Back up your data! With Iperius Backup, it’s easy and convenient. Just select the folders you want to back up, and it’s ready to go.
Full backup: Backup the whole folder on your computer.
Incremental backup: Backup only the files that have been modified since the last backup.
Different backup methods: Choosing one of the three backup methods, you can customize your backup in different ways.
Zip archive: Create ZIP archives.
File exclusion: Don’t backup those files, folders or even images.
User defined file extensions: Filter out files by extensions.
In-built scheduling: Pre-defined time for daily, weekly, monthly backup schedules.
PDF archive: Protect your files with a password.
Email notifications: Get notified immediately when the backup is done.
Exclude files: Protect your files by excluding some of them.
Standard license: If you want to backup some folders repeatedly, it’s more cost effective to purchase a standard license.

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This software uses cookies in order to provide you with the best user experience. By continuing to use this site, you consent to the placement of cookies on your device. If you want to change your settings, please refer to the cookie section of our Privacy Policy.Hyperkalemia-induced ventricular fibrillation in a newborn with Bardet-Biedl syndrome.
We report a case of a preterm newborn with Bardet-Biedl syndrome who developed severe hyperkalemia. This was accompanied by cardioinhibitory responses, a reduction in left ventricular compliance and complete electrical asystole. During the episode, sustained and nonsustained ventricular fibrillation occurred. Extensive and appropriate treatment was used. The present case indicates that patients with Bardet-Biedl syndrome are at risk for the development of hyperkalemia with potentially fatal ventricular arrhythmias and a low cardiac output. The authors stress the need to be aware of this possible complication in order to administer appropriate treatment.Q:

Does the Banach-Tarski paradox imply there is no set of the cardinality of continuum?

The question is in the title. The set of eea19f52d2

Turn your PC into a torchlight by maximizing the screen’s brightness
The app can be downloaded and installed from the Windows Store, and it works by adjusting the brightness level. To fully take advantage of it, make sure to switch to full screen mode by clicking the first button displayed on the upper-right corner of the window.
To adjust the brightness between 0 (darkest) and 100 (lightest) you can either click and drag the slider with your mouse button or use the left and right arrow keys. While moving the slider, you can check out the current brightness level in a tooltip.
Make the screen red, blue, pink or yellow instead of white
The application has additional colors available (the brightest color being shown at level 100), which can be displayed by right-clicking anywhere on the window or by clicking the burger button on the upper-left corner to select App commands: R for red, B for blue, P for pink, Y for yellow, and W to return to white.
Simplistic and practical app for creating a light source
TorchLight isn’t filled with rich options or customization settings. However, it’s more useful that it initially looks like. For example, if you typically work on the laptop at night and turn off the lights in your room, then you can temporarily brighten up the place by just launching this application and maximizing the level of brightness instead of reaching the light switch of your room.

The app can be downloaded and installed from the Windows Store, and it works by adjusting the brightness level. To fully take advantage of it, make sure to switch to full screen mode by clicking the first button displayed on the upper-right corner of the window.

To adjust the brightness between 0 (darkest) and 100 (lightest) you can either click and drag the slider with your mouse button or use the left and right arrow keys. While moving the slider, you can check out the current brightness level in a tooltip.

Make the screen red, blue, pink or yellow instead of white

The application has additional colors available (the brightest color being shown at level 100), which can be displayed by right-clicking anywhere on the window or by clicking the burger button on the upper-left corner to select App commands: R for red, B for blue, P for pink, Y for yellow, and W to return to white.

Simplistic and practical app for creating a light source

TorchLight isn’t filled with