WebGrapher has two main components: A Web crawler, which crawls a Web site for links and analyzes them; and a grapher, which takes the output of the crawler as input and displays a nicely formatted graph of your Web site.
The grapher must work in conjunction with the Web crawler for the best results. For example, if your Web site contains a link to one of your images, you want the WebGrapher to discover it first, and then add the image to your graph. The graph tool does not “follow” the links in your Web site.
If you have a Web site where the content is organized in a structure similar to a directory structure, WebGrapher can organize your links in a tree view for you.
WebGrapher can also color the nodes of your graph with various attributes of your Web site: whether or not your Web site has a logo, what the name of the Web site is, and if there are any images on your Web site (that’s one of the reasons for the previous sentence).
WebGrapher also allows you to add an automatic date stamp to your graph, based on the dates of the most recent page you have crawled in your Web site.
WebGrapher allows you to highlight any node in your graph by clicking on it with the mouse. You can then add an icon to your graph that links to any page that contains the content you just highlighted.
WebGrapher also allows you to perform an advanced search through your Web site and display your results as a graph, sorted by a number of attributes: name, number of times it was accessed, and what time of day (or night) it was accessed. You can also display a graph of just those pages of your Web site that you think are most important.
WebGrapher is relatively new, and has only been released for a little while. But the developers have done a wonderful job of making it easy to use, and they are working on adding new features all the time.
WebGrapher License:
WebGrapher is Open Source and Free Software. See the WebGrapher Wiki for more information.
You can also download the source code for WebGrapher from the WebGrapher SourceForge page, and view it in a Web browser.
Running WebGrapher:
WebGrapher is available as a simple zip file that you can install to your Web site.
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Most friends communicate with you via a Facebook messenger client or WhatsApp. It is less than ideal to have to log into a multitude of social networks just to talk to your friends.
Blend is the latest messaging platform for phone, PC, and tablet from Google.
Create your own groups
Blend allows you to create your own group chats for private or public groups.
Access your chats and add contacts
Blend comes with a personal chat that you can start with a friend or a professional contact.
Blend Screenshots:

If you would like to ask any question about Blend Group Messenger, let us know in the comments.


Google Duo is another app for video calling and SMS. It is not quite as good as the existing apps, but maybe there is room for improvement.
There is a free version called Duo Lite, and a paid version called Duo.


BlendGroup can easily replace the current Facebook messenger client in your Android phone and is easy to set up.
Have a look at this short video:


Split an array using an instance of a class

Lets say I have a method like this
public void addItems(Item i)

And I have a List list;
How can I use this addItems method in another class and use the List list? I was thinking it would be something like this
public void addItems(Item i)

public void placeItems(Item[] items)

But this of course does not work, I get the error saying

cannot implicitly convert type ‘System.Collections.Generic.List’ to ‘trimble_data_lab.Item’

Is there a way to do this?


You can create an extension method for List, which will allow you to do what you want. This code is untested but should work:
public static void AddItems(this List list, Item[] items)


List has an AddRange method.
