Order Chaos 2: Redemption Hack Runes And Unlimited Gold


Order Chaos 2: Redemption Hack Runes And Unlimited Gold

The Aghoru System was finally admitted to Imperial Compliance in 2160. However, the planet had already been settled by the Disciples of Horus prior to the Battle of Aghoru, and remains under their authority. The Disciples live outside of the Compliance boundaries and remain independent, but the planet is independent of the Imperium.

The disfate of a world is a terrible thing for its people. Many have agonized over the fact that their home planet has been cast down from the sky to the status of a radioactive ruin. Some speculate that the planet is hidden, and will one day be returned as a nothing but twisted ruin for all to see. Shrike is only like this because of its residents, who inhabit and protect it and its inhabitants.

Despite their millennia of struggle to obtain Shrike, the Imperials came to realise that they couldn’t simply colonise the place immediately because of several factors. First, the planet is literally a disaster area. A relatively small portion of the planet’s surface is currently habitable, with a mere 14 km2 of land mass left untouched – the remaining surface has been eroded away by seas of molten rock and volcanic material. The planet is further doomed by its horrendously distributed population. About half of the planet’s population of 46,000 souls live in a single settlement, the city of Desolation.

While taking these factors into account, the Imperials set out to colonise the planet. A settlement was established at the only part of the planet’s surface that remained habitable, an area of ice-free land in the northern hemisphere. However, it took them almost six years to reach this point, by which time they had already lost a great deal of their resources. Many of the imperial settlements were set up on the less populated edges of the planet, closer to the remnant main city. This left a huge gap in the settlements, but by this point of time Shrike had only a population fraction the size of the original. Most of the settlements established by the imperials were set up for the sake of trade.


