and AVERAGE. Also, it can be used to compute formulas from the VBA programming environment.
When a spreadsheet is opened in the AFC, it behaves just like a spreadsheet application, and the developer can control the formulas using the spreadsheet interface.
When the user saves the document, the formulas are stored in a spreadsheet format (i.e. a pure Java format).
When the user opens a previously saved document, the AFC can read the formulas from the saved file and recompute the output values.
As of 1.0.2, there are no restrictions on the spreadsheet file formats that can be read by the AFC. In other words, the AFC can read any spreadsheet file (not just Microsoft Excel files).
Current Version: 1.0.2
This software is available for Windows, but not for Linux or OSX.

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Sep 22, 2018

It is the first major update of the 1.0.x series. It comes with many enhancements, such as:

– Added a new option to skip all of the login page and show the main screen. This feature works by opening a new thread. This thread is blocked until a login window is shown.- Fixed an issue where the current formula would not be retrieved correctly when opening a file with formulas.

The following bugs have been fixed:

– A bug where the formula would not be evaluated when saving the file.
– A bug where the formulas in the formula pane would not

What’s New In Abacus Formula Compiler?

This project’s main goal is to create a high-performance, formula evaluator for the Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC). AFC is the world’s first software program that can evaluate formulas in Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc files.
AFC provides an integrated solution for adding formula language support to existing Java applications. This formula language can be easily used in any Java application that runs on a computer. AFC also includes a Java-based editor, written in Swing, for creating Abacus formulas and spreadsheet files in Microsoft Excel and OpenOffice Calc.
The overall goal of this project is to design and implement a formula evaluation engine that computes the right formula for each possible set of given values. This will result in the shortest time possible to return an output value, for example, the sum of all of the given values, which can then be immediately displayed.
The Engine class of the formula evaluator must be designed and implemented according to the Java SE 7 specification and be able to handle a set of input values.
Two input values are given to the formula evaluator. This is the cell with the formula to evaluate and the value of the cell. Note that the formula to evaluate is a String, not a Cell reference as is used in Excel.
Java programming is used.

Hello, I was recently asked by someone at my office to do some development of a spreadsheet using Java that then can be loaded into an embedded system (like Android/Java). I have never really done much with spreadsheets but that was our customer’s request.
My problem was that I could never find any documentation for excel or openOffice’s formulas… and there is always a lot of the questions “What is the formula for doing this operation, in Excel? In OpenOffice? Etc”
So I created a formula compiler to build a Java class which could load into a program and do the following:
– “Read the spreadsheet into memory”
– “Grow the rows (in memory) so that there are the maximum number of rows given by the customer”
– “Calculate the columns”
– “Set the values of the cells”
Now the problem with my approach is that I have used an approach which is, in general, more cumbersome than the standard Excel/OpenOffice Calc approach.
However, my customer is happy with the speed at which the spreadsheet will be loaded, as well as the fact that it will work on an embedded system and there is not much to be done about it (and no, no server side programming will be involved).
This is the first time I ever touched a spreadsheet program, so any feedback is very welcome!

The Abacus Formula Compiler (AFC) makes it possible to use computations defined in spreadsheet files within normal Java applications. The original spreadsheet files can be created, for example, in Microsoft Excel or OpenOffice Calc.

System Requirements For Abacus Formula Compiler:

OS: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
Processor: 2 GHz dual-core Intel® or AMD® processor
Memory: 1 GB RAM
Graphics: DirectX 9 graphics hardware with a Pixel Shader 3.0-compatible video card
Hard Drive: 40 GB free hard disk space (preferably larger)
Additional Notes:
Operating Systems: Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8 64-bit, Windows 10 64-bit
Operating System Versions: Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8