MyTimer is an application which you can use to create custom time-based controls. It is simple to use and comes with a well-designed interface.
Time-based control application
If you are looking for a means to create custom time-based controls for your applications, you can rely on MyTimer. This utility allows you to define timers in terms of date and time.
Allows you to create custom time-based controls
There are two ways to create time-based controls in MyTimer. The first method involves creating a timer and then choosing which tasks to execute with the help of custom actions.
Create custom actions
The second approach involves defining a timer with the help of three basic elements – the timer period, interval, and delay.
Two methods to create custom time-based controls
Custom controls come with a few features, such as timer status and execution. To use them, you can launch MyTimer from a command prompt window and then set the timer using the first method.

MyTimer can be used in a couple of ways, including installing it on your computer to achieve two things: create your own time-based controls and debug applications.
Let’s take a look at what these features can do for you.
Creating custom time-based controls in MyTimer
In the first method, you will need to create a timer with the help of the following parameters:
Timer period
The first thing that you need to do is create a timer period that will be triggered by a particular task.
Timer frequency
You can then set a timer frequency with a click of a button. This button, which can be found on the properties bar, will make you able to control the frequency of the timer.
After that, you can define the time interval that will precede the execution of the task. By default, the length of this interval is 10 seconds.
Timer execution
You can then set the state in which the timer will execute. The various states include On, Off, and Disabled.
Timer status
After defining all the above, you will then be able to debug your application.
Debugging your application
MyTimer allows you to debug applications with the help of custom actions.
Create custom actions
To create custom actions, MyTimer allows you to enter the action name. This action eea19f52d2

Yo Mama Jokes widget is a small, free and simple Widget that will contain 279 random Yo Mama jokes, one every 15 minutes. If you’re looking for Yo Mama jokes related web content, you can browse through the available Yo Mama jokes using the Search function.
Yo Mama Jokes is free to use, but it will only keep a selection of the most popular Yo Mama jokes on your desktop for a week. If you find the service useful, then you may wish to consider purchasing a Pro Account, which gives you more content, more space on your desktop and the ability to embed Yo Mama jokes widgets into your own web site.
Yo Mama Jokes Wallpaper:
Yo Mama Jokes pictures or photos are intended to be used as a desktop wallpaper. They will display on all major desktop operating systems and mobile devices as well.
Yo Mama Jokes is the latest “Yo Mama Jokes” widget to come to my website. You can see the previous versions at:
Yo Mama Jokes Widget
What’s New in Version 2.1:
– Previous versions of Yo Mama Jokes Widget downloaded from my website will not work on version 2.0 and above. Please update.
– Hopefully, the issue with the Facebook social widgets on version 2.0 and above will be resolved, but in case it isn’t, you can use your own custom Facebook social widget instead of the Yo Mama Jokes Widget.
– If you are not a Facebook member, then you can become a member and change the URL of your Facebook account from to
– If you’re on a mobile device, then you can use the Yo Mama Jokes app. It’s available for both Android and iOS. The app version can be found on the Apple App Store and Google Play.
– Many bugs have been fixed and there have been improvements made to make Yo Mama Jokes Widget more robust and easy to use.
– Yo Mama Jokes Widget is designed to provide you with 279 of the most popular Yo Mama jokes on your desktop. It is not my intention for you to steal Yo Mama jokes, use Yo Mama jokes for commercial purposes or use Yo Mama jokes in a way that violates any of the rules that apply to other web content. If you do decide to copy Yo Mama jokes, then please do so legally and share Yo Mama jokes with your friends. Yo Mama Jokes Widget is a free service and no registrationаёаё‡аёаёјаё±аёѓаёа№ња№ђаёєа/