Masti Express Hindi Dubbed Mp4 Fixed 🖳


Masti Express Hindi Dubbed Mp4

Onboard, Rahul meets Sweta, Neetu, Boman and Bobby. When he tries to leave the train, Neetu, Bobby and Boman are kidnapped, but Sweta and Neetu are rescued by the driver, Ram, and the train continues its journey. Investigations lead to a connection between the kidnapping and Neetu’s recent divorce. Neetu discovers that Rahul had been going to meet her in Goa, and therefore changed plans and took the train instead, forgoing the ashes. Meanwhile, the villains elect an acting President, their leader Harry. Neetu reveals that she and her detectives had been following Harry since their encounter ten days earlier. They had also been to Kalyan and witnessed what looked like an assassination attempt on Harry. Neetu also reveals that a senior police officer named KK knows that Neetu and Rahul are romantically involved. However, through sheer luck, they are able to apprehend Harry as he is about to ditch the train at Bandra, but are forced to leave the train at Bandra station, when KK, who runs a VIP security service, offers to leave them alone if they leave the train.

On his own, the station employee boards the train. After filming a short film for KK’s client Ravichandran, one of the criminals, who was trying to escape from the train, gets separated from the others. He convinces Ram to take him. As the train moves away from the station, Ram discovers him and lands the train on a nearby flat car in order to thwart the crime. Ravichandran escapes. KK then reveals that he loves Sweta, and thus, he did not stop the kidnapping of Neetu and Bobby because of their relationship. KK flees, while KK’s girlfriend Maya spots KK and escapes. She then takes a ticket for the next train, and attempts to get off, but the train continues on without her.

Rahul and the others go to the police, but they in turn ignore them. The train arrives at Pune station, and they board it to leave the train in an attempt to interrogate the steam engine driver.
