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The FMLN is one of many insurgent parties that organize in El Salvador. The FMLN was formed in 1969 as a group of army deserters and working-class soldiers, who were light years apart politically from their own liberal base. Such “radicalization” inevitably brought the need to implement a correct ideological and programmatic-strategic line based on Marxism-Leninism-Maoism – instead of the program and policy of the liberal organizations and parties of the right, such as the Democratic Liberation Front of Salvador and the Christian Democratic Front of Salvador. The differences between these two parties led to differences in the campaign viewpoint, even to the use of different guerrilla tactics (i.e. weapons, etc.).

Secondly, the problem of national unity, which extends beyond the question of class struggle and the fight for socialism, is a decisive factor in the question of the political change and achievement of national power for the people of El Salvador. In relation to this, the contemporary revolutionary forces of El Salvador have systematically (since 1975) made the use of the slogan and tactic of total war, as a component of the revolutionary guerilla struggle. This is because the problem of national unity underlies the question of power and leads us to a concrete and practical issue of class rule and socialism. A correct resolution of this question is therefore inseparably linked to the correct resolution of the other fundamental problems of the Salvadoran revolution, such as the relationship between the working class and the peasantry, between the oppressed masses and the guerrillas, the question of women, the question of national education, and so forth.

Thirdly, the manner in which this particular national liberation struggle relates to the struggle of oppressed peoples is one of the most crucial and most difficult aspects of the question of the struggle for socialism.

It’s a true fact that a house is judged by their friends. As long as your friends are happy and encouraging, your house is okay. But if your friends become unhappy, they will turn against you. This is the tricky part of the game. You have to find ways and means to make friends that are your friends, not just housemates. You should also ask them for money, supplies and more. You can ask your friends to join you in different challenges and races, or you can do these together with your friends. the currency is the best place to look for. Try to keep reputation with them. This will be a great help in deciding your housemate later in the game.
