Analogue Alarm Clock is a professional software application that places an analog clock on your screen while allowing you to customize it and set up multiple alarms.
Intuitive looks
The analog clock can be moved to the desired desktop area using the drag-and-drop support. You can access the program’s features by performing a right-click mouse operation on the clock.
Plenty of configuration settings to play with
Analogue Alarm Clock gives you the possibility to automatically run the utility at Windows startup, make the clock remain on top of other windows, run it with low priority, as well as enable or disable the beep sound upon startup/exit.
What’s more, you can pick the position of the clock on the desktop (left-top, left-bottom, right-top, or right-bottom), display the second hand of the clock, play chimes every hour (you may upload custom WAV files from your computer), and reveal the date. Plus, you may pick the position of the date, select the date format, and customize the text in terms of font type, size, and color.
The application lets you choose between different system tray icons and change the skin of the clock by selecting from various preset options or download some more from the Internet.
Mouse interaction with the clock and other customization options
You are allowed to make the clock remain clickable (mouse click operations are not triggered through the clock’s main window), activate the “click-through” mode, or combine both modes. Additionally, you may alter the clock size, adjust its transparency, as well as make it clickable after a user-defined number of seconds.
Setting up alarms
Analogue Alarm Clock empowers you to configure a new alarm by providing details about its name, entering the time, and setting up the recurrence parameters. Furthermore, you may embed a custom test message, add an audio file (WAV) from your system, alter the volume and opt for a gradual wake, display full-screen animation when playing the alarms, as well as wake the computer from hibernation and standby mode.
An overall efficient clock and time management app
To sum things up, Analogue Alarm Clock comes bundled with a rich suite of configuration settings for helping you check out the time and set up alarms, and is suitable for all types of users, regardless of their experience level.
Analogue Alarm Clock is a professional software application that places an analog clock on your eea19f52d2

* Manual Reset Option: 

Clicking on the flag icon on the right side of the task bar when the application is open, will reset the timer to zero.  To restart the timer, click the pencil icon and enter the time.

* Import/Export data via CSV (file) & Excel (file)

The Harvest Widget provides the ability to save and import the data to your computer in two different ways.
For CSV, you can click the “Export to CSV” button on the toolbar.  The Export window will then display the fields from the task you chose.  Simply export the task by choosing the “OK” button and enter a file name.
For Excel, the Harvest Widget can export the tasks to an Excel file.  Simply select the “Export to Excel” button on the toolbar.  A dialog box will then display, allowing you to choose the fields you wish to export.  Once the file has been saved, you can open it in Excel and import the data.  Simply choose the “Import from Excel” button on the Harvest Widget dialog box.  When the import is complete, the dialog box will close, and you will be back in Harvest Widget.

* Options

The “Options” button on the toolbar allows you to access settings, view the help screen, and make modifications to Harvest Widget.  These options are accessible via the menu.

In the settings window, you can:
* Turn “Task Timer” on or off.  Once the task timer is on, Harvest Widget will stop time automatically when you close the application.
* Set your local time to GMT time.
* Set the time range for your account.  After this is set, the Harvest Widget will only include tasks within the time frame set.
* Set the Task List to display a different view of the list.
* Set the Task View to display the Task List in an organized manner.

The help screen provides the following:

* Run the Harvest Widget tutorial
* Updates

There is also a “?” button on the toolbar, which will lead to a dialog box.  Here you can:
* Change the notification settings for your Harvest account.
* Add a new account via the Import Wizard.
* Export data from the Harvest Widget to a CSV (file) or Excel (file).

Once you have logged in to Harvest Widget and